
Weird Family

The Murtag’s waited for Ellen’s fiancé to show up.

Theresa Murtag, the family matriarch looked nervously out the window.  

“I want everyone on their best behaviour. I don’t want anyone to act up and above all no one says anything until it is too late.  Do we understand each other?”

Hank Murtag, the family patriarch, nodded his head.

Jenny Murtag, the second oldest daughter looked at her mother and acknowledged her request.

Al Murtag looked at his mother and smiled.

“He’s gonna be really surprised.”

“Yes, he is going to be very surprised. I am not sure who I am more worried about you or your father spilling the beans.”

“I won’t spill the beans.” Hank looked hurt.

“You have a reputation of opening your mouth at the wrong time. It is well deserved. Shall we go over some of the many, many examples?”

“No, I’m good.”

“And you, Mister Alexander Murtag, you also have a reputation of giving up information when it is not a good time to do so.”

“I’m just a kid. Geez, mom, why do you always pick on me?”

“I guess I am the only one that mom trusts.” Jenny smirked at the other two.

“I know that you will keep your mouth shot because you hide the biggest secret.”

That took the young girl down a few pegs.

The car pulled into the driveway.  

“Okay, they are here. Remember what we just talked about.”

Ellen bounced out of the red Mini Coupe and it was obvious that she was very much in love. Her fiancé, Brad, was tall, handsome, confident and they held hands as the lovers walked up the porch and to the front door.

Theresa opened the door and Hank stood by her side. Ellen and Al were behind trying to peak through.

“Hello, everyone, how are you? This is Brad.”

Ellen hugged her mother and father, while Brad shook her father’s hand and then Theresa’s.  

“Hey, what about me?”

“This is my little brother, Alexander.”

“At your service,” he smiled at Brad. The older guy brushed his hair.

“And this is my younger sister, Jenny.”

“Hello,” she gushed. “Ellen was right, you are very handsome.”

Brad blushed and so did Ellen.

“Jenny, why do you say such things?”

“I could say worse.”

Her mother gave her the sharpest glance.  

“Come on in,” said Hank.

The young couple walked in.

“I hope you had a good drive down?”

“It was uneventful.”  Brad smiled.

“That’s good to hear. Take a seat. Brad can I get you something to drink? How about a beer?”

“Sounds good.”

Hank walked away and came back with three beers, one for Brad, Theresa and himself.

They were sitting at the kitchen table.  

“So, Ellen tells us that you are going to be an accountant?”

“Yes, sir, that is the goal. I am almost finished and then I have to write an exam.”

“Do accountants make a lot of money?”

“Al, that is not a proper question?”

“Sorry, mom, but it isn’t my fault.”

“Well, you asked the question.”

“Just trying to be friendly.”

“That’s not a problem, Al, and yes accountants have the potential to make a tremendous amount of money.”

“More than a professional wrestler?  That’s what I want to be.”

“The boy has high hopes.”

“When I was a kid, I wanted to be a professional boomerang master.”

Everyone looked at Brad puzzled.

“I was going to be the greatest boomerang thrower in the world and make documentaries and make my own weapon.”

“So what happened?”

“Well, on one of my first attempts to master the boomerang it flew back and struck me in the forehead causing eight stitches. My mother threw it away.”

Everyone laughed.

“Brad, I hope you like meatloaf. I asked Ellen several times if you had a favourite meal or were allergic to anything and met with nothing but resistance.”

“Mother, I did not resist. I told you he wasn’t allergic to anything.”

“Anyway, it is nice to finally meet you.”

“It is also very nice to meet all of you. I have been looking forward to this day.”

He smiled and everyone tried to bite their tongue.

“Supper should be on the table around six. I hope that is good?”

“It is fine.”

“It is so romantic that you proposed to my big sister. I heard all of the details and my heart was just pounding.”

He smiled and seemed embarrassed. 

“It was a glorious moment.”

“We haven’t set a date yet, but we are thinking a spring, early summer wedding.”

“We have to figure out where we are going to settle down first.”

“That is a good question but I think that it will be already figured out.  My uncle has offered me a great job.”

“That is great.”

“Yes, and I am looking forward to being part of this family.”

He smiled and everyone bit their lip.

They talked some more and then ate supper. The light slowly started to fade and darkness was about to set in.

Everyone started to get nervous and he noticed it.

“Is there something wrong?”

“How much do you love our daughter?”

“I love her very much.”

“Great! Hold that thought. Let me know if you still love her in about ten minutes.”

Ellen started to tear up.

“What are you people talking about?”

The darkness hit and his question was about to be answered through the transformation right before his eyes.

They all turned started to bloat outright and turned blue and a soft purple. Hank, Theresa, Jenny and Al all had taken on the shape of Wiesen.  

“Well, this is the family that you are going to be part of.”

“What are you?” He didn’t know how to react.

“We are Wiesen, part animal, part creature and part human. We turn this way after dark but only during the fall.”

“It begins after Labour Day and goes on until December twenty-one, the first day of winter.”


“This has been the way for many, many centuries. We are come from a long line of Wiesens. Our branch is very strong. At one time, we were almost extinct and then a program was put in place to increase our numbers.”

“This is fantastic and very strange at the same time.”

“It is.”

“So, what can you do?”

“We produce a special type of saliva that is used to save people from all types of diseases. This is why the program was put in place to save us. A lot of people don’t know about us and we are asking that you keep our identity a secret. Because if you don’t, then something bad will happen to you.”

“I won’t tell anyone. Ellen, you don’t turn into one of these?”

He turned and Ellen was also blue with a shade of purple.

“I only turn like this when I am near my family.”

“And you do no harm?”

“No, we are a peaceful species of Wiesen. Some are very hostile.”

There was a long silence.

“I am still in love with your daughter and want to marry her. I promise to keep your secret a secret forever.”

“That is good to know.  Welcome to the family.”

Hank and Brad shook hands and everyone smiled.

October 23, 2020 23:53

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