rocky hills massacre

Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Set your story at a party that has gone horribly wrong.... view prompt


Crime Horror Thriller

We pack up the car with a few suitcases the next morning .we were on the road we had to wake up a little .so we could get there around the right time .when we left i had the back seat all to myself while my two older brothers get to ride in the front .we are driving in the woods not much to see except trees .and a few dear . but we did stop by an old town to stock up on gas and snakes for the road .

i fell asleep for about 20 minute when i woke we are still in the woods .i ask forest are we almost there he says according to map we pretty close .Chris also wakes up say looks at in front of him as say forest look he looked to see a tower .to a house or something .we drive a little closer as we see a gate to the house the gate opened when it detected are car .

we are in the property to the house the house was huge forest says look at this place it a palest .it had a nice reddish look there was a water fountain around that was a path for cars .when we started to unpack the car another car pulled up it was forest friend with him and his girlfriend Alice .forest walked to there car saying what are you doing here 

.His friend Derrick said we got an invitation for a dinner in my horror . a few minutes later 2 more cars pulled up. 

It was the area neighbor Steven was a cop with his children oli and Andy 

.A few more people arrived but there were all friends of ours.but they all said that they were invited to a diner in their honor .

 but then we entered the house but when we all were in the house a housemaid was there saying follow me to the third floor to your rooms you all except for dinner at eight o'clock .

She tell us her name is Natalie she worked at the manor for fourteen years.we asked her if she invited us .she said no she just worked there .we were sent to our rooms we all unpacked and and stayed in our rooms the room were really nice they we asked if we could all stay in the same room .forest did not want us to stay in different room .

are rooms had 3 beds and 1 bathroom .we had everything unpacked .we were not question why we were here but Chris said that a free vacation is a free vacation .we stayed in our room for 2 hours until it was time for dinner we were all exiting our rooms for dinner the dining room had a huge table we still don't know whos are host is but we sit there at the table .

We sat at the table while Natalie and a 17 year old son passed out glasses of water and bread with butter .The boy's name was Cyrus and he was the child of Natalie . We sit there having small conversations until we hear footsteps and we finally get to meet our host .His name is James Leviathan. We had no idea who he was but he knows all of us.he said i have wrong each and everyone of you in someway so i have brought all of you to make amends 

He leaves with his girlfriend who is named Elena .They sit in the room questioning why they were all here and why some random guy brought them there .but then the worst thing that could happen happened .

Alice says that she worked as a phone psychic for a few months .She told me about the future many times she tells me we have a nice future in the making and how i am destined to be successful.

she went to the front of the table were James were going to sit she wanted to know if she could see his future or see what's in his mind .but when forest popped a bottle of champagne then the cork flew across the table almost hitting Alice when Chris caught it.but then Alice fell on the table not knowing what happened .

but when doctor Brandon James went to see if she was ok .but she wasn't she was dead she was bleeding from her chest as she was shot .

 we all panicked. We all gasp in anguish .Chris and me huddled around Chris. Steven said he must have brought us here to .kill us all .we all leave the dining room leaving the house when we realized there was a thunderstorm we all get in our cars leaving but lighting stuck a tree breaking it and landing on the bridge breaking the bridge .since the house was on a small island there was no way to leave the manor and its ground .

We look around outside if there's a way off the island but then it was settled there was no way of knowing the situation there. they all went back in not in the dining room but we all went to the lounge to discuss what we were going to do.

Steven tried to call it in on his radio but we had no luck .He asked if any of us have cell phones but none of us got any reception.but forest pointed out there is a landline .but the line is dead.we tried to gather what we know .we amused James is the murder .because we had no idea who he was or were he was when Alice died .

But then James walks in the lounge with the housemaid and she and all offered us some champagne .When he walks in he says that he didn't kill anybody .But when we show him Alice in the next room she was not there .

Steven said where is she, where is the body .what body james says he tells us that he just found god why would i jeopardize my entrance into heaven he said .steven said that i keep my mouth shut until you talk to a lawyer .then james shouts i didn't kill anybody.then the lights shut out .but when the lights turned back on james was dead on the floor not knowing what killed him.

we panic in the dining room seeing another body. Stevens say s that he didn't murder Alice or himself i .he said the murder is one of us .we go back in the lounge we work with .i had an idea o thought why would one of us kill a random guy that we would have no idea about unless someone knew who he relay is and they wanted to get revenge .

We all looked at each other trying to say something but we couldn't said let's look around and try to find more clues . We leave the long hall with the stairs . look around the house .we look for a study or something that can shine light on James 

Steven find the maids quarter with forest they look around .they find a letter to a person it looks like an invitation to the dinner .with the name Michael Fibonacci on it we meet up with everyone.and try to see if there is a Michael Fibonacci in the group .there was know one but they assume that he is the killer because he could be in the house .they split up into groups of two .oli and and are a team forest and Steven are a team and the rest split up i don't know who is in the other teams but i am with Chris we decide to look in the kitchen we don't find anything until i see a broken tile .i step on it and ti opened a secret compartment no a room but a little box what i found in there was bullet and note to Natalie telling her to write the letter to Michael Fibonacci 

Darrek and Jillian checked the library and they found a book on the floor. Jillian picked it up and put in on the table she saw the cover of the book and it looked like a diary .They read it for a while they found out that the house has a lot of secret doors and entrances .they found a note by Michael Fibonacci telling James that he will be attending the party .

They also found out that Fibonacci used to steal for James he would kill for him and that he worked the the CIA . he was the top contributor assassin to the CIA .then when they said that there was secret entrees .they started looking more into the diary .they was a whole page dedicated the the book that da vinci code and it said that the book it's said that it us be read .they tried to find the book in the library .they did find it but when they pulled it back a secret room behind the shelf appeared we went inside and it was a secret study in there we found another book but is was a list of all his misdeed so he could make amend but when when she wa about to turn the page we heard a scream .we run out of the passage and out of the library 

To find that Steven has been knocked out we don't know who did it but we think he know who knocked him out. They think they may have a killer so they locked him in his room with the children's camera in it .

The storm is getting worse i saw a few pushes fly by throw my window but we are all still scared not knowing who is the killer.we went down stairs to discuss but we did a count but to find out that we were missing one person that person was Natalie she always stood with us .we look around we still could not find her .we assumed she was dead .we looked for her but all we found of her was her headband .a few minutes went by and we are still looking for some clue i look to check the time on my phone and still have no reception .

But when Cyrus walked in he also looked at his phone but he had two bars of reception so he told me and Chris but then it was gone .We thought if he could get a higher point we could get more signal and call the police...less than a minute Cyrus was gone .

.Cyrus is walking down the hall all he could think about is helping find his mother .he walked in to to room that lead into a tower of the mansion he walked up the stairs to a small room it was not a bedroom but it was the highest point of the house .in the room there was a baloney it had enough room for about 15 people but he balcony showed the back of the house and the ocean behind the house .he raises his phone to try and reach any signal come on Cyrus says come on 1 more time .he got 2 bars again enough signal to contact the police . he enter the digits 911 to call the police .but then he hears footsteps he looks behind him and to see a shadow walking behind him he is scared for his dear life he could not see there face but with a few words he says you the killer then a click of a gun Cyrus is shot in the arm then falls off the balcony. they .the group hears the sound of the shot and one group goes to the balcony and the other group goes outside .they see the body of the boy shot and on the floor .Brandon looks at Cyrus and confirms it that he dead .Steven said do think he fell of Brandon said maybe he was dead before the fall look here he’s been shot .they go back inside in to look in there for clues again .they found Cyrus's phone it had know-more bars .

They find the basement they split up in the basement into two teams .oli and Andy find a separate room in the basement. It was a billiard room with a pool table and cards . they look around and Andy says let's try and find some cues . Andy looks around the room, and bumps into a life size bear statue he jumps .they talk about how it wa funny .but oli find the cues on a rak but he crabs a wrong one and one of them bend and opened a trap door right under him .he falls in it screaming .Andy is left alone in the room .

Natile and oli find each other there in a underground passageway they decide to follow it it looks like a mile .Andy tell Natalie the worst things ever he said i am so sorry for the lost .she had knew idea that her some has been killed .she was so sad she screams she crying in the passage she .said i don't care what we do .just find the killer and throw him and throw him of the tower .they are at the end of the passage they find a trapdoor in lead to a hatch over in the parlor 

Derek and Jillian go back to the library to go look at the diary again .they pull the da vinci code back again and the book shelf opens again to the secret room .they go back down to room Jillian picks up the diary again to find the true identity of this Michael Fibonacci .they found out that he attending the party .he is one of the members party .the reason why we were all invited where is that James did want to kill him.but he only knew who he was .they said Michael had to improvise to kill James instead of him .the kill is Michael Fibonacci only James knew his face .James brought all of us to frame us he never knew any of us or wanted to make amends.he needed someone to frame .but then we hear footsteps entering Jillian hides in a walk in closet he doesn't know what happened to Derek because he pulled back a coat hanger and a door flipped pusher her inside .she was it another closet that had a stairs that spiraled down when she was half way down she a door open it was the killer she was being chased up the stairs 

The trenched coated person pulled out a dagger and stabbed Jillian in the back.then he ran off back through the trap door .since the storm is over .they used Stevens call the police .they got in contact with them the police would be there is a few hours .till then they stayed in the dining room .they went outside they found a boat house with a boat on it .they were so happy there were going to leave the house .all 15 people got on the boat until it was me i was about to get on the boat until it drove of they tried to turn it back but they couldn't forest couldn't leave me there .i was left alone at the house with the killer .i thought that i would wait fo the police to arrive .i stood in the now empty house waiting for the cops .but then i saw something outside it was a building like a chapel all run down i went outside and decided to pray that i will get out of here alive.but then when my head was down a chandelier fell down with Elena body hanging from it.i tried running from the chapel but they have locked the door .the killer is on the top balcony looking at me i still can't see there face .but they walk down the stairs i still can't see them the shadow cover their face .i pound at the door trying to open it but the pull out the gun saying know i don't think so i saw their face the killer is Brandon James .he tell us but his real name Michael Fibonacci .he said that i was invited to this party to die and it backfired it 

So i killed their guest so i killed James then I killed Elena then i killed Alice and Jillian Cyrus couldn't call the police so i had to kill him too. So now I have to kill you too.. I heard a really bad crick in the chapel floor .but he was about to step wright in it he foot fell in the floor bored giving me time to run .i ran as fast as i can i the back room when i hid is a closet .i found a dagger .he walked in with blood on his leg but with a gun in his hand .he throw stuff everywhere trying to find me when he got distracted i jumps out of the closet and stabbed him in the back.he pulled it out and throw it dropped the gun and i picked it up pointed it at him he charged at me with his dagger and i fired twice and his chest .Brandon James is now been killed by his own gun .i walk out of the building to sit down at the water fountain .i have blood on my face just in the corner of my forehead i try and clean it of .but in the the water reflection is Brandon with the dagger .i look behind me and it him he almost hits me but Steven wakes up and shoot him killing the mass murders of the the night i hear sirens in the distance and a team of construction worker.they appear at the gate they rebuild the bridge so the cars and all of us can leave . We sat there in a car driving back home with our family .

The End

May 11, 2021 20:03

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