
Written in response to: Write about a character with questionable morals.... view prompt


Adventure Fiction Fantasy

It was a hot afternoon 

My mum dropped us at her spinster friend's house

A place we visited everyday to catch fun with other kids

Her house was quite big..big enough for a hide and seek game

But that day it was different.

When other neighbours came around to play

..we decided to play "daddy and mummy".

Even though i had played this game a hundred times felt different that day.

Being the eldest(12 years old), I was picked to play the 'daddy' role,

And Deborah played the mummy character.

Like every other innocent children that were once innocent..

The game started out smoothly

We ate imaginary food and drank water with our jaws.

There were no other parental guidance - the spinster lady was fast asleep in her room

..while we occupied another room(5 of us),

fooling around with our little brains.

And like every mummy and daddy game..there is always going to be night-time where everyone will pretend to go to bed and wake up to morning in the next 2 minute 

I innocently went to bed with Deborah, we covered ourselves with the bedspread and faced each other

While i was patiently waiting for morning to come..

Her lips were already on mine

A weird sensation swept tru my body

I didn't know what i felt.. but i loved it

As we kissed, My little weenie stood up.

Before i knew it..

By impulse, i brought it out and she held it like some school biro

And what happened next was history (memory failed me to recall)

Even though there was no penetration,

..when i got home, i quickly hurried to church to ask for forgiveness 

Throughout that night, guilt slept with me.

What if someone had to find out.. then i would be dead meat

And my parent were - "a hardcore, No B.S, don't mess with me" kinda Christians

That if they eventually find out, they'll rain fire and brimstone on their first son that nearly committed a fornication attempt.

The next day..the sun slowly rose like my gender's thing.

Like always we went to visit my mum's friend 

But the other kids weren't around this time

...except Deborah.

She smiled at me and said we should do it again.

My mind immediately flashed back to yesterday's event

And my libido began to react like the highway strangers 

"No, not this time"

I just gave my life back to Christ the third time 

I resisted her and that was the end of it.

That was the last time i went there.

But that was the beginning of SELF-CONTROL in my life

And it had greatly helped me, financially, emotionally, and otherwise 

Wrong people find it difficult to influence me.

Even the wrong choices that beclouds my thinking are always having a tough time

I'm not saying i'm perfect and do not make wrong choices sometimes.. i do

But most times after my Self control come face-to-face with these wrong choices(and people). There usually an "8-2" kind of defeat. The Barca style 

Slowly as the year goes by.. this self control transformed into Discipline.

And it scares me sometimes. 


So i was thinking..One very hot afternoon i laid on my bed, thinking about how i would spend somebody's money that mistakenly entered my account.

The sun heated my room so much that it actually felt like my room was on fire. So i tried to stop thinking and forced myself to sleep.

Five minute into the sleep, i heard a knock on the gate. I hesitated a bit while checking if the person would get tired and go away.

The knocked and knocked...

But before i could lift a muscle, my mom had already gone to check who it was. After ten minutes of conversing, the person left. Then my mom came to my room to tell me what they talked about.

"Who was knocking at the gate" i asked

"It was our neighbour that lives at that upstairs (pointing towards the next building), she said i should pass a message to you" she replied.

I was puzzled and the same time interested.

The woman in question just moved in a month ago. I only saw her twice and she already had a message for me.

"Meee?...what did she say" i asked in surprise.

"She said that she had a dream and in that dream you were naked, that someone was trying to bring shame to you, so her spirit told her to come and tell you to fast and pray for seven days, to thwart the devils plan".

"Chisos, she saw me naked in her dream...doing what? What am i doing naked in another woman's dream", i thought

I thought hard about her vision and decided to do the fasting. One thing i knew for sure was that God can use people to warn you like he did in the Bible.

But i tried my best to avoid seeing the woman by any means. I didn't know how i would be able to look at her after she saw my her dreams

If we are walking in the same street and i sighted her from afar, i will pretend to be making call and look in another direction.


The day before i was supposed to start the fasting, i sat on my balcony surfing the internet. Suddenly i heard a voice saying "Drop your phone and look forward"..

And behold i looked forward..and my eyes were opened..

The woman that saw me naked in her dream was standing behind her window rubbing caramel lotion with her skin popping.

She was stark naked and had probably forgot to close her curtains before dropping the towel.

Son of man stood transfixed and immovable. The brain in my eyes now controlled the medulla oblongota in my cerebral cavity.

I see..i saw

The next day came and i was no longer ashamed of seeing the woman.

I never knew mere mortal like me can also see visions too

August 06, 2022 08:44

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