
The Candy Catastrophe

By: Svea Wagner

A 14-year-old girl named Keira is going on a summer vacation to New Jersey with her family. When they had arrived at their cabin in New Jersey, they unpacked their suitcases and put on their swimming suits. After the beach, they went to a very fancy restaurant to celebrate their first night in New Jersey.  The next day was Keira's parents’ date day,  so they had expected Keira to babysit her little brother Ajay.  Ajay hated being babysat because he thought he was too old. Ajay was only 7 years old, so there was no way he would be wandering all around New Jersey without any acquaintances. While at the beach they got a bit hungry, so they went to the nearest restaurant to get something to eat. They ate all of their food, so they are no longer hungry. They went back to the beach and splashed in the water and made an amazing sand castle as tall as themselves. They had so much fun at the beach. So, they decided to go back to the beach the next day. Keira was also babysitting Ajay that day. 

But the second day felt a bit different like there was some sort of magic in the air. Keira and Ajay didn’t care though. Keira was sunbathing while Ajay was playing in the water. Well, Keira thought he was playing in the ocean, but when she looked up to go get Ajay he was nowhere to be seen. Keira was looking all over for him but she couldn’t find him. She looked in the carnival, the games booth, and even their cabin. But she couldn’t find him! At the end of the day, she had to go back to the cabin and had to tell her parents about what had happened that day. So, she told her parents, but surprisingly they weren’t all that mad! They just told her that they will look for him the next day, and to get some sleep.

But how could she sleep when her little brother was somewhere (maybe even getting eaten alive) out wandering around New Jersey!

The next day had finally arrived, and Keira had gotten no sleep at all. The family went to go look for Ajay. They split up so they could cover more ground. Keira started looking for Ajay, but instead of finding Ajay, she found this amazing world made of candy! Keira walked inside this mysterious land. Keira thought she was dreaming because she didn’t get any sleep the night before. But she wasn’t. She went inside the magic land because she thought it would be where Ajay was hiding! Because he LOVES candy. But when Keira arrived  inside, she saw this huge octopus man with arms as big as the  Burj Khalifa

(The world's tallest artificial structure is the 829.8-metre-tall (27,22 ft) Burj Khalifa in Dubai (of the United Arab Emirates). The building gained the official title of "tallest building in the world" and the tallest self-supported structure at its opening on January 9, 2010). She saw the giant octopus monster was trying to destroy the whole world.

“ OMG! I need to find Ajay as soon as I can before he gets killed by this giant octopus monster!” Keira thought to herself.

The evil octopus monster swung his arm at Keira and hit her right in the face. Good thing Keira takes karate because if she didn’t, she would probably be dead! After Keira got up off of the floor she was darting a little nearby granny flat. In the granny flat, there was a little old woman. 

“Hey! Aren’t you the little old witch from Hansel and Gretel?” Keira yelled.

“Oh my goodness! No no no! I’m just a little old witch that looks like  Rosina Leckermaul, but I am actually the witch of the west from The Wizard Of Oz!” exclaimed the little witch.

“Oh! Water! I need to put water on her she melts to death!” Thought Keira

“Umm… I hate to ask but may I please have a glass of water?” Asked Keira

“But of course my dear,” exclaimed the Witch of the West

“Thank you!” Keira said 

“Why you are most welcome!” said the witch.

As soon as Keira got the glass of water she poured the water on the witch and the witch started melting to death just like in the movie.

“YES!!!” cried Keira “The witch is dead!”

Keira rushed out of the little cabin and saw the gingerbread man? The gingerbread man squealed,


The gingerbread man thought Keira was chasing him but she wasn’t. So Keira kept on her quest to find her brother. While on the road Keira saw Little Red Riding Hood. 

Little Red Riding Hood asked Keira what she was looking for and Keira told her that she was looking for her little brother. Little Red Riding Hood told Keira that she was going the right way.

“All you need to do is follow the yellow brick road and then you will soon arrive at the king’s castle. That is probably where your brother is.”

“Oh thank you so much Little Red Riding Hood! And remember don’t talk to strangers!” Keira yelled in excitement.

Keira started following the yellow brick road when she saw a pile of straw, and then a pile of sticks, and then a brick house. They were the three little pigs! Keira said hello to the three little pigs, and had some wolf soup (that they made from the wolf that tried to eat the pigs) and went on her way, following the yellow brick road to the castle. 

When Keira arrived at the castle she saw a huge door. When she rang the bell to open the door, a huge draw bridge fell over the lake so that she could pass through the water. Keira went inside the castle. When she got inside the castle she saw the most exquisite furniture and thrones made of pure gold and diamonds. In the thrones sat the king and queen of the candy kingdom. Keira said hello to the king and queen, and she had told them what she was there for.

“I’m terribly sorry to disturb your ‘sitting in throne time’, but I have seemed to have lost my brother, and thought that maybe you have seen him?” asked Keira.

“What does this young gentleman look like?” asked the king.

“Well he has dark hair and his name is Ajay,” explained Keira. 

“Oh yes, we have!” said the queen. “But he is now a giant octopus. I think you have seen him.”

“How did he become an octopus?” asked Keira. 

“Well, he came in and was asking to stay the night because he was running away from his family. We politely declined the request because he was being very foolish and we do not like misfits. Your little brother got so upset and mad that we didn’t let him stay, that he is now a giant octopus!” cried the queen in terror.

“Thank you so much, But I do have to go get my brother now. Thank you again for being so kind!” Keira said with joy.

Keira rushed out of the palace in search of her brother.

“I like her!” said the king. “Such fine ladies like her shall be rewarded with jewels! We will mail her some jewels! This is an amazing idea!” exclaimed the king.

When Keira found the giant octopus she started climbing up its legs and started giving it a big hug.

“Oh my word! What are you doing?” asked the giant octopus.

“I’m giving you a hug because I love you!” said Keira. “I love you because you are so sweet and kind!”

The octopus was confused.

“Nobody has ever said that to me before!” cried the octopus in surprise.

“Doesn’t it feel good to get such a wonderful compliment?” asked Keira.

“Why yes, it does!” said the octopus.

The octopus was becoming smaller. Keira started complimenting him more.

“You are so beautiful! You are amazingly exquisite! You are my favourite!” Keira told the giant octopus.

The octopus was finally Ajay again. 

“Oh Ajay, I missed you so much!” cried Keira.

“W-what just happened?” asked Ajay confused.

“Oh, I’ll tell you when we get back to the cabin. And I promise I will NEVER have you out of my sight again!” said Keira in an exhausted voice.

When they got home, their parents were there and looking for both Ajay and Keira.

“Oh, my darlings. I am so happy to see you! Where were you guys? And how did you find Ajay?” cried their mother.

“It’s a long story I’ll tell you tomorrow after a good night’s sleep,” explained Keira.

In the morning Keira told both Ajay and her parents about what had happened.

April 23, 2020 18:13

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✰ Jessica ✰
18:07 Apr 30, 2020

I like how this story is a compilation of a lot of childhood fairy tales.


Svea Wagner
20:28 Jun 02, 2020

Thanks! I love reading my little sister some of these fairytales just before she goes to sleep. It is one of the best parts of my day. :D


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