Drama Sad Thriller

What happened?said the father.After a pause of few more seconds he again repeated in a panic voice "tell me James what are you talking about?".James was sitting in his chamber with just one light on,keeping the room almost dark,his father was totally audible to him,but the warm tears rolling down his cheeks hindered him from uttering a single word,except the word "hello" at the very beginning of the conversation.

         James pulled out the handkerchief from his pocket and tried to wipe his tears and took a deep breath with great difficulty to say "We cannot continue the family business anymore" and dropped his phone to make a hard sound on the marble floor of his office cabin and rested his back against the chair,where his successful father and grandfather used to sit.There were no other employee in the office other than him. Tonight will always be remembered by James."The office still belongs to me,but tomorrow,...."he lowered his head and looked at the floor.The warm tears frequently made his eyes blurred.He felt like the only person on earth.He left the chair and sat on the floor with his two legs folded and leaned back against the side wall of his cabin,he slided his palm over the floor and looked everywhere around the room.This was the same room where he used to come once,on every bright sunny morning to start his everyday work afresh,to execute his responsibilities as the owner of the company,as handed over to him by his father.

  Everyday was a good day,employees used to greet him "Good Morning",as he used to cross the main doors of the company to enter his cabin.Everything was going well,but the past few years had been a nightmare,their company started loosing stakeholders,they suffered heavy losses and debt in the market.It is not that they didn't do anything to bounce back, but.................. almighty god had another plan for them.They never cheated their clients,they never made fraud in the market,they continued their business with ethics and maintained their business standards.But still lost their grip on it.The darkness of his cabin seemed to be choking him.This is his last night as the owner of the company.Tomorrow he is finally going to sign the papers to hand over his company to another famous business tycoon,who wanted to buy his detoriating company.He had no intention of selling the company,but had no other option.James got up on his legs slowly,his shirt were partially stained with dust,few of buttons were unbuttoned.He wiped his tears again,moved forward towards a cabinet with a calm face,as if there is nothing to worry about,every tension and worries are already over,his destiny has already got him.He stared at the cabinet without winking for a couple of minutes.He raised his shaky,dry hand to touch the cabinet of trophies that their company achieved,throughout their golden journey under his grandfather, father, and lastly him.The shiny trophies are not only making a contrast with the dark surroundings,but also making a contrast with his present situation from what they actually used to be.He smiled a bit as he picked one of them in his hands,thinking about their golden times.After few months he smiled finally.His fickle smile disappeared instantly after a few seconds,he then rubbed the trophy slowly with his handkerchief to retain the shine,and kept it.After taking a deep breath he stepped out of his cabin.

            James stepped out of his cabin to find no employees there in his office,the tables and desks started to get covered by layer of dust,spider webs started to appear at the ceiling corners,the lively corridors where his employees always used to passby,is now a gloomy place lit by a normal CFL light,other lights must have stopped working or broken. "Such a nice and lively place it was",he murmured as he was looking at the destructed family business company.He is no more a famous businessman,no one gives him 5 star treatment or treats him as a celebrity now. He is just like another normal human being now. While taking a walk through the corridor,he saw the large portrait of his and his father,and could not stop himself from getting emotional.It was the time when his father handed over the responsibilities of the business to him,he lowered his head in despair and said to himself,"I couldn't".

He couldn't walk further as he didn't want to increase his pain by looking at the different other places in his office.He returned to his cabin,to find his wife waiting,she almost burst into tears.She ran and hugged him tightly,and sobbed for few minutes.

She finally said,"Let's start together again! I can't watch you in this way for long."James didn't say a word,he just rested his head over her shoulder,and broke down."I didn't do anything wrong,but still............." he cried and said.His wife Emily,grabbed his hand over her,and tried to make him realize, that they can stand back again.But nothing seemed to draw his attention."I am tired now,I can't take it any longer",he said in complete loss of hope.She kissed his forehead and promised it won't be a problem for her and their child to accommodate new situations,they don't fear their destiny anymore.

      As she holds his head,she realized his body started shivering and some thick fluids oozing out from his mouth to make his clothes wet.She needed no one to understand it is blood.She shockingly asked him,"what happened to you James?".James couldn't say anything,but made a growling sound out of mouth and started to collapse.His body was heavy for his wife to control,she couldn't grab his entire body and he finally fell on the floor,his wife realized he took poison,and got rattled,for a few minutes. She was too shaken,she hurriedly grabbed her mobile from her purse to call their family doctor,but he didn't respond.She grabbed James's phone,to call the doctor to find the same.

   She left James there,and prepared to leave the office,to go out on the street to find any vehicle.After approaching the street she raised her trembling hand,to stop a car,the car did stop there,and she only said "Emergency",the driver nodded his head,she turned back and ran into the office to bring James as soon as possible,she had to admit him in a hospital.When she went back to his chamber,she suddenly stopped for few seconds as if she got freezed.She can't see James's chest moving up and down,instead as if it was paused. Emily never ever thought that James's last few moments would be so tragic.She remembered the day of her engagement,where they promised to stay together forever,what would she do now?She never thought of staying alone without him, she embraced his entire body and started shaking and became unconscious.

Suddenly the lights were switched on,and someone said "Cut it" and "Pack up".The producer laughed hard and clapped and said,"Bravo ! Bravo ! my dear Bravo ! what a shot did you two give !!!!,you are going to get an award for your acting".Suddenly,the actors playing the role of James and Emily started to get up while smiling,and were really happy to get the appreciation from the producer.

November 26, 2020 17:21

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