Every day with him

Submitted into Contest #91 in response to: Set your story in a library, after hours.... view prompt

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Asian American Fiction Teens & Young Adult

The street she saw when became empty, she would go to her favorite place, Library. Through the road, she recollects her memories of her childhood. She recollects all the things she had dreamt and the things she wanted to have. She grabbing a coffee from the nearest shop, She rushed in. The door squeaking, she let herself in, bowing and syncing sorry. She crossed her usual favorite genre rack ad wanted to try something new. She peeked through the small distance, and there was it. She sipping her coffee, read the book. She was there for many hours, she didn't realize until there was a thud on her table. She saw a man with bucket cap asking her something . She didn't understand what he wanted so she ignored. There was it again, with the help of his hands, he asked her he wanted that book. She wrote on a book as the librarian started to give a stern look that she would return the book tomorrow. She walked away with the book in her hand. She signed and told the librarian that she would return the book tomorrow to that boy signaling the man who came to her for the book.

In hurry as it started raining, she ran through with her bag on top and waited near the coffee shop. Suddenly there was this hand again, she with a stern look saw and it was him. She making some space near her asked him to sit. She asked him whether he was trying to flirt with her, he jokingly said that he was stalking. But the gloomy look on her face, he recollected himself and said that he was there to return her keychain which fell down near the library. She thanked him and asked him his name. He replied, ''Chris''. She introduced herself, '' Sara here''. He asked her if that was a platinum ring, she replied that it was a gift from her grand mother. They connected very well and it was kind a date that day.

Chris and Sara met each other after that day and as promised she returned that book with her favorite book mark. She asked him to return that as soon he finished. They after reading for many hours at the library, went to the same coffee shop whenever they wanted to. They both were believers of Destiny and shared stories about theirs and started dating not after a long time.

Sara returning from her med school , tired would pass by the library to find Chris reading in the table they always sat. She would find him waiting for her to drink some coffee. They would go to the park where they both spent their childhood .

After many months of this loop, they found themselves busy and couldn't meet as often but would daily message. Chris being a trainee at a singing company whenever had a hard time would call on her and would meet. She became his motherly girlfriend who would treat him as a small puppy and would shower her happiness for his victories.

As soon as Chris debuted he got a huge fan base of girls and Sara got her big gig as she was going to get send to America. Sara bid good bye but promising she would meet him. Chris became the idol he always wanted to be and Sara became the Doctor she always wanted to be. They met often but their meeting got reduced as Chris got tight into his schedule. He couldn't give her the time he had to and because of that, They then had to break up.

After a long time they again met where they had first met, Library.

For many hours they stared each other with hands on each other and knew again that this was it. Chris peeking from his book returned her book mark with a note on it,asking

'' Will you marry me?''.

And Chris knowing the expression on her face took her out o the library.

She screaming as a small child, shouted ''YES!!'' as if the entire world around her was back to her. Chris said that this wasn't the end and passed the next side. She when read the whole note, she saw a big folded letter. She when started to clam down, got seated herself in the coffee shop and read that,

''Sara, whatever your reply is for my question, I want to confess something. If you weren't there I wouldn't have been this big super star. If you weren't there, I wouldn't have had this dream of singing. Yeah, I know you didn't tell me about it but that's what I wanted to confess. Sara, you remember you once saved your classmate by giving your speech written on spot. Do you remember that boy who always was around you, cheering you, behind you for everything and once you told the class that You wanted to be a singer but didn't want to at the same time because of your family issues, I wanted to make it true. Yes, I am that boy, your Christopher.

Who you always had a back on and I was amazed when I saw in this same street again. You remember that bucket cap. It had your full back of it. You didn't see it, I guess. I saw for a long time in the library and wanted to introduce myself but was shy. Then one fine day I saw you picking up the book I was reading, when I came to you I was a bit shy but for you I wanted to do anything that was the reason I spoke so daringly to you[actually imitating you]. I love you baby. I wanted to tell you this a long time ago but, time separated us. but couldn't. I love you to the heaven and missed you like hell when you weren't by my side''.

She then with tears in her eyes, hugged him and nodded her head as if she wanted that to happen a long time ago. He married her and introduced her to his fans with daily updates about them. They never knew the boundaries that stopped them but they acknowledged them. That was the reason, They happily lived ever after.

P.s Let the story become true!!

April 24, 2021 14:44

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1 comment

14:45 Apr 24, 2021

Hey, if you have any thoughts on it, Please lemme know. Thank you!!


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