In control

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



"You know it is the wrong choice samara. Not a single good thing has come from us running into the unknown. Remember what had happened when a certain child spotted us whilst we were at a park in Maryland? We had just relocated and you messed it up. Just as you have done most of your time on this earth. You should have warned me that the child whose form I took was looking."

"SHUT UP!" I yelled. It was as if I had spat fire from my mouth with my words because now the whole train was staring. Whispers filled the train and I could see every word, which was helpful in my case since I was deaf. Many of the rude sentences were dripping with red, which usually meant that the words were spoken with malice or annoyance. Seeing as the words dripped, it was malice.

I have a condition which allows me to see thoughts and feeling as if some higher being typed them into thin air. The ability in itself is sensational, although it comes with some... baggage you could say. There is a very irritating spirt of sorts connected to my consciousness. It has no name, I choose not to speak to it so therefore it does not need a name. There are very rare times where the being can be useful and make itself present in our realm of being. It takes on a random form it sees nearby. The reason for the beings previous annoyance was because I am returning home. Which is a place I haven't been in over twelve years. I Ran away from home at fourteen, my family couldn't accept my condition and I decided to run from home.

My train was nearing the station and I could feel the fear creeping up my legs and into my chest. Then I realized that it wasn't the fear creeping up my leg. Suddenly all of the sentences turned purple, which meant fear. I looked down to see a black girthy hand sliding around my leg. Jerking myself out of the seat, I shook my leg aggressively. There was no movement from the hand, the grip tightened and the fear turned to searing pain. Screams escaped my mouth as I fell to the floor of the train. I grabbed and clawed at my leg in desperation. The others on the train all started pulling the emergency breaks. No luck, all that did was cause alarms to go off. The hand let go of my leg, leaving a sizeable divot where the hand was. I stood up and ran to stand in front of the other passengers. "Someone get the conductor!" I yelled out behind me. "Listen, it is my life! My body! If I wish to go home you have no say in what I do. All you are is some irritating ghost with to much time on its hand." It was not very pleased with my inquiry of its wrongdoings, because the hand started melting into the ground and then rising as a man. Not an ordinary man though. This man had no face, no features, just a giant pitch-black man. The being had never tried to rebel before, why was it so scared of going home?

"Why can't I go home? Its been twelve years! I want to see my family." I questioned it. "You don't understand samara. You don't remember what they did! You were too young to remember. I won't let them hurt you again."

I stared at it in disbelief. My family had never hurt me. All my life it toyed with me, messed with my head, and terrified me as a child. The only person who would hurt me is it. "I refuse to listen to you." It reached out from across the train with one black long arm and jerked a small little girl with auburn hair to its side. A woman jumped forward in an attempt to grab her but fell to the ground. "HAILEY!" the woman yelled out in agony. Her words dripped blue. "Come here samara and I will not hurt her." I could see the child's thoughts. They were dripping purple. Which means traumatic fear. That little girl will never be the same after today. If she even comes out alive. Tears flowed from her face as she delivered heartbreaking words, "Mommy please help me." with its other hand, the creature reached over a grabbed a handful of my long black hair. I knew I should have cut it. The creature started pulling on my hair, attempting to get me over there with it. I reached into my shirt and pulled out the pocketknife I carry for safety and cut the limb off. An inhuman shriek came from the creature's mouth as the remains of the limb hurriedly scurried back to it. Almost immediately the creature's arm coiled around the girl's neck, and then squeezed until you could hear a sickening snap. After the snap, there was not much silence after. The air was filled with the sick laughter of the creature mixed with the heart-shattering sobs of a devastated mother. I turned a saw the woman in a ball on the floor. Here thoughts were everywhere, yet there was only one sentence. 'my baby' Those words filled the train. They were dripping black. I had never seen that before. I had no idea what she was thinking. Only that her emotions were extremely strong.

"You should have just done as I said samara. We are not going home."

"YES.WE.ARE" I shove my hands outward and all of the fear, all of the words, all of the passengers, and even the train itself jerked itself forward. Then everything froze. I looked at my hands and saw the blackness attached to them. That extreme power that was just demonstrated, it wasnt me. I had not won. At that moment I realized, that I am no longer in control and that at this point, we're not going home.

June 30, 2020 23:11

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