Be careful what you wish for.

Submitted into Contest #94 in response to: Start your story with someone accepting a dare.... view prompt


Drama Fiction Sad

Warning: Kind of sad?

"I dare you to..." As Colton whispers the dare into my ear I freeze.

"No, I can't do that. Jason won't like it." I say.

"You have to, I quadruple dog dare you. Besides, he'll like it."

"Fine, but I will get revenge."

As I walked to my car to start the awful dare I feel my heart speed up. I can't ignore this dare, Colton might be Jason's best friend, but sometimes I wonder why he sticks around him.

I drive to my house, get in the shower and think for what seems like forever. Then I get a's Colton.

"Tell him to be there in 30 mins, then is when you'll do the dare."

I start typing... I'm not doing th-. Then I erase it and continue my shower.

Once I'm out of the shower I hear my phone ring, oh dear. It's Jason, on facetime. What do I do? I grab the towel, and wrap it around me, then answer.

"Hey, babe. What are you doing?" He says in his handsome voice. I love him so much.

"Just got out of the shower, actually I wanted to ask you can you be here in.." I check the time, "about 15 minutes?"

"Sure. I just wanted to check up on you. Something in my mind told me to call you and say, whatever struggle you're going through, you don't have to proceed. God will handle it." Oh my gosh, it's like he knew what was going on.

"Thanks, see you soon. Bye..." I hang up and get dressed. Maybe I shouldn't go through with this. I hear a knock, it's only been 3 minutes. Hmm.

I quickly put on my shirt and go downstairs. I look through the peephole, it's Steven, my close friend. What is he doing here? He's supposed to be in Wyoming.

I open the door and he quickly comes in and shuts the door.

"Stevie, what's wrong?" I ask, he is breathing hard.

"Don't do the dare." He says straight forward. "I was there. I might sound crazy but, I'm from the future. If you do this dare, you will regret it." Is he right? Is he from the future? What is going on?

"Steven, how far into the future? Tell me what happens!"

"I don't think that's wise. But I'm from 10 months later. I have to go."

The last thing I hear as he vanishes from my home is "Don't do the dare."

What if I wanna do the dare? I know I'll be like that with Jason sometime in our future. It's just like a headstart. I'm gonna do it, maybe he was lying.

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1 month later.

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"Jason, I have good news and bad news," I say. My heart is beating faster than the night I got that dare that left me in this situation.

"I want the bad news first."

"I... I'm pregnant. 1 month."

"That's bad news?"

"Are you happy about it? We're 18!" He nods. A thousand thoughts race through my mind.

"Good news?" He says.

"The good news is, I got a job. It's at Walmart."

"Oh, that is good news! How long a week? And what role?" The curious but happy look on his face, made me giggle. I'm happy he's the father... I think.

"I'm gonna work 36 hours a week, 6 days a week. And I'll be the cashier." I say.

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5 months later.

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I told almost everyone. I had two good stable jobs. And Jason had one, too. We decided to skip this year of college and go back once the baby is born.

Today we have an ultrasound.

"Okay, Celia, I'm gonna go start the car up." It's December 14th, very cold.

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After the ultrasound.

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I can't hold it in any longer, I have to cry. As tears wash my face I decide to call my mom and tell her everything-

Whoops, too far forward. ;)

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Actually after the ultrasound.

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"I hope the doctor wasn't right," Jason says while we are driving to my house.

"Me too." But what if he was right? What if our baby doesn't have arms? So what, I'll still love her. Oops, I said the gender, dang it Celia. What am I gonna do!!??

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1 month later.

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"Fiona! Come quick! Something is wrong!" I yell. I and my best friend live together, she moved in about 2 weeks ago. She is here to help with the baby. She comes running in,

"What's wrong!? Are you okay?"

"I don't know, I don't know!" I stand up, my water broke. Uh oh. I'm only 7 months pregnant!

"Get in the car now! I'm driving you to the hospital!"

"Okay, okay, I'm okay. It's gonna be alright." I start breathing heavily, and I get into the car. She hits the gas as soon as I close the door.

I text Jason, "I'm in labor. Meet me at hospital quick!" And I got the response, "OH MY GOSH! Really?! I'm coming!"

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We reach the hospital, I get hauled off to the ER and they start the C section immediately.

They take the baby away quickly.

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After the C section..

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I hear murmuring, what are they saying? What's wrong? "Excuse me what's wrong?" I say.

"We have bad news." The doctor says, what bad news?

"Okay, tell me."

"Your fiance, unfortunately, died on the way to the hospital, a bad accident. And your baby..." He stops. I know what he's going to say. I lost my baby and Jason in the same night.

--- ---

2 months later.

--- ---

I can't hold it in any longer, I have to cry. As tears wash my face I decide to call my mom and tell her everything.

Maybe I should've listened to Steve. It's all my fault, how could I have let this happen. I have no more purpose. I was gonna have a good husband, aka Jason, about 3 kids, and a nice job. But I just had to go and mess that up. How could I be so stupid, I saw him vanish. I saw proof he was from the future.

Be careful what you wish for.

Author's note: If you want to see what would have happened if she listened, this story has to have 6-8 likes by May 25th.

May 15, 2021 17:59

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CAN'T WAIT FOR PART TWO!!!! (Sorry for not reading this earlier!!) Very entertaining story. Great job! (Also, I posted part 5 of Not A Philanthropist, if you're interested in checking that out!)


15:35 May 25, 2021

Thanks! And yes I will check the story out!!


19:35 May 25, 2021

So, I can make a part two very soon, but you want a continued story of this? Or what would've happened if she had listened to Steven?


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16:03 May 27, 2021

I made a second one. :)


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Kate Reynolds
14:31 May 23, 2021

OOOH GREAT STORY!!! I really liked it!!! Can't wait for part 2! (Btw sorry for the late response, I was really busy the last few days)


22:12 May 24, 2021

That's fine. And thanks for the encouragement!


Kate Reynolds
23:13 May 24, 2021

Ofc!! You'll tell me when you post your new story right?


15:36 May 25, 2021



Kate Reynolds
17:43 May 25, 2021

Yayyy :DD


18:16 May 25, 2021



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16:03 May 27, 2021

I made a second one. :)


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18:01 May 15, 2021

Just a reminder, if you want to see what would have happened if she listened, this story has to have 6-8 likes by May 25th. That means, sharing, recommending, and liking.


Pippin Took
23:30 May 16, 2021

OKAY!!!!!! I am mildly well connected,,,I WANNA SEE


15:50 May 17, 2021

Thanks. :)


Pippin Took
16:22 May 17, 2021



19:34 May 25, 2021

So, I can make a part two very soon, but you want a continued story of this? Or what would've happened if she had listened to Steven?


Pippin Took
00:02 May 26, 2021



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