Through the corner of my eyes I can see numbers on a square bright yellow clock. It's 7:45. I'm going to be late for the Fisher's and my mom hasn't come to help me yet. I try to pull myself up from my bed, but I can't. Shaking my head, I managed to get my arms to move. I Squirm. I don't stop squirming. I'm already tired and out of breath, but that's when my mother finally comes in. "Caitlin, we're going to be late!" She grabs my wheelchair and sets it in front of my bed. I know we're going to be late. Squinting my eyes, she helps me up out of bed and into my wheelchair. "Are you excited to meet the Fishers?" My mom looks at me, and reaches for her bag. Sometimes she makes me think that she thinks I can talk. She asks all these questions and I sit here never being able to respond. I have all these thoughts in my head, but my brain won't let me say them. Oh how I wish I could say something. Even if it was just one word. I'd say anything! Except for bananas. Bananas taste bad. I trail off into my mind thinking of how bad bananas are. The next thing I know, my mother is struggling to get me in the car. "I can't get-" She stops talking. I hate being in the way. Once she finally gets me buckled in with my wheelchair next to me, she grabs her keys and takes off. I look out the window. I like looking out the window. It looks nice out. Calm, and not so stressful. Like it was planned to be so perfect. I raise my head as high as I can so I can get a better view. Apparently my mother notices me. "Caitlin, are you okay?" She looks worried. Always worried. My head manages to go up and down a few times before my neck gets tired. We finally arrived. The house is small, with a big yard. I love the feel of grass through my feet. Soaking up the nice hot sun, then sitting inside and watching the rain pour down. My mind trails off again. But only for a second. The car door swings open, and my mother and another lady help me in my wheelchair. I bet this is the lady I'm staying with. I wonder how long it will take her until she decides she doesn't want me over for the summer anymore. The girl gives my mom a short hug, and then my mother looks at me. I can see she wants to cry. "Have fun caitlin. You have everything you need in the bag." The girl smiles, I can see she is holding a big black bag. My mother lays her hand on my head for a short second and then walks off. I wish I could say bye. I watch as she drives away down the street, leaving me with a stranger. At least she looks nice. "My name is Jen, you must be Caitlin?" How stupid do people get. I can't talk but all they do is waste time on asking stupid questions. Jen grabs the handles on my wheelchair and brings me into her house. There is a tiny pug barking. I don't like that noise. It hurts my ears. I scream and kick, or at least kick as much as I can. My feet only move a tiny bit before giving up. Jen picks up her dog and introduces it to me. "This is my pug, Oat." I don't like Oat, and I don't think Oat likes me. The dog growls, and jumps out of Jen's hand. Jen shrugs it off, and gets the black bag. She walks away, then comes back a few minutes after. I'm guessing she put the bag down where I'm staying. Jen is okay. I like the smell of her house. It smells like biscuit cookies. I think she noticed, and asked if I wanna help her make some. I don't think she realizes I can't help her, my hands don't work like that. Jen rolls me into the kitchen and puts me at the table. She grabs a cookie mix box and opens the bag. "Can you poor this in that bowl for me?" Jen puts the bag in front of me. I do nothing. "Caitlin, I know you can do this." She looks at me. I want to do it now. My arms lift and settle on the bag. Now I'm too tired to move again. She smiles. Why is Jen smiling when I didn't do it right? All I did was set my hands on the bag, and now she can't pour it. Now I want to get them off but I can't. Great. I feel sorry for getting in the way again. Jen grabs the bag and pours it. “That was really close, Caitlin." She cracks two eggs and pours milk and oil in the bowl. She looks at me, but decides I can try to mix it next time. Im just too tired to continue. After Jen puts the cookies in the oven, she rolls me into the living room and puts on the tv. "Is there anything certain you'd like to watch?" She asks holding the remote. I want to watch the show Wall-E. I try to say it. "W-wall-" I stop. I don't think she understood me, because she put on a kids show. Im 12, almost 13. I don't like what she puts on. I shake my head, and wiggle my toes. I let out a small crying scream, and Jen admittedly shuts off the tv. I calm down. "Why don't we just go outside instead? It's a nice day and I think we should go out." Jen grabs the handles on the wheel chair and brings me outside. I think.. I might actually like it here. Im excited for this summer.
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