Adventure Friendship

The date was coming in close for the 5th annual cookie exchange for the Drury Street neighborhood. The tradition started when the HOA decided that it would be great for all of the neighbors to communicate and start new friendships with the exchange of cookies. The Sampson family was going to bring in the same cookies that they have baked for the past four cookie exchanges, snickerdoodle cookies. Mrs. Sampson was the cook of the Sampson family and always made delicious cookies for the neighborhood, but she didn’t bake the cookies just for the exchange. She was hiding a deep secret from her husband.

A few days later, Mrs. Sampson started to bake her delicious snickerdoodle cookies.

“Mom, what are you making?” asked Joey, Mrs. Sampson’s son.

“Oh, I’m just baking the same cookies that I always bake for the cookie exchange.” She replied.

“I completely forgot about that, when is it?”

“It’s tonight at 7 o’ clock.”

“Do I really have to go Mom?”

“Yes sweetie, and I want you clean and showered for the event.”

Just as Joey was done talking to his mom about what she was making, Mr. Sampson walked in from his day at work.

“Ooh, what are you making?” Mr. Sampson said, taking a giant smell of the air.

“Just some cookies for the cookie exchange. I’m excited to go and see the Wheeler family.”

“Oh, alright. But I thought you disliked Mrs. Wheeler.” replied Mr. Sampson confusedly.

“I never disliked her, her and I are great friends.” Mrs. Sampson explained quickly.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes I am, now go get undressed and ready, we have to leave in an hour.”

Mr. Sampson headed upstairs to go get ready. As soon as he was out of earshot, Mrs. Sampson went on her phone and called Mr. Wheeler. Mrs. Sampson had always hated Mrs. Wheeler, but she also had a thing for her husband. She had been sneakily going behind Mr. Sampson’s back when he is at work and going to see Mr. Wheeler. She planned to go and see him again at the cookie exchange.

“Hello?” answered Mr. Wheeler.

“Hey” said Mrs. Sampson in a flirtatious way. “I was thinking, maybe do you want to sneak off during the cookie exchange and go have some “fun”?”

“Oh, I would love to, I would just have to tell my wife that I need to use the restroom, she’ll be clueless.”

Alright then, I’ll see you later tonight.”

And with that, Mrs. Sampson hung up the phone. She checked on her cookies, and noticing that they are done, pulled them out of the oven. She quickly plated them and covered them then rushed upstairs to go get changed. She went into her closet and picked out a sleek but dangerous dress with some matching heels. She wanted to make herself presentable to Mr. Wheeler.

Thirty minutes later, it was time for the Sampson family to leave their house and head to the neighborhood clubhouse.

“Joey, come down here so I can see how you dressed.” yelled Mrs. Sampson.

“Alright, coming Mom!” Joey yelled back.

Joey went down the stairs and before he could make it to the bottom Mrs. Sampson said

“Go change that shirt right now, there’s stains all over it”

Joey ran back upstairs and changed his shirt. He went back downstairs and with his mother’s approval, didn’t have to change again. The Sampson family left their house and drove the two minutes it took to go to the clubhouse. When they arrived, they noticed that almost the whole neighborhood was there. They rushed inside as not to be late.

Once inside, they placed their plate of cookies amongst the other plates on the long table.

“Mom, can I go and find my friends?” Joey asked.

“Sure, but you better answer your phone if I call you.”

“Yes, Mom.”

Joey ran off, weaving in and out of people to find his friends.

“I’m going to talk to some of the other families, see if they want to do anything during the summer.” Mr. Sampson said.

“Alright, I’ll just be wandering around.” Replied Mrs. Sampson, fully knowing that it was a lie.

Mrs. Sampson went straight to the bathroom to meet up with Mr. Wheeler. Once she got inside of the bathroom, Mr. Wheeler was waiting in there for her.

“It’s so nice to see you again. I can’t remember the last time that we met.” said Mr. Wheeler.

“Neither can I.” Mrs. Sampson said.

“Are you sure your husband won’t find us in here?” Mr. Wheeler asked worryingly as they have never met up when Mr. Sampson and Mrs. Wheeler was near them.

“Yes, I’m sure, now let’s start.”

Just as Mr. Wheeler and Mrs. Sampson were about to start their fun, Mr. Sampson burst open the door.

“I knew something was up!” Mr. Sampson exclaimed.

“No, babe it’s not what it looks like!” Mrs. Sampson said.

“No, it’s exactly what it looks like. You know what, we’re done and I want you out of my house. I don’t care how you do it or who does it, but I want you and all of your things out!” Mr. Sampson argued back.

“Please no!” cried Mrs. Sampson.

Mr. Sampson left the bathroom in a hurry.

“Joey come on, you and I are leaving.”

“But why?”

“I’ll explain later, just get in the car.”

Mr. Sampson and Joey left the clubhouse and headed back to their house. Once home, they waited for Mrs. Sampson to come home and Mr. Sampson was going to have her explain to Joey what happened.

“Do you want to tell Joey what happened?” Mr. Sampson asked Mrs. Sampson.

“Well, you see Joey, I made a big mistake, and now I have to suffer the consequences of my actions. I just want you to know that whatever happens, I love you very much.” Mrs. Sampson said through tears.

“Great, now get your things and leave.”

Mrs. Sampson headed upstairs and packed all of her bags. Once she finished, she went back downstairs and said goodbye to Joey. Mrs. Sampson turned around and left her home. She didn’t know where she was going to go, but she knew she could never come back. She knew she might never see Joey again, and it was all her fault.

December 08, 2020 15:05

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