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Contemporary Friendship Thriller

New life message ...

Here he is walking down the street, turning right and continuing, then turning left and walking forward, but why is he turns and walking so strange?

Is he afraid, is he looking for something, will he hide now, to this degree?

It looks different, but will it change? And when?

Will Mark remain careful, your life is difficult, man, with all this complexity and instructions in your brain, it will be difficult for you to deal with people, you say that in this way you will not make any mistake with your words or your actions, you are exhausting yourself, life is easier than that, why do you have to You make the solution a problem, you think longer than required, you only have to walk with the course of life, and solve your problems with a" smile".

This is the problem of my friend Mark, who thinks over and over, repeats and repeats, imagines things that do not exist and that could not happen, begins to expect them to happen and plans to solve them and sets up the possibilities for their emergence and many other possibilities that exist in his deep imagination, and sometimes he does not sleep from much thinking.

This is a problem for my friend Mark, who over and over again thinks, repeats and repeats, imagines things that are not there and which cannot happen, begins to anticipate them and plans to solve them and puts up the odds that they will arise. And many other possibilities in his deep imagination.

Mark remained in this state, and in this tense situation, until that day came, which changed Mark, changed his thinking and actions even his personality, transformed him from the complicated old Mark to the new quiet Mark !!!

The story began when someone knocked on the door of Mark's apartment, and he began to say himself, maybe this professor Leo, what does he want, did I fail my exam? But I studied well and I am sure that my answers are correct. Could the answer to that question be wrong, will I be allowed to retake the exam?,Or is he the owner of that dog, what will I say to him after that strong punch, but his dog is the one who attacks me. I have the right to defend myself. Certainly I will not let an animal harm me! 

Is it possible that she is my grandmother, maybe she came to educate me and give me from her life experiences, isn't that scary, and I won't open the door to her, but this is rude .

Imagine all this happened with me in ten seconds! . It's record time and it's funny at the same time. What is all this, Mark? Just calm down and open that door handle .

It was a time when he made the postman behind the door, go and leave his letter the door rug for Mark's apartment, this was tiring and boring at the same time, Mark felt happy when the man disappeared, but once he saw that message, he did not feel comfortable, and the imagination and the over-analysis returned, why is he getting This message was this particular time, it was strange to him, no one sent him a messag!!

Mark opened the letter, it was from a young girl who invited him for her birthday, Mark did not know who this girl was, reviewed all his information and everyone who knew him, it might be his relative or even the sister of someone, from this until he mentioned that she was the daughter of his teacher, he was confused, did He will apologize or he will go, there is no need to go, so he apologized to his teacher for coming, on the pretext that he was sick.

Mark was a skilled football player, but he kept turning away from thinking about joining a team. He did not like gatherings, while Mark was thinking about the professor’s response. He remembered that he saw a little girl who was watching him play. Perhaps she was watching him carefully and she seemed happy throughout his play.

Suddenly he felt sad unconsciously or for any reason, and for the first time he did not think and analyze much, he realized that the only answer could be obtained from that girl, so the next day he went to the playground and started playing, he was waiting for her but was surprised by her father, Professor Liu.

But he was not ready to talk, and the conversation might take a long time between them, so he went quickly and returned to his apartment, but soon he felt that he was violating his behavior, he no longer had an opportunity to experiment with speaking with others without the expectation of the other answer or his inability to answer.

After two hours, he is drinking bitter coffee without sugar. Whoever thought about what he did a lot no longer concentrated what he did in front of him. Here he puts a lot of sugar with coffee and he does not like it sweet, he drank it and did not feel, but he liked it after thinking, then at that time he noticed something Strangely, he did not think when he put sugar, and when he tried it, he liked the result, and if he did not like him, he could make another, as well as talking and talking to others. Since sometimes it is not necessary to think about what should happen in the future, it can come with experimentation and experimentation, either accept it or reject it.

Mark still wants to know what is the secret of sadness in the face of the professor and his young daughter. He heard from one of his colleagues that the professor had a son who was good at football, but he died in a car accident two years ago. She suffers from heart disease because of her sadness and loneliness. She is also a lonely girl who does not have friends.

Mark felt very remorseful for the girl, so he wanted to attend the party, but he was embarrassed, so what would he do, would he be allowed to respond to his request and explain the matter? He decided to bring the girl a unique gift. He gathered all the students and set up a soccer match for the two teams and an audience.

It was his only chance to overcome his excessive thinking, enter society and see reality, and show the influence of the cooperation they will exert and its effect on the girl's heart, and fix his harsh reaction to rejection by attending the party.

Mark brought the professor and his daughter to the playground, and he covered her eyes and took her, Mark did not say a word but happy birthday, only with these words, enter happiness at the beginning to the heart of the child and take her to the playground, the girl was so happy and felt a lot better and they did the match and set up the party and blow out the candles.

Mark felt the change and life, perhaps that message was the reason for his complete change, and made him more courageous in confrontation, to face the future no matter what it was, and that opportunities are not coming every day, and this opportunity may have come to make him happy and satisfy others with a word or without a word, only good work is good From any words!!!

I am happy for my friend Mark. I am sure that his abilities that he hides will be an energy in her mind and perception, but with the coming experiences he will improve and become better than before, this proves that simplicity or achievements and that the hardworking person, life will smile for him if he smiles at her and seeks to please those in it, no Something for nothing, I changed my friend's life message, just ink, paper, and emotions that changed him and changed his style for the better, Mark saved himself from that world, the world of complexity and analysis of the future, we do not know the future and what the days hide for us, all we can do is hope for good in others We warn some of them, and that an opportunity presents itself that does not require a great deal of explanation.

             Written by "DIMA

                        AL-SHALABY " ...          

January 15, 2021 20:19

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Amazing World
20:22 Jan 15, 2021

This is a story based on my imagination, dealing with the story of a person tired of thinking, to open a letter for him to attend a party of a child girl, her feelings changed Mark's behavior and put him in reality...


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