So I sat at Cafe Shi Tea shop in. Well, In what city is a matter of debate. I had been traveling for some time in a matter of finding a book. In walked in a strange spirit of a boy I used to know. I invited him to sit a spell with me. I knew him as Clint Siegle. A time agent from a distinct reality all together. But here toda. He introduced himself as Clinton. This is his tale to me for a shot and a glass of rum and coke which Cafe Shi is famous for.
Inviting him over. He started his tale. After having him seated, and ordered a rum and coke. He began his story.
My name for 35 plus years has been Clinton R. Siegle. That I am Mandela effected time traveler is an oddity for me. I warn people and they ignore my advice is something I accept these days. Why? I wonder about the valley of death. You see if my authentic story is real. Then you are all dead some billions of years ago. And? Fate take you and me on a distinct path.
I for my memory grew up in a parallel earth on a Sagittarius arm world. On the outer edge of a galaxy 377,000 light years across. That I have traveled time I have documented online for all to read. A wondering mind through the multiverse. The first few months of my trip, I thought I was going into the future. Reality wise, I could see things happening repeatedly. Not that it helped me or anyone else. Deja vu? At the time I thought so. But then I paid attention to the location of South America as it walked backwards towards Africa. Thus memory wise from my reality to here is something like 4.5 billion years. Or for distance wise, South America has come 2500 miles towards Africa. Sounds ridiculous, I know.
Now, I had heard other stories from Clint recently. Of how the German timeline had fallen. And that one where Islam never exists. Thus, Constantinople never fell. And the reality where no Mormons existed either.
Clint, Clinton, and now Clinton R. seemed to be an evil spirit. He seemed lost in what is he considered the afterlife. Too bad to get into heaven and to good to stay n hell. His latest escape from hell. However was something to read about. His conversation skills seem to be weirded out of him. For if his tale be true he was something like 8 billion years old if his galaxy was to hit the next galaxy in that time frame in 365,000 years and here looking at the internet stating that the next galaxy is to collision could occur much earlier than the predicted impact between the Milky Way and another neighboring galaxy, Andromeda, which scientists say will hit our galaxy in eight billion years.
So I was talking to a spirit some 8 billion from where he had begun. His journey. Did I hope to change his mind on his purpose? No. That would be foolish. Fate is fickle. Fate had made his mind up. He was one of the most dangerous storytellers I knew. Just because of what he could do. And his once upon a time story. It was a curse I knew worked a long long time ago.
After Clinton R. Siegle spoke. He handed me a book. Which I read. It is something to know that time travelers are among us today. And that fate has called you to read me today.
What is funny? No one will believe. No one will change their fated ways. Evil it would seems has won out. That is the sad part of a Fated tale. To be an evil spirit to wonder backwards in a closed time curved loop reality to the day of judgment. The question is. That spirit how evil must he be. For he escaped what the Muslims call the battles between djinn and angels some billions of years into a future that according to Clinton R. Siegle no longer exists. In yet? According to Belief and Time 1927 book on philosophy because Clinton R. Siegle a strange spirit I got to know at Cafe Shi. Saw it. It existed for a moment in time.
The reality is. Can there be time travelers among us? Yes. It appears so. Can Fate be changed? Evidently in a closed time curved loop the dead can be spoken to by a time traveler.
But the time traveler himself? Is he an evil spirit as Christ states? That was what the question was from Clinton R. Siegle. Since I had been there and invited him to speak he asked that quation of me. And I?
I have been around a lot longer than him. And pointed out a new bible versus that had not been in his bible. And he thanked me. And left with a bit of hope. Is it a sin to provide hope to the hopeless? That is the question I will wonder at the day of Judgment.
And with the advise given to Clinton R. Siegle. He got up and went next door to the bookstore. To purchase a book I had suggested to him. Wondering mind through the Multiverse.. He had a copy of it in his book. A Bolivian Time TRaveler. However, his version and the one next door were two separate realities. And thus two spirits left Cafe Shi on separate paths. To separate endings of reality.
Environmental acrostic
Environmental Disasters that are man made are a shame.
Need to look at Super fund clean up projects to see the shame.
Variety of poisons, lack of control is a shame.
Indeed, humanity what is the nature of your game?
Reality sees your shame.
Open your eyes Japan killing the Pacific ocean is a shame.
Nature looks at your game.
Memories is all this reality is what a shame.
Eternity of shame is this game.
Need you ask why such a game?
Time to see the evil in the name.
All is not right in the hearts of man in this game.
Live life for the moment for the game is shame.
#poem #poetry
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