Tusks and Daggers Part Five: A Curse for a Curse

Written in response to: Write about a character who gets good and bad news in quick succession — not necessarily in that order.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Romance

The empty child’s playground looked eerie, the swings swinging by themselves.  The moonlight bathed us, a gentle hissing sound alerting Boran, the twins, and me.  Another giant snake slithered around us, a tiny scream tumbling from my lips.  Snakes, I hated snakes.  Sprinting on top of the slide, we all waited for the real enemy.  We didn’t have to wait long, a skeletal man swallowed by black wool robes clicked out.  A black bowler hat sat on his head, a giant black sword sitting on his hip.  Red eyes met mine, Sir Acorn climbing back into the pocket of my emerald sweater dress.  My fingers gripped the brown leather belt that emphasized my small waist, my fingers reaching for my dagger.  Sighing deeply, I remembered what happened.  Boran wrapped his fingers around mine, a shrill shriek exploding from the skeletal man’s face.  Dark shadows blacked out the moonlight, pitch black devouring us.  Red eyes flashed all around me, a dozen rattles echoing in my ear.  Cold sweat dripped off of my brow, bony hands grazing my skin.

“I am hungry for your soul.” A raspy voice whispered in my ear, black scales scratching my skin. “We need your soul.  Give me your soul, damn it!” Leaping back, my blue scythe glowed in my hand, my blue magic destroying the black energy.  Horror paralyzed my body, a sea of skeletal men spreading out like the sea.  Groaning in disappointment, everyone raised their weapons.  Launching into the air, bones clattered to the ground.  Dismay dimmed my eyes, the skeletons putting themselves together.  A familiar dark energy was nearing us, my heart sinking into my stomach.  Lord Kanama hovered above us, his fingers snapping.  The skeletons clattered into a pile of bones, his arms wrapping around my waist.  A needle sank into my neck, sweet slumber taking me off to dreamland.  The cries of Boran and my friends faded in and out, blackness devouring me.   

Jerking awake, my hands rested on a fluffy mattress.  My blonde hair cascaded down my back, red eyes staring into my eyes.  My muscles stiffened at the sight of Lord Kanama in his red velvet suit, his pale face resting on his hands.  Trying to run, black iron chains burned my wrists.  Weak, I felt weak.  Noting the blue circle around the bed, my magic null and void.  Damn it, I cursed to myself.  A migraine throbbed in my head, his slender form climbing on top of me.  Resisting as much as I could, his lips pressed against mine aggressively. His fangs bit my lips, my foot slamming into his groin.  Falling off the bed, he cursed like a sailor.  Popping up, he unlocked the chains.  Throwing me over his shoulders, he tied me to a chair with more black iron chains.  Sitting down next to me, his hair fell over his eyes as he smiled warmly.  His face was surprisingly handsome.   

“I am not the bad guy you think I am.” He explained, wiping off his tongue. “You taste awful.  It felt like I was kissing a family member.  Do you think you guys could stop trying to kill me so we could take care of the real problem?  You know the darkness that has taken over my castle.”  The ornate dining room blinded me, golden items twinkling in the golden light.  Shielding my eyes, the door slammed open another version of him walking in.  Nearly fainting from the shock, I crashed to the floor. 

“Hello, I am Lord Karama.” He introduced himself cheerfully, unchaining me. “We would like to assist you on your journey.”  Rolling my eyes, his white suit with sharp accents of black being  the only difference between the two.  Perhaps they could have realized that kidnapping really isn’t the way to do it.  Clearing my throat, my hands rested on my knees. Long white hair cascaded down their backs, a pleasant aura around them. 

“You could not have attacked the village with the giant wasps.” I snapped icily, confusion twisting their faces. “And then sick a bunch of skeletons on us.”  Tilting his head, Lord Kanama giggled to himself.  Unimpressed, I stumbled to my feet only to fall flat on my face.  The white marble felt cold on my face, a couple of my teeth falling out of my mouth. 

“That wasn’t us, my dear.” Lord Kanama exclaimed indignantly, waving his finger. “We are the true kings of the land, and wouldn’t harm a hair on any of our subjects.  You must have met the darkness that took over our castle, the evil twin of the spirit of the mirror.  The two of them got into a fight a long time ago, well the angrier sister turned herself into me and trapped her sister in the mirror.”  Sticking out his tongue, the door burst open again.  Mary slammed her foot into Lord Kanama’s face, a ghoulish grin darkening his face.  Kara slammed into Lord Karama’s body, his sweet arms wrapping around her body.  The four of them stood still for a moment, some type of bonding happening.  Sir Acorn ran to the top of my head, his fist waving in the air.

“How come you two twits aren’t in your castle?” He barked hotly, an acorn waiting in my hand. “You should be running the realm, not flirting.”  Laughing to myself, he snatched the acorn from my fingers.  Boran wrapped his arms around my waist, the flames in the fancy oil lamps sputtering out.  Cold sweat dripped off of my brow, my breath hitched.  The mirror in the far corner lit up as black clouds swirled.  A shadow figure marched up to the glass. A single hand reaching out, the hard surface of the glass softening to liquid almost.  The figure walked out, its form switching to a carbon copy of me.  My jaw dropped in amazement, every detail was perfect right down to the fiber of my green dress.  A cruel grin danced across my evil version of me, terror paralyzing me.  Cocking her head, she tried to touch me.  

“I like this form.” She mused playfully, holding her arms up in the air. “So pretty.  Oh no!”  A black hand sucked her back into the mirror, a dark look glaring in my direction.  A warm breeze swirled, the flames coming back to life.  Collapsing to the floor, a feverish glow reddened my face.  Electrical jolts of pain shot through my body, shivers quaking my body.  Everything felt so cold, the fire not even warming me up.  Boran scooped me up, concern flashing in his eyes.  

“What is happening to her!” Boran demanded urgently, my skin growing clammy. “Why is she so sick?”  Lord Karama cleared his throat, a saddened look dimming his cheerful humor.  Letting go of Kara, he shifted through his pockets.  A single vial of white pills sat in his palms, tears welling up in his eyes.  Even Sir Acorn was downtrodden, something eating at him.  Raising my hand in the air, a black dot sat on my palm.  

“You have been poisoned by looking into her eyes.” Lord Karama blurted out, covering his mouth. “These pills will slow the effect of the Black Curse, the only way to stop it is to kill the evil spirit of the mirror.”  A lump formed in my throat, frustration boiled behind my eyes.  Did I not just get rid of a freaking curse!  Boran took out a pill, popping it in my mouth.  Relief washed over me, my fever subsiding.  Millions of questions flooded into my head, my trembling fingers grabbing his shirt.  Leaping out of his arms, I fell to my knees. My chest ached for air, my fingers scratching at the marble floor.  

“What happens if we don’t win?” I stammered anxiously, terror widening my eyes. “Do I die!  Tell me do I die!”  Sir Acorn climbed up my shoulder, his tail twitching nervously.  His red eyes met mine, his little paws rubbing each other.  A single tear streamed down his cheek, crashing onto my shoulder. 

“You will die.” He admitted quietly, not wanting to say the cursed words. My heart shattered, my fingers reaching for my mother’s locket.  Unable to contain my anger, my fingers wrapped around a nearby simple wine glass.  Glass shattered as I smashed it against the wall, red wine dripping down the wall.  Boran reached for me, my hand slapping him away.  My footfalls echoed in the empty halls, a single door open.  No mirrors were in sight, my body collapsing into a ball.  Rocking back and forth, I wish Mina was here to help me. Teardrops crashed to the floor, my arms pulling my legs against my chest.  Boran tried to run in, a blast of air from my palm slamming the door shut.  Banging on the other side of the door, he called my name desperately.  Orange flames came to life, a sea of books towering over me.  Unfamiliar titles flashed in my vision, a single navy book crashed to my feet.  The pages fluttered open to a single spell, a white rose sat in a glass display case.  The words underneath it made my heart skip a beat, the spell was only three words.  It reads `` white petals purify.”  Ripping out the page, a small glimmer of hope shimmered in my heart.   The door swung open, Lord Kanama smiling in the direction of the page.  

“That is the one and only white rose, the only thing that can cure any curse.” He explained happily, his face falling. “The only problem is that it is the clutch of the black spirit of the mirror.”  An universal oh passed between us all, the end goal forming itself.  

“We have one and only choice.” I announced weakly, coughing up blood. “We need to defeat her, somehow.  Will you guys help me out?”  Cheering loudly, Boran spun me around.  Pressing his lips against mine sweetly, this feeling was what I truthfully wanted.  

July 19, 2022 17:58

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Corey Melin
01:30 Sep 06, 2022

Another good read. Hopefully you are looking at other avenues to display your imagination in writing. There are many other ways out there


Yvette Francaise
20:30 Sep 07, 2022

I am actually on webnovel, and wattpad. I also have been on Deviantart since 2011. I love writing. Thank you so much. I am glad you enjoyed it.


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