Adventure Fantasy Friendship

 Chris Hinrichsen Reeds y Contest 221

jchinrichsen88a@gmail.com Fallen Asa


Princess Asuriel the eighth daughter of one of the daemons princes in hell was the eighth in line to become the next daemon lady of hell but fled the Nine Hell's because she very much began to oppose the unkind torture and pleasure fellow daemons inflicted on the tormented souls. Fleeing the fiery place, she managed to make it to the prime material world of Jordero but continues to be pursued by bounty hunters hired by her family. Arriving in Fort Kapaka disguised as a divine arcane winged elf her identity has been hidden from the Inunk Arctic

Dwarfs. But her beauty was caught the eye by a half-giant Baron or Jarl of the Frosty Mountains Region of Never-wine. However, she was soon captured in the early days of arriving in the Fort Kapaka region of the barren frozen wasteland. This is her story that I, Merrill Brillcrek have fallen for in my quest for a woman; I had no idea was a winged Eriynes from one of the planes of Hell.

Fort Kapaka. Two days ago. A young Inuk dwarf male courier in tattered robes and wearing a reindeer hide jacket approaches a small merchant caravan. “Hail Judicar Brillcrek,

High Judiciary Grexxes wishes you to speak with him in his chamber room.”

“Thank you, Lad, here is a few sweet mead trinket candy I picked up for you and the kids of the Fort.” Merrill Brillcrek a Caucasian white man with a dark brown beard wearing a polar bear hide jacket is joined by an Inuk dwarf with an ice red-brown beard and wearing a similar jacket as Merrill carrying his war-ax on his back. The two are joined by a high elf with long copper red hair and acorn green eyes. He wears a reindeer hide jacket like the young dwarf. He carries a longbow over his left shoulder.

“Bruenor and Jerrin, I need to check in with that bureaucrat at his office. Freshen up and grab some of your favorite meals and drink. I will pay for your meals when I get there to see ya in a few minutes.”

Bruenor looks at Merrill with a smirk dwarf smile under his beard. “Have fun talking with that Arse, I know the two of you have a difference of opinions.”

“Yeah, he just wants to be a high region bureaucrat and you want to help people. I will save you some of your favorite elf mead, Merrill,” comments Jerrin with a soft spoken drawl. Bruenor and Jerrin leave their brother in arms.

“Thanks, I will need it.”

Moments later. Merrill approaches a medium shack made of bark wood flying the High Region Counsel of Ever-wine. Greeting a female Inunk dwarf he enters a chamber room where a lion-like man with snow-white brown hair sits behind an office desk drinking some hot herbal tea. The lion-like man wears a dark robe flashing a double-bladed clay-more sword and war-hammer gavel on his desk. “ It is an honor to see you again Judicar, I see the walrus men brigand missed you again,” comments High Judiciary Grexxes as he places his teacup down. Signaling for Merrill to have a seat.

“You are all heart; High Judicar, How was your trip to the capital city?”

“Nothing, new just the continuing bickering of gold pieces for defenses nationwide.” Grexxes reaches for a parchment scroll.

“I have a new case for you to look into. About three weeks ago one of the traveling caravans from the south was intercepted by Jarl Born and his henchmen. There is talk a group of arcane scribes was in this caravan. Though there were no ransom demands since the capture.

We only got it from one of our spies inside his castle in the Never-wine mountains.”

“I would like you to check it out and see what you can do to help the hostages.”

“I, don't have many plans but I can get ready with my team and be on the road within a day or so, basic Rules of engagement, High Judiciary?”

“Yep, and see if you can find anything that might prepare us for the Jarl and future attacks on the Fort. You are dismissed.” Merrill salutes his officer and leaves the chamber room. Showing a look of wondering what secrets are ahead of him with the Jarl.

Two days later. Merrill and his team start to travel the rocky and snowy barren waste of the north each riding a reindeer over a horse in the icy and blustery barren frozen waste of the north, The frosty winds start to pick up but Merrill and his friends continue on towards the frost giant mountains of Never-wine.

Merrill and his friends spot the frost giant citadel of Jarl Born as a pair of half-giants patrol the grounds with ice wolves. Jerrin signals the other to get off their steed and raises his longbow aiming at the half-giants. The trio move behind a series of snowdrifts. Bruenor reaches into his jacket and pulls out three vials. Handing each one to his friends. Merrill looks at Bruenor.” And where did you get those potions, dwarf?”

“Well, the boss; I won them in a card game; with an artificer in town last week and well. He had no gold he offered to pay for his expense with three vials of invisibility.”

“I should not have asked? Okay bottoms up.” Merrill and Jerrin sip down the invisibility potion and begin to disappear. Bruenor drinks his and takes up a rear guard for his friends.

Inside the Citadel. The trio of heroes stays close to the dark frosty walls as their invisibility and their stealth hold it grounds. Jarl Born and his second in command pass them flanked by two guards. Though it is frosty and damp, Merrill and the others are used to the chill in temperatures. The trio finds the throne room and spots a beautiful winged elf with red-brown hair and wearing a formal gown frozen in the wall of ice. Her beauty mystifies Merrill and his friends she shows a look of fear and uncertainly in her ice-blue eyes. She appears to be a woman in a snow globe.

“Well she is a looker, boss but what do you want to do about this situation?” comments Bruenor as he and the others start to materialize from the invisibility potion. “Damn, I thought it would hold out longer.”

Merrill continues to stare at Asuriel with his brown eyes. “Hey Merrill, Jerrin to Merrill your pants are on fire.” inquires Jerrin.

Merrill wakes up from his trance and looks at his friends. Bruenor looks at his boss. “ You know boss; it seems you never saw a winged elf.”

“I'm sorry guys, just the fate in my eyes has gotten the best of me of this winged elf.”

“I hate to break up your puppy love, Merrill but winged elves are not often seen in these parts.

“I know since I am a High Elf and besides she does not seem to have the commodity to be one. But who am I to say what is best for my friend.”

“Sorry, I am just enticed by her beauty. You were saying Bruenor?”

“I was saying, Boss what do you want to do about this lass since our appearance is back.”

“Jerrin, what do you recommend? Since I am thinking like a lovesick child about her?”

“I, guess that puts me in charge. Bruenor, see if you can find the other hostages. I, will

work some magic with Merrill to get this lady out of that ice-cube.” Jerrin pulls his scimitar out and starts to chisel away on the wall of ice. Merrill reaches into his backpack of holding and pulls out a fur cloak of warmth to put around the Asriel.

Several moments later. Asriel falls into the arms of Merrill and Jerrin shivering from hypothermia. Placing the fur cloak around her, Merrill reaches for the flask and gives it to her.

She stares blankly at first. “What happened, whose there I can't see you?”

“My lady, my name is Judicar Brillcrek and this is my friend Jerrin Elkrin, you are suffering from temporary blindness it should go away in a day or so. It is an aftereffect of hypothermia in this region of Jordero. Who are you?”

“I am Princess Asriel, eighth daughter of daemon Laird Zaire l. I was traveling with a group of outcasts before the frost giant Jarl and his men attacked and captured our caravan.”

“I do not know why he kept me as an art token but that is all I remember before I was put in that ice prison.”

Merrill and Jerrin look at one another at the name she claimed to be the daughter of daemon laird. Both seem preoccupied if they should smite her. But then think again. “ If you are the daughter of that daemon laird why are you here on Jordero?” questions Merrill. As he continues to help her.

“I, fled my home because I tired of seeing what my family did to innocent tormented souls. There are a few of us daemons that oppose what our masters do to tormented souls. The same with our rivals in the Abyss.”

“So in other words, Princess you wished to redeem yourself from things you have seen.”

“Yes, Judicar. I only want to be a better person and find a way to redeem for my sins.”

“Only the Gods, have that power but for now. Jerrin place your arms down. She is just a lost soul trying to start a new life. I, see no judgment to smite her this day.“

“If you insist Merrill but if she turns on us. I will have no choice.”

“I understand my ranger friend. Do you accept this truce, my lady?” He comforts her wounds with his healing touch and words.

“I understand, Judicar. And please call me Asa, I do not wish to be reminded of my past life.”

“Very well, Asa. I am Merrill and this Jerrin now let's get you out of here.”

Minutes later. Bruenor returns carrying a parchment scroll case and spots Asa being cared for by Merrill. “Um Boss, I see you are in good hands. My lady, Bruenor Kapaka I am the sidekick of this human and elf.”

“Pleasure to meet you Bruenor, though I cannot see you I sense you are a strong dwarf.”

“What have you got for us Bruenor? I see you have a scroll case.?”

“Bad news, Boss. It seems Lady Asa is the only hostage still here. I have a slave shopping list of others. But until she can see again I can't say if they were at her party.”

“Well let's get out of here and we can figure it out from there. Jerrin takes point, Bruenor you got a rear guard and I will cover the lady.”

Jerrin takes a striding step as he sticks to the shadows ahead of his friends in the citadel. Merrill and Asa are second in line while Bruenor takes rear guard. Traveling for a few minutes the party hears the screams of Jarl Born crying out to find his piece of art. “Guards...my trophy is gone, Find it or I will have your heads.”

Bells start to clang in the citadel. “ I think our prison break just got compromised, boss.”

“You think dwarf. Jerrin gets us out of here. Dwarf find an alternative route with your mining skills.”

“I'm on it boss.” Bruenor starts to feel the icy walls for a secret passage. Jerrin loads his bow and Merrill pulls out his light crossbow.

“Stay close Asa, will get you out of here.”

Escape. After several minutes of searching, Bruenor triggers a switch that releases a passage that has a stone slide going to the lower region. Diving for the slide Merrill and the others slide down the slide. Jerrin releases a quarry of arrows to cover his friends. The group winds up in a series of snowdrifts outside. Bruenor holds his nose. “I think I found dung alley. Phew.”

“Is this what you expected Judicar? It smells like a dung drop,”

“No, I was actually thinking a venison dinner and nightcap for us, Asa.” Merrill helps Asa up and dusts off the snow on both their bodies.

Jerrin joins them and shows a look of disgust at Bruenor. “You always pick the wrong exit dwarf.”

“At least I don't go wander in the woods for days Elf.”

Merrill looks at his two teammates and shows a direct order look in his eyes. “ gentlemen, let's get out of this neck of the woods. We have a lady here and she does not need to see a couple of boys squabble.”

The group of heroes starts to get away from the snowdrifts. Keeping an eye out for any guards.

“I think I am starting to see things again everything is white. Is that correct Merrill?”

“Welcome to the icy lands of Never-wine, not much to see but a good dwarf honey mead will warm you up. Let's get a move on.”

The heroes start to get away from the place but are quickly stopped by a pair of half-giant guards, “What you doing here?”

“Pretty lady free of charge.”

“I'm sorry boys but the lady is taken by these people. Please let us pass and maybe the lady will give you a kiss.” Asa says as she starts to see the dark shadows of the half-giant guards holding their weapons. Merrill's hand signals his team to see if Asa has any effect on the guards.

“Jarl...would not like that. He wants you to return. Friends punished for what they do.”

Merrill clasps his hand at his team. Bruenor and Jerrin draw their melee weapons and place them out of view of the guards. While Asa distracts the guards. The guards push their way past her and move to Merrill and the others.

Simultaneously Merrill and his men strike the half-giant guards with their weapons. Bruenor and Jerrin strike with their bladed weapons while Merrill swings his mace at the other half- giant. Asa mumbles a few words and winter weeds rise from the ground entangling the guard being hit by Merrill and his mace. The heroes exit quickly as the guards' collapse to the ground beneath their feet knocking each of them unconscious.

Epilogue. The heroes two days later return back to Fort Kapaka and are surprised to see Asa with them riding with Merrill and his men. High Judiciary Grexxes greets them and looks hard at the winged elf and Merrill. “Judicar, I want a report once you get settled in. What is the meaning of this winged elf?”

“She was the only survivor of the missing caravan. Bruenor has some information claiming that the Jarl is in league with one of the slave markets in the under-world. I would advise you to take a close look at High Judiciary.” Comments Merrill as he helps Asa off his reindeer. “If you excuse me I need to take Lady Asa to Mother Kapaka to get her some clothes since she lost her luggage in the ambush. High Judiciary.”

Three hours later. After resting up for three hours Merrill refreshed and wearing his best dress joins Asa in the local pub. Jerrin and Bruenor gamble with a pair of Inuk dwarfs and two bears of men.

Asa approaches Merrill. He rises from his seat and pulls back the seat for her. “I promised you venison when we got back in town and here it is. You look exquisite for an Eriynes just between us.”

“Why thank you and you look handsome for a Judicar. Whatever that is I'm still new here.”

Asa fixes her green formal dress and manages to pull in her wings on the back. “Mother Kapaka, also bleached my hair do you like it?”

“Mother Kapaka, you will know in time is the grandmother of all the citizens of Fort Kapaka.

"Gosh, she is also the oldest Inuk dwarf; I know of she was the mother of Bruenor's mother who is now 350 years old in human years.”

“No wonder she talked to me like a person and not a fallen angel. You wouldn't have anything to say in that did you, lover?”

“Well you know I am still a human male when I am not a Judicar. So tell me about yourself. Everything you like to share.” Merrill holds Asa's hands comforting and romantic.

“You tell me about yourself first, Merrill Brillcrek.” As the two hold each other's hands and show a look of comforting love in their eyes.

The End.

December 13, 2020 01:48

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