A Light in the Dark Part Thirty-Four: The Field of Broken Hearts

Written in response to: Write a story that contains the line, "I wish we could stay here forever."... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Fiction


Lottie fussed with her scythe, her jet black summer dress floated about in a warm gust of air. Wondering how she wasn’t chilly, my waves blew around in an even warmer gust of air. Proud of her and thankful for the one on one time with her before her first meeting with God. Clearing her throat, her tired eyes met mine. Dark bags had me concerned around her, Lily hadn’t been getting any sleep. Poking the hot wall of energy, it was hot to the touch. What the hell!

“Quit worrying about me.” She spoke softer than usual, her confidence dying down. “We are entering a dimension that is on fire. The rotting soul passed away in a fire. Let’s say that Hell will be hard to find. I would suggest you keep your wings unfolded.” Hopping into the danger, her hand taking me with her. Ignoring the flames devouring the worn brick homes in endless cycles, her sharp eyes scanned the thick smoke for the rotten soul. Coughing up a bit of blood, the smoke had a poisonous effect. Ripping the hem of her dress off, her trembling hands tying it around her nose and mouth. Tearing off another piece, her hair bounced with every step towards me. Tying it around my mouth and nose, an inky blackness dyed her veins. Wincing in pain, another splatter of blood painted the cloth around her mouth. Grimacing in the opposite direction, a shadow demon came out of the thickest section of the spoke. Swaying slightly, the burnt body of a rotting soul was getting dragged behind him. Begging for help, the soul wanted to move on. Inky ribbons swirled around her, more blood painting the cloth around her mouth. Seconds from releasing her spell, a blunt object knocked us out. 

Groaning awake, a whole new place greeted us. Stained concrete walls blurred into clarity, the rusty machinery spoke of an abandoned factory. No cloth touched our lips, the bastards stealing her sole protection. Lily coughed up more blood, her head bobbing up and down. A chill ran up my spine at the state of her, my fingers reaching for my phone. Flipping through the icons on the screen, my fingers settled on Lucifer’s number. Pressing the call button while silencing my phone, he would be our way out. Lily wheezed next to me, her life force pouring out of her body. Heels clicked into view, horror rounding my eyes at Astra stepping into view. Her ocean blue eyes were wide and crazed, her golden waves dancing around her waist. Golden feathers drifted around the moment she opened her wings, a golden blade bounced off of her ivory armor. Circling us, her hand covered her mouth as she giggled maniacally. Her next words had me paralyzed with fear, clammy sweat drenching my skin. The piles of ash behind her gave me the smallest sliver of relief, the demon and soul had been taken care of. 

“You look shocked to see me.” She giggled again, tilting her head with a crazed smile. “I told you before you were mine. Since we know that fact, she has to die so we can be together. The poison is tailored for her and her alone.” Crouching down to my level, her thumb traced my cheek. Licking my cheek, the terror of her stalking me flooded back. Grimacing to myself, Lily clawed weakly at the golden rope. Popping to her feet, she spun over to her. Ripping her head back, Lily donned a defiant grin as the tip of my blade grazed her neck. 

“How dare you take him away!” She shrieked shrilly in her face, her spit joining the blood pouring from the corner of her lips. “He is mine, mine, mine!” Raising her blade over her head, a weak fit of laughter fizzled out of her lips. Bewilderment had her lowering her blade, pure rage joining the craziness in her eyes. 

“Wow! I never thought I could meet a bigger loser.” She teased between wheezes, her shaking fingers swiping the antidote. “Love isn’t stalking. All you did was creep my uncle out. Fuck off!” Raising her hand in the air, the snap of her slap had her giggling once more. Slapping her face repeatedly, Lucifer appeared in the shadows with his pissed expression. Apologizing silently, his weary smile quelled my fraying nerves. Clearing his throat as he stepped out in his ruby velvet suit, his outfit would be ruined before the meeting if he wasn’t too careful. Lily lifted the antidote to her lips, the way her veins had lightened resulted in a long breath drawing from my lips. Drooping forward, a rough slumber had stolen her away. Charging at her with his blades, a bit of wind cut the ropes. Her body curled into a ball the moment the ropes hit the cracked concrete, something else ringing alarm bells. Lucifer had made a wrong move in his dodge, her blade heading for his neck. Wonder brightened my eyes at Lily’s scythe clashing with her blade violently. Sparks danced aimlessly in the air, every strike sending her back. She really was her father's daughter.

“My uncle isn’t yours to be had!” She barked over the chaos, a cut up Lucifer limping over to me with my blade. Slamming her heel into her chest, she shot into the sky. Whistling sharply, Boomer jumped off of her back. His form swelled to that of a beast. Swallowing her whole, bones crunched, a dribble of blood pooled around his paws. Shrinking back down, he leapt into her arms. Smothering him in compliments, her genuine smile had his tail wagging a mile a minute. Spinning on her heels, Lucifer buried her in a bear hug. Her mouth moved a mile a minute, his cuts sealing shut, a feeling of uselessness came over me. Watching him fuss over her, a soft smile dawned on my lips. Smiling like he used to do in the beginning of the world, pride glistened in his eyes. Running over to me, her hand hovered in front of my face. An apologetic smile haunted her features, her lips parting to speak several times. 

“Let’s hang out by ourselves after the meeting at my house. At least no psychopaths can find their way in.” She joked lightly, my fingers curled around hers. How could she be so much like her father? His serenity was something to be desired, one of Lucifer’s maids stealing my gaze. My heart skipped a beat, the silver haired beauty stepping up with a fresh black dress for Lily. Her violet eyes met mine, her slender hands passing the dress over with a quiet smile. Lily had a few inches on her delicate petite figure, a sweet thank you passing between them. Excusing herself to get changes, her frilly maid’s uniform floated up with every step towards me. Donning another quiet smile, she bowed in my direction. Offering me a cup of my favorite iced tea, her hand lingered on mine. Tucking a silky piece of hair behind her ear, her bangs covered her eyes. 

“I know it isn’t my place but I would love to spend some time with you. Those two have a meeting which means we have a few hours to kill.” She offered sincerely, a shaky sure leaving my lips. “Crazy ex-girlfriend?” Shaking my head, that obsessed freak wasn’t anything more than a stalker. Waving away her concern, she snapped her fingers. Popping up outside the council room, it stung that I wasn’t in the room. Plucking a notebook from her pocket, her fingers curled around a package of worn pencils. 

“Please sit still so I can sketch you. You always move too much for me to do it at home.” She inquired with a wink, guiding my limbs into the position she desired. “Stay still.” Humming as the pencil’s tip danced away, a warmth washed over me. Flashing me her gentle smile a few times, the door opened. My former colleagues turned their heads in my direction, the two of us laughing at their matching fuming faces. Flipping off a couple of angels behind their back, God yanked them back into the council room. Berating them on the other side of the door, shouting ensued. Knowing that they could handle themselves, she flipped the pad around. Wonder had my jaw dropping at the flawless details, Lily poking her head out. 

“We are going to have to hang out another time. It appears that God is being a goddamn man-child.” She growled under her breath, a mug flying behind her head. “Sorry.” Slamming the door shut, the lovely lady whisked me back to the castle in Hell. Setting her art supplies down, Matty appeared in a puff of smoke. Looking for Lily, his smile fell. Unfortunately, he didn’t have to wait long. The two of them flew in through the open window with matching twitching brows, Selene running out from behind Matty’s legs had their expressions softening. Bouncing into Lucifer’s arms, every cell in me wanted that with this maid. Cupping my mouth, I never asked her for her name. Maddy giggled away in the harness on Matty’s back, Lily’s natural smile returned to her face the moment she scooped her into her arms. Watching the scene with a big smile, Lucifer deserved to have this tender moment. A gentle touch of a palm opened up my feathers, a shiver running up my spine as her finger traced every feather. Did she know what she was doing to me?

“My name is Diamond Night, the princess of the Demon Moon Clan.” She introduced herself casually, scarlet painting my cheeks. “You smell like my mate, Feathers. May I bite you?” Spinning me around to face her,  her big smile dashed the worthlessness that had been plaguing me. Rubbing her palms along my neck, the sensual way she slid them up to my cheeks had a deeper crimson coloring my face. Pulling me closer to her lips, a charge of euphoria jolted through me. The sound of her sucking my blood stole my breath away, a new spell coming over me. Releasing me, a crescent moon tattoo glowed to life on the nape of my neck. Desires came over me, such sins having been forbidden in Heaven. Spinning around with me, a children’s program interrupted the tender moment. Giggling into her hand, her beauty knew no bounds. Dragging me to the garden, the sea of lilies danced. Tracing the ruby tips of the ivory petals, her quiet smile never leaving her lips.  

“Do you know how your brother saved me?” She asked shyly, my head shaking in response.  “My territory had been destroyed by angels hundreds of years ago. The sole survivor was me. His kind but stupid ass took me. I have been working for him ever since.” Spinning around to face me, silent tears stained her cheeks. Guilt ate at me, the blame potentially falling on me. Then again, I condemned the attack. Something about that statement had me tapping my chin, the angels who did that mentioned something about spreading chaos. Perhaps the Dark One was involved. Getting lost in my train of thought, her giggle snapped me back to reality. 

“Being aloof must run in the family.” She teased playfully, the heel of her boot digging into the rich soil. “How about I show you something else?” Snapping her fingers, silver ribbons whisked us away to a land of silver trees and flowers. Tall grass tickled our palms, her smile falling at the sight of crumbling remains. Turning her back, her beautiful smile returned. The soft smile seemed to be her common one, her hands resting on her hips. Humming to herself, a distant sadness haunted her tired features. Hiking into the nearby mountains, her new silence became deafening. My shyness prevented me from asking questions, silver balls of light floating like the fireflies on Earth’s surface. Plopping down on a ledge, her pointed ears pinned back. Patting the silver grass next to her, the air from me sitting down had the flowers swaying back and forth. My breath hitched at the sea of silver creatures darting through a sea of colorful trees, a couple of balls landed on her finger. Kissing them both, they floated away. How lovely of a demon she was!

“I wish we could stay here forever!” She sighed with a relaxed smile, an idea coming to mind. Noticing my devious grin, this would help us both. We didn’t have to leave and we could make our own here. Grinning ear to ear, this kind of recklessness was unlike me, my type A tendencies screaming out in protest. Mouthing the word what, our freedom could be had here. 

“Let’s stay.” I suggested with my natural smile, her brow cocking with a second what. “I mean it. We can build a life here. What do you think?” Hesitating for a minute, chaos erupted in the distance. Popping to our feet, branches scratched at my cheeks as we sprinted down the mountain. Skidding to a stop, Lily waved at me. A black marble castle twisted into the sky, Diamond covering her mouth. Wiping the sweat off of her brow, her genuine smile had my heart melting into a puddle. 

“So I kind of heard everything and couldn’t resist.” She chuckled heartily, her hands crossing. “You defected because of me and God gave me an earful about that. His anger towards me is pretty raw. The way he humiliated us in front of everyone was horrendous. I lost my cool and I was banned from the meetings. Hey, I got to sit there for one meeting.” Bowing her head in shame, tears splashed onto her boots. 

“I am sorry that I fucked everything up. Just because I can’t have my happy ending doesn’t mean that you can’t have yours.” She choked out through a wall of tears, her back turning towards us. “Have f-” Diamond smashed into her, her emotions soaking her back. Silent tears stained my cheeks, Lily didn’t choose to defect. The way God treated her made my decision final, life being more rewarding now. Watching her stand stiffly, something God said had struck a nerve. Diamond took a step back, confusion mixing with hurt at the lack of a reaction. Clearing my throat, Diamond took the hint and ran into the castle to explore. 

“What did he say?” I demanded darkly, my fists clenching. “What did he say!” Glancing back at me with wet eyes, the corner of her lips quivered. Shaking her head, uncontrollable sobs rattled her body. Refusing to speak, God must have gone too far. Asking again through gritted teeth, blood dribbled off of my knuckles. 

“He wished that he had never allowed my creation. He wished my mother had murdered me like she wanted to. That bastard showed me how much she despised me. The meeting was a trial and I can never go to Heaven. The worst part is that he had her as a witness.” She mumbled dejectedly, the grass rustling as she collapsed to her knees. “That isn’t the worst part. None of my friends and family can go to Heaven. I get the demons not being able to go but the sting comes from my favorite reapers being stuck in Hell. All of that because of me. My father tried to stand up for me but I stopped him.” Pressing her forehead against the cool dirt, claws dug into the dirt. A fit of hearty laughter exploded from my lips, a confused Lily looking back up at me. 

“Does Heaven sound that great? I have a feeling that if they aren’t near you, then Heaven can fuck itself.” I spoke simply, folding my arms across my chest. “I have never felt more free in my long life. The angels are pricks and the demons I met in Hell are way nicer. Trust me when I say this. Life is going to be a big party when we all get to be together. People like us don’t belong upstairs. Look at it this way, you can rule Hell by your father’s side. Sounds like fun to me.” Leaping into my arms, mixed emotions soaked my shoulders. Rubbing her back, Diamond poked her head out of the front door. 

“Would you like a spot of tea?” She offered sincerely, her hair floating up in a warm breeze. Squirming out of my arms, her false smile didn’t hide the emotional distraught in her eyes. Following her in, the castle was a similar copy of Lucifer’s. Diamond must have appreciated it because she looked like she was at home already. Guiding us into the silver study, Diamond kicked me out to fret over Lily. Walking through a couple of halls, the shrill shriek of my cell phone had me leaping into the air. Answering it, Lucifer’s gruff voice spoke of tears. 

“Did she make it there okay?” He inquired in a fatherly tone, hurt lingering in his voice. “Our father proved himself once more. I am so proud of how she held her own. It sucks that she has to suffer my fate. Did she tell you that when she dies on Earth her body and soul will be trapped down here? What is wrong with him?” Smiling softly to myself, God had ironically made our ending that much better. 

“Won’t it be a party then?” I joked lightly, a fit of laughter bursting from his lips. “Why linger on the sad shit? If I was in there I would have pounded his face in. At least I stole ten more jars of his blood. If you aren’t picking up on what I am saying, I stole the first one.” Laughing with each other, life sure did have a way of giving rise to hope in the darkest shadows.

June 07, 2024 13:27

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