The Cloud Friend, Snow

Submitted into Contest #63 in response to: Write about two characters going apple picking.... view prompt


Fantasy Funny Bedtime

Molly looked around.

The smell of nature filled around, and sounds of birds singing lullabies chirped.

Sitting on a tree house and looking down below you where the flowers was a tiny red dot was scary.

But the breezes and winds of gushing air that passes through you is a beauty.

Molly slowly closed her eyes, feeling the beauty of silence and nature.

She started to feel relaxed when, she was disturbed.

' Molly! Hello Molly! Excuse me, are you awake?'

Molly snapped her eyes open, and also jumped up.


A boy was on a ladder, slowly climbing up the ladder.

He had medium dark brown hair that was a little wild. He had tiny fingers that quickly shifted from one part of the ladder to another.

He wore blue pants, which was a little loose and a sleeved shirt. And his shoes were not tied up nicely.

They were messy, and if he was unlucky, he might step on his lace and fall.

And.........was he Timothy?

No, no, no!

Not Timothy! He was Molly's little brother. She didn't like him, he never listened to her, and he was always annoying.

When someone meets him, their first word is, " Aw. He is so sweet. You're so lucky, Molly, to have a cute little brother,"

And, seriously? They didn't know his true colors:

1. Timothy doesn't listen to me at all. One day, when my family was in a hotel (we were in a trip), my mother and father was going out somewhere. I don't know where, I forgot. My mother told me and Timothy not to touch anything precious, because if we dropped it, - you get the point? Yeah.

And you know what? Timothy sliced off mother's jewels and dropped it. He seemed happy for that. I lectured him. My parents paid. I beat him up. I was mad.

He is trouble. Super-trouble.

2. He is a prankster. He keeps pranks on me, and-and- I don't like. One day, he kept a spider in front of my door (it was closed) at night. The spider was attached to a string, and he kept fake cobwebs around it. And then went to bed.

My weakness is spiders, I don't know how or when he discovered that. It was supposed to be a secret.

Oh, and as I was saying, I woke up at dawn. I was opening my door to come to his room and say " wake up!" when I was tortured by a big, hairy black spider in front of me.

I hadn't realized it was a toy, of course.

Then a huge gush of air passed, moving the string. The air caused the spider to move forward, and nicely landed on me.

I screamed. Ahhhhh! That was scary. So I scolded my brother, but he still does it.

Okay, let me continue the story.

Timothy climbed up the ladder.

' Hey Miss! Can we go apple picking?'

Molly looked at the small boy, and then sighed.

' No,' she said, ' Some other time,'

' Apples rarely come,' Timothy put on a bullying face. ' Or, I will go by myself,'

Molly didn't like Timothy, but she also had feelings for him.

What if he fell from a branch? NO way.

' Fine,' Molly groaned.

' Yeah!' Timothy cheered.

* * *

Timothy and Molly had dressed in jumpers, and Molly leaned a ladder against a tree.

Timothy slowly climbed it.

He held a basket, and then ripped out an apple, and kept it in the basket. He did it a few for more times, and then he came down.

' Your turn,'

Molly held the ladder, and then climbed up. She looked down.

Molly was scared of heights.

She looked up, and then, plucked out apples, and gently placed them all in her basket.

She was staring at the sky.

It was light blue, the color of the sea at daylight. Daylight would sparkle in the water, running jewels in the water.

That was how the sky looked.

And white, puffy cushions were relaxing on the water in the sky, sailing like a ship.


One of the clouds was shaped as a sheep.

Just then, something very magical happened. The cloud shaped as a sheep suddenly started to zoom down like a rocket in high speed.

It was a magical moment.

You would never see a cloud floating to the ground.

It was like a shooting star.

It stopped it's zooming then, and floated calmly beside Molly.

' Hello,' It squeaked, ' I am Snow,'

' I am Molly,' Molly replied.

' I want to do something for you,' Snow went in rounds and rounds and rounds over and over again, circling the apple tree.

Molly then noticed something. The apples on the tree had vanished!

Snow abruptly stopped beside Molly, and out of the cloud produced apples, all raining down on Molly's basket.

' I want to be your friend,' said Snow, ' When I saw you up on the sky, I had this strange feeling of making friends with you. I never make friends with anyone, so I am lonely,'

' But not now,' Molly said, trying to sound courageous.

' Cool!' Timothy yelled, from the ground.

Molly ignored Timothy.

Molly was bursting in excitement. She never had a cloud friend. And who knew?

It was rare!

After this day, Snow and Molly were best friends. Timothy spend the rest of his time jealous, but sometimes Snow would talk with Timothy.

* * *

' Hi, Snow,' said Molly.

The first time Molly had met Snow, she was 10. Now, 16.

' Hi, Molly,' A cloud as white as ice said, sitting on a pink chair, sipping on juice.

' Do you remember the time we first met?' Molly said.

' Yup!' Snow exclaimed. ' I liked you,'

' Same,' Molly said, ' I was impressed by your quick apple-picking,'

And from the sky, all the clouds smiled, watching two friends talking.

And the birds with worms in their yellow beaks all smiled at a teenager girl, and a cloud shaped as a sheep in black glasses, sipping on juice, sitting on a pink chair in the cafeteria.

And when Molly grew up, she told stories of Snow.

The End.

October 09, 2020 17:20

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