The Spirits in the Water

Submitted into Contest #83 in response to: Write a fantasy story about water gods or spirits.... view prompt


Fiction Adventure

Lot's of people Want to find spirits. And this story is where they got to.

Back then, I was exploring through the woods. Looking for interests, I found something I hadn't seen before.

It was very interesting and it lived underwater, You could say it was "Watery" or "Spirity" But I think neither, I think it is a water-spirit.

OKay let's start at the beginning, The very beginning.

It was a warm Spring day in May, And I wanted to do something interesting, So I went exploring in the Forest nearby where I live. So I was just wondering around looking at trees and for something to do that is fun, Or maybe interesting, One tree had a weird odd shaped carving on it, That was sort of interesting, but not Something That I would spend hours looking at.

Later in the woods I found a trail, And I decided to follow it I thought that it must lead somewhere, And I was correct, It did.

It followed somewhat to a huge lake, I had never gone this far in the woods before.


"Uh yes you, Are you there human living thing? I am a water spirit," said a voice behind me

I thought that it couldn't be true, Is this possible, Was this all a dream???

"You know I don't think so pal" said the voice again.

"If you think that this is a dream, It isn't, And that's a true fact pal." Said the voice once again.

I didn't know what to say here, I mean this was an actual amazing awater aspirit, And I couldn't find any more A's to add to that.

"Hey, Pal, I'm real here" said this odd spirit

"I know!" I managed to say still surprised. "How can I see you, How can you see me..." I said. "I actually don't know pal" said the water spirit.

The spirit ran off into my house without asking ._.

"That's the sink, We do not drink it" I said, "I'm not" said the water spirit. "I'm using it to be waterful, I have gills pal" said the water spirit. "I have no idea what that means but it sounds odd" I said.

I ran the spirit right back into the pond, But I got lost somehow.

I couldn't actually see the spirit but I knew I was holding it because the spirit said I was, I didn't fully trust this spirit yet, But we were about to be great friends.

The next day I tried getting Back home because I was lost, Remember?

So I was just walking till I heard a voice "Hey, Where are we going?" Then I knew that Water spirit was following me again, So I said "Why are you following me",

"Because I wanted to" said water spirit. Later around 2:00pm or 1:30 I asked what was water spirit's name? Water spirit said "Why don't you give me one?" I replied "I think you should decide what your name should be", and Thats when my water spirit Begged me to name them. Then around 3:00 PM I said "Your name is Watery",

"Good choice" said watery still following me it turns out.

"Can i have a last name too? I mean most of you have a last name and a first name" said watery again.

"Your last name is the spirit" I said.

Watery the spirit agreed that that was a good name and that they would keep there new name for all of there time of existence.

We passed the tree with the carving in it Finally, I thought that we must be getting close to My house, But some how there was more carvings that came up after that carving.

"What will we do now..." I said sadly

"I actually don't know this time, But maybe we can have a little luck with this lucky 100$?" Said Watery

"I don't think so actually, I'm pretty sure we are lost for real this time sadly".

So I started pacing until watery thought of an idea.

"Do you have an idea yet watery? I mean, It's getting dark outside and we need to find our house soon or we will have to sleep in the dark" i said

"It might not be so bad sleeping out here, I mean wolfs are spirits, But maybe bad because of Night spirits" said watery.

I asked watery what they meant about these 'Night spirits' and

Watery replied "They are the spirits that aren't good, They are mean to all, Water, Lava, Ice, Cave, Cloud, Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, And hundreds more kinds of spirits" said Watery.

"What should we do then watery?" I said

"I don't know" said watery

So we thought about how we were going to get home safe, Without getting harmed by the night spirits that won't be nice to you at all.

We had a plan that we think that might work so we don't get harmed by them.

"Heres the plan, We pertend we are trees and sleep in the tree costumes for the night" said watery

"But i don't have any tree costumes here or there" I said

"Well then we might have no choice but to sleep in the trees for the night" said watery

"Okay..." I replied to watery

So we went into the trees and there we spotted our house!

"I found our house" said watery

"So did I" I said

We walked to our house, But we heard a noise that stopped us from moving...

"wE ArE ThE NiGhT sPiRiTs" said a night spirit

"Run!!!" Said watery

So we ran away as fast as possible to My house and thats when the water spirits were following us, I knew because we heard moaning behind us as we Ran to our house as fast as possible.

Then we found our house and went in it, and there we went to bed.

"I'm so glad that we didn't get hurt my the spirits" said watery

"Me too" I said

But it wasn't over! The spirits were still out there and thats in my next book when we find out what happens next.

To be continued...

February 27, 2021 23:00

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Joshie Seahorse
15:39 Mar 26, 2021

Thanks everyone for enjoying this! Maybe a new story this week


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Margaret Keefe
21:47 Mar 10, 2021

I like the concept of a water spirit, thanks for sharing.


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Wake Lloire
19:57 Mar 05, 2021

I loved the premise of this story and how you presented it! It was especially fun to read out loud! Great work!


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