People of Color

"Karma serves what you deserve "

A lady who living in the car with her 3 Children because,she can't pay rent.And now she's is living without a job .one day her elder baby,Who asked to her mom? Mom! How much longer are we going be living in the car. We are really miss our bed. Mom has tears in her eyes and reply things are a little hard right now But I Promise you. Mom is going to find a new job. And you're going to be back in your bed in no time. Sudden her phone rings and her friend call to her for more updates about job. when they reached office. she was late and someone already signing for this job. she asked Hye Friend! am sorry are late. But wondering if you heard anything more update for job. He replied am sorry friend but now there is nothing. she again become sad and told her I am confuse.I have a master degree and a good resume but still don't have job and then she wants to leave. come babies, we’ll back later.sudden phone rings back and her friend call her

hye wait! Not too fast.

Waiting for a Call.

He picked up the phone and got a new job address he smiled and tell her about job.

hey friend! congratulations you have an interview. It’s for a senior management position and they're looking to fill immediately.

They want you there three o'clock

that's the address don't be late her friend nicely said.

she took address and said

but that's two hours from now I don't think I will make it and I have my Children Now what I can I do tell me.

Her freind smiles and said why don't you just leave your babies with me.

and I will take your Children to get some pizza or something.

and you just go

elder baby pushed her mom

what are you waiting for?

just go!

she became happy and run fast and then she checks her clothes she became anger and take out her dirty clothes from the car and going to washing their clothes sudden she thinks she have not money for her clothes washing she going to outside on the footpath and waiting for someone sudden A gentle man came there and she asked.

Excuse me sir!

could you spare some change?

I need to wash my clothes for a very important job interview. I just trying for a roof over my Children head.Am already late.

Gentle man replied taunting Yeah right!but I don't think so

you don’t have probably not Even A baby

and besides look at you no one ever hire you.So stop it lady.

She became upset and her friend and her child coming to her and shout mommy. She said Baby! What are you doing here? they replied we got some pizza and her friend asked her Why aren't you dressed? Don’t you have to get ready for interview? Yeah, well there's no use. I don't even have enough money to wash my clothes and now there's probably not enough time. I can't go looking like this her friend sad and remove his coat and she asked what are you doing man?

Here! just wear my suit

she replied what?

No, I can't let you do that. He said

please! I insist! Thank you, oh Please don't mention it.

but hurry up, cause we're running out of time. She had tears in her eyes and Said I'll never forget this. She wears his coat and well dressed and gone for interview.

when she was in office and infront of CEO.

Hello sir!

Hello Mam There Miss Amari

yes sir!

Thank you for seeing me.

The CEO saw coat

Oh, Nice coat you look sharp.

Have a seat. The interview was started and after some time They laughed.

And CEO said,

I Am very impressed by you.

she smiles Thank you sir!

CEO said I never do this so quickly But

I'd like to offer you the position.

CEO smile and asked nicely What do you say?

she replied Oh My God!

Yes,yes,of course.

Thank you so much sir.

You have no idea. You have no idea How much this means to me.

CEO stand and said welcome to this team. Suddenly a gentleman come who had a two cup of coffee in his hand, and CEO said, Oh! jerry come.

I would love for you to meet Miss. Amari

I just Hired her as our new senior Manager.

she'll be your new boss.

jerry happily looked at Miss Nice to meet you and he stuck he thought she was that the same lady who want some money for a wash her clothes.

and with wondering voice

Oh You!

she nicely Said Hello jerry.

Jerry said to CEO oh sir!

you don't understand this lady.

CEO interrupted Jerry and said

Is by far the most qualified candidate.

you'll be reporting to Miss.Amari right away. Infact

would you like some coffee Miss.Amari?

Miss Amari locked at jerry and smile

that would be wonderful jerry.

Jerry confused and said Yes

CEO don't like Jerry's way of treating Miss.Amari and looked sharply at jerry. Jerry understands his eyes action and smiled and said to welcome Miss Amari then he leaves the room and also Miss Amari go outside where her Children and friend waiting for her. When her Children looked at mother, they come and hugged mom. Her friend asked So, how'd it go? She happily replied, I got the job. Her friend congratulates and then Miss.Amari said let's go celebrate. That’s great!

After two weeks!

She bought a new house and wanna celebrate this with a little party.She bought new clothes for her and her babies and then she invited all friends and family members in a party.In which she order good food deals and enjoyed tha party.After party

Her Children slept at their bed

she has tears in her eyes and said

we're home.

we're finally home.

January 28, 2021 21:29

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MahNoor Zulfqar
08:49 Jan 29, 2021

Well done Amna 👍 !!A heart touching story 💘


Amna Sanoor
08:55 Jan 29, 2021

Thanks jani


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Ayesha Zahid
07:15 Jan 29, 2021

Very intresting story


Amna Sanoor
07:16 Jan 29, 2021

Tu to senti hi hogai... 😆 🤣


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Ayesha Zahid
07:14 Jan 29, 2021

Good work amna 😁👍🏻


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Ayesha Zahid
07:14 Jan 29, 2021

Good story


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Sarosh Anjum
06:56 Jan 29, 2021

MAA SHA ALLAH..... such a wonderful story having a beautiful message. Well done Amna❤️


Amna Sanoor
07:14 Jan 29, 2021

Thanks g 😻


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Khadijah Saber
04:27 Jan 29, 2021

Woww👏👏👏 Well done 💯💯💯


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Aima Ali
22:37 Jan 28, 2021

i appreciate it nd i enjoyed a lot while reading this...keep trying I wanna see you far ahead in the path you have taken....👍♥️🎗️


Amna Sanoor
06:04 Jan 29, 2021

Ayeee thanks 😊


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Laiba Khan
22:25 Jan 28, 2021

Keep it up😍😍


Amna Sanoor
22:29 Jan 28, 2021



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Amna Sanoor
22:29 Jan 28, 2021



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Amna Sanoor
22:29 Jan 28, 2021



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Show 6 replies
22:13 Jan 28, 2021

😍Amazing🌹Amna very nice story keep it up😍 itx Sad😔😪


Amna Sanoor
22:16 Jan 28, 2021



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Zainab Jaweria
03:13 Jan 29, 2021

Well done!!💕


Amna Sanoor
09:02 Jan 29, 2021



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