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Fiction Adventure

Hi, I am Mark Woodland; I have been trying to get some cash lately but I haven’t been able to hit a jackpot. Like a lottery, a cool job, etc. But recently one of my uncles died. Everything he had is inherited from me. Not you, not my brother, not my sister, not my parents, ME. I don’t even know this uncle. This is where it all started.

I woke up one morning and did my usual routine. Brush, bath, comb my hair, eat breakfast, and head to school. But at school, is where it got weird. I head to school, hang around as usual. But then I hear a screeching yell. ”OMG, MY FAVORITE ACTOR IS DEAD”. Then there’s a loud THUMP. I head over to see the drama. It was the richest kid in our school lying on the ground. I look at her phone. It was just an actor who died. The newspaper article stated, “Adrian Sniker found dead on his bed. The weird thing is he had his will in his hand. All his money and all his money is inherited by Mark Woodland. But he said in bold he has to come to my house and find the secret box.” I freak out and ran, trying to not be seen. While I am in class listening to a boring lecture about fractions I think about if it is me or another person. I assume it is someone else. I think it might be someone else because I don’t even know this guy. How would he know me? I think about it during the whole class trying to figure something out.

After class, I was heading home. I was waiting for the bus when I see everyone staring at me. I felt weird and it was getting out of my comfort zone. I decide to go home by bike to avoid any other incidents like that. When I park my bike in the garage and slightly open the door I hear a giant wail. My mom was crying? Why was she? I quickly head inside and try to comfort my mom. And again I see the same newspaper article. Was she crying because it was her favorite actor as well? I ask, “What happened mom”. ”My Brother died!!” Then it came up in my head. Oh my god. That actor was my mom’s brother. And that money was going to be mine?!?! I was scared and happy at the same time. If you are wondering why I was scared is because I hate being popular. And everyone was going to see me there. Go inside and try to find the box with the money. It is going to be way out of my comfort zone. I try to calm down and head to my room. I act normal as nothing happened. I open my computer and do a little research just to make sure it was my uncle. I find this website which says all about his relatives. It said he had 1 sister. And her name was my mom’s name.

The next couple of days I regret going to school. Everyone was staring at me. I had to stay in the bathroom the whole lunch period or else the whole cafeteria would look at me. The main thing that happened is that the richest kid in our school used to say stuff as I killed him. I am pretty sure she thought that I killed him or she just wanted the inherited money. But one day, the worst thing I could imagine happens. The media CAME to our school. They started looking for me. Luckily it was lunch period and I was in the bathroom. As soon as I come out a giant mob swarm around me. There were so many flashing lights, so much talking, so much shoving. I try bringing someone else, so I can escape. Luckily I bring someone in and crawl my way out. I quickly run to class and attend it. I felt so relieved when I reached class. Why did he, out of all the people in the world have to be an uncle?

The big day finally came. I had to go inside and find the box. Just for some reason, it felt as if I had to rob the house. The house was pretty big. Outside were the main commotion was. When I was driving up to the house I see 2 people fighting and arguing. I roll up and they act as nothing happened. Why was being treated so formally? I ask what happened. They said they were arguing about which camera lens they should use. They ask me to choose because I was the one going in. I quickly run to the bathroom and tell my mom to answer. As usual, I was scared. I was fine with the whole conversation until they started talking about the streaming I just don’t like talking about popularity. It is way out of my comfort zone and can’t handle it. Then I see a giant line in the distance. They were all heading this way. I quickly run to the broadcasters and ask if I can go a bit early. They answer with the answer I was scared of. “No.” I quickly run to the door and stand right beside it. They get all their equipment ready for the streaming. The camera turns on. The broadcaster raises his thumb and I head inside.

The doors slam open. It was enormous inside. It felt weird how the cameraman just followed me wherever I went. The first thing I see is a giant vault. I was assuming the password was Sniker? I put it in. It opens up. I take a peek inside and see a letter. I pick it up and it said. “HAHAHA got him. You thought I was going to make it that easy for you. Don’t underestimate me, Mark Woodland.” I hear yelling outside. “Boo, boo, he is so dumb” I get triggered and go straight down the hall. I find this giant swimming pool with 7 Pokémon cards floating on it. Floating on it was the rarest Charizard in the world. There were only 7 in the whole world. He had ALL of them? I heard that they each cost around 70,000 dollars. I do the math in my head and calculate it is around 490,000 dollars just those cards. Those cards would get me a Lamborghini and probably a whole house. I jump in and take those cards. I wander around and try to see if there are any clues around. I quickly realize that one of the cards felt heavy. I look around it and see a key. I think it might be for a vault. I remember on the news it said he had his will in his hand. I run to a bedroom and of course, I see the vault.

The moment of truth I put the key in and twist. It opens up. I see another layer. But this time it had numbers. I get so angry and throw it at the wall. Of course, I should have predicted he knew I was going to do that. Behind the broken wall there were numbers. I put in the numbers and it opens again. Inside is a wallet with his cards. There were all these keys inside too. I am assuming these are his cars and his vaults? I head out all scared and see people cheering. I am surprised I did all of that while being out of my comfort zone.

That is the story of how I am one of the richest people in the world. The main thing in this story is that I got out of my comfort zone and got all this money.

December 17, 2020 04:41

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1 comment

Rishab Gupta
00:29 Dec 20, 2020

Amazing story with a bit of gramatic mistakes but awesome story... Keep writing, you've got some talent!!!!


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