1. WWDBD: What Would Doc Brown Do?
2. Polaroid picture of yourself surrounded by immediate family members
3. Men’s lightweight packable puffer jacket in red
4. Pick-up lines proven to work on Margot Robbie (P.S. Make sure the writing room has determined that these really work, no time to waste here)
5. If Rachel McAdams is your wife in an alternate timeline, don’t screw up that timeline—also, why is Rachel McAdams always the wife in every modern time travel movie?
6. Penlight for inspecting surroundings in the closet or cupboard
7. Reminder sticky note, “Do Not Predict Eclipses.” This should be self-explanatory
8. No trying to get back ex-girlfriends. (Exception permitted for Margot Robbie). This should be self-explanatory. Remember: “Lesson Number One: All the time traveling in the world can't make someone love you."
9. Time loop repellant spray. This should be self-explanatory
10. Remember: Time loops never end well
11. “I’ve spent years working on time travel. And no matter how much the world doubted me or how many relationships I’ve had to sacrifice, it would all be worth it when I proved everyone wrong,” is always a good speech to give before your first time travel experiment.
12. Remember to leave video messages for yourself and/or send yourself letters in a pinch
13. Do not misplace your portal gun!
14. Everything is going to need to be perfect
15. Remember, if time travel is possible, you still can’t change the past – it already happened!
16. Never underestimate the small things, or doubt for a moment that the small things are everything
17. Don’t misplace your portal gun!
18. Why can’t someone change the past?
19. Beware time amnesia. You won’t remember this, but if you experience time amnesia, you may be in a Rom-Com
20. “I can deal with the best night of my life” is also a clue that you may be in a Rom-Com
21. Rules of time travel Rom-Coms: Rule #1 - No family members; no exceptions – especially younger versions of mom.
22. “How many times have we been here,” is code for you are in a time loop
23. Do not expect a 12-year-old, bullied, asthmatic sixth grader to adopt “Leading Man Ryan Reynolds” hero abilities in the First Act
24. No phone booths. I mean it. Trust me on this
25. You should go back to your own time—always a good idea
26. “What are you not telling me?”
27. Keep a journal of times and places in case you need to make past dates with your future wife. Highly recommended
28. Directions to create a time travel device if yours gets lost in an era when time travel hasn’t been invented yet a/k/a “Dude Where’s My Car”
29. Remember: Do get killed, don’t get captured
30. Never underestimate Meg Murry
31. If Scott Pilgrim never hooks up with Ramona Flowers, he won’t have to battle the Seven Evil Exes
32. Don’t pass notes in class
33. Don’t pass notes identifying the date of one’s death – especially in thunderstorms when lightning is about to strike the Clock Tower
34. This is what makes time travel possible, the flux capacitor. Obviously
35. When explaining why you avoided the circumstances of your own death, always say, “I figured, what the hell!”
36. If at any time time-traveling dwarves, Terry Gilliam, and Sean Connery cross paths, just go with it
37. Also when Terry Gilliam, Bruce Willis, and Brad Pitt team up for a psychological drama—hang on to your seat
38. No one is going to believe the line, “I have a genetic anomaly.” Just saying
39. Grandfather paradoxes are for amateurs
40. Don’t misplace your portal gun!
41. The butterfly effect is very real
42. Repairing time leaks is a precarious business
43. Competing against your future self can be harder than it might seem at first
44. Don’t go back in time and see your dead mother—trust me on this one
45. The middle seat gets both armrests
46. Keep your shoes on
47. Switch seats if someone asks you
48. Be nice to the TTA officials and make sure your timeport is up to date, you don’t want to find out what happens in the interrogation room
49. AI Librarians can give useful information on the inner workings of time travel
50. The world doesn’t need any more engineers; also, time dilation is a bitch
51. Even if nothing can change the past, you can still change the future
52. Any time a knight travels to the future, don’t let his manners fool you
53. Life’s a mixed bag, no matter who you are
54. Paris is always a good idea
55. Try not to fanboy Ernest Hemingway
56. No really, it’s embarrassing
57. Hollywood Screen Writers married to Rachel McAdams should stick with Rachel McAdams; just saying
58. There’s a reason you broke up with Alexandra Daddario
59. New Year’s Eve is always tricky
60. “You and I are friends in the future, when you are a lady,” is always a good line
61. “You’ve always said you wished you met me earlier. Well, here I am,” is also a good opener
62. Time-traveling babies are no bueno
63. Do not kill your older self, particularly if your older self is a gracefully aging but angry-looking Bruce Willis look-alike; this will only create a vicious cat-and-mouse game leading to a bunch of nasty time paradoxes
64. Never cheat on a woman with her younger self
65. Avoid bildungsroman cliches, but if you use them, skateboarding youth should always graduate to Ford F-150s, not Toyota SR5s – very important
66. Bring time-period appropriate attire—not by Calvin Klein
67. Reminder sticky note, “You can’t kill Hitler or shag Helen of Troy”
68. WWDBD: What Would Doc Brown Do?
69. “69 dudes!”
70. Reminder sticky note, “Preventing the assassination of JFK might be in the cards”
71. Reminder sticky note, “Avoid traveling down alternate timelines”
72. Stay away from women walking in the rain – this is a tragedy trope – stay far, far away
73. No tag-a-longs or hitchhikers, this is not Highway 66 (yes, especially women walking in the rain, or serial killers [also extremely bad])
74. Preventing World War III is harder than it looks
75. Time, it catches up with us all
76. Stay clear of time zombies
77. What happens at the Lake House stays at the Lake House
78. “And, party on, dudes!”
79. Remember: We are all traveling through time together
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Loved this! Not really about time travel but you thought of eeeverything! I've seen many of the movies you refer to so the jokes were not lost on me. Very clever.
I love the practical advice with pop culture references
“why is Rachel McAdams always the wife in every modern time travel movie?,” there’s a small pool of women in the Venn diagram for people willing to date time travelers and Rachel McAdams happens to be most of them.
80. Never mess with Ted/John Wick/Neo, unless you happen to be Randal Park in that timeline.
It was creative, chaotic and funny
Love the use of repetitions! Humorous and chaotic are things I never thought would apply to a list. Great ending too!
Some of ur lines made laugh...
Thanks Rose!
Where do you find the time? :-)
Thanks for the smiles.
Thanks Trudy!
What a trip!
Thanks Mary!