In the Library of the An Dewek

Submitted into Contest #91 in response to: Set your story in a library, after hours.... view prompt


Fantasy Friendship LGBTQ+

The storeroom was quiet and dark, only the sound of scuttling bugs and the occasional yawn of wooden shelves as the spirits rolled over and murmured in their sleep.

The door creaked open. 

'Come on.' said Der-nok. 

'I just don't think we should be in here without Maester Bran-wa.' said Cas-lyn

'You think too much, Cas' said Der-nok. 

'When was the last time you had a bit of fun? Here.'

They handed Cas-lyn one of the small candles that sat in an alcove in the wall just by the door. Der-nok rummaged around in the pockets of their scratchy wool tunic. After a moment they drew out a small nub of flint. 

'Do you have a firestone?' asked Der-nok. 

'I'm sure I have one somewhere.'

Cas-lyn dug deep into the pockets of their tunic and soon produced a rock about as long as their little finger. Even in the gloom of the storehouse it seemed to glitter with flecks of gold. 

‘Thanks.’ said Der-nok taking the rock from Cas-lyn, they struck the flint against it over the candle showering it with sparks. 

‘Ouch! Careful.’ 

‘Sorry, Cas.’ 


‘Well I can’t light it if you’re moving it around like that can I.’ Der-nok hissed.

‘I’ll just put the candle on the floor, then you can be as careless as you like.’ 

‘Don’t be like that, I’m sure I’ll get it now, just hold it still.’ 

Der-nok struck the flint with the firestone over the candle, carefully aiming it over the wick. It caught and a flickering yellow light cast long shadows in the room. They each took a couple more candles from the alcove.

‘You go down the left side, I’ll take the right. 

Cas-lyn nodded and soon vanished into the gloom and behind a towering pile of books. 

The hard earth floor muffled Der-nok’s footsteps as they wound their way past rows of jars, bottles and sacks that clustered near the wall 

'Thyme, charcoal, salt. No.' Der-nok murmured to themselves as they passed them. 

Meanwhile Cas-lyn kept glancing back towards the door so much they nearly ran into shelves and more than one Der-nok heard a clatter as Cas-lyn knocked into a corner of a sturdy wooden box causing its contents to rattle and the neat rows of clay jars on top to wobble dangerously. 

After a few minutes Der-nok came to a stack of wooden shelves that rose from floor to ceiling. Most of the shelves were filled clay jars with the name of their contents written neatly in thin charcoal letters and a small pictogram beside it. Nearly all the shelves were bowing under the weight of the jars and some broken or were supported by newer planks. 

A small jar tucked away on the top shelf caught Der-nok’s eye, it was half hidden by the shadows cast by the flickering candle but for a moment they glimpsed it. A picture of a mushroom. 


Come on Cas, it's over here.’

Cas-lyn soon appeared and Der-nok pointed at the small jar. 

‘There, on the top shelf.'

‘How are we going to get it?’ asked Cas-lyn. 

Der-nok thought for a moment. 

'It's too high up, you have to give me a boost and climb the rest of the way.'

'What if someone comes?' 

'Cas, listen to me no-one's coming, They're all asleep up at the big house around the fire. Now come on.'

'Shouldn't we look for a ladder or one of those sticks that the Maesters use to get it?' 

'If you want to find it, be my guest.' said Der-nok. 

'But I thought you wanted to 'just get it and go' but if you want to waste more time…'

'Alright, alright,' said Cas-lyn quickly. 

'Just be quick.'

Cas-lyn cupped their hands and Der-nok stepped into it lifting themself up higher on to the shelf. 

The old oak shelf creaked as Der-nok rested their weight on it. Then seemed to travel through the wood from shelf to shelf and for a moment Cas-lyn thought it might give way, but after a while the creaking faded and Der-nok clambered up to the next level. 

Up and up they climb over rows filled with jars, books and bundles of herbs bound together with lengths of frayed twine. 

Finally Der-nok reached the last shelf. It was sparsely populated with only a few dusty half empty bottles standing next to the jar was almost completely round and bigger than Der-nok had expected about the size of their two clenched fists pressed together. The jar was firmly sealed by a large rubber bung. Der-nok reached for it and was just about to take it when a massive hairy legged spider emerged from the shadows, Der-nok let out a yell of surprise, jerking their hand away and nearly fell backwards as the spider scuttled away back into the darkness. 

‘What’s wrong? Are you alright?’ said Cas-lyn.

‘It’s nothing. Just a spider.’ Der-nok called back, their mouth dry. 

Der-nok took a couple of slow breaths and soon their racing heart slowed, carefully they reached out and picked up the jar. It was lighter than they thought maybe only half full but it would be enough. 

'I got it!' said Der-nok triumphantly. 

'How do you know it's the right one?' asked Cas-lyn. 

Der-nok sighed. 'Look Cas, it says mushrooms right there. If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and acts like a duck. It's probably a duck.'

'Hmmmm.' said Cas-lyn. 

'Besides there's only one way to find out. Come on.' Der-nok tugged the stopper of the jar. 

'And what do you think you are doing.' 

Maester Bran-wa stood at the end of the aisle, their staff in their left hand and a small lantern in their right, its light casting shadows over their craggy face. 

'Maester Bran-wa, I-I.' stammered Cas-lyn looking from the Maester to Der-nok. 

‘Acolyte Der-nok, come down this instant.’ 

Reluctantly Der-nok clambered down from the top shelf holding tightly to the jar in the crook of one elbow and silently cursing themself for not wearing something with a bigger pocket or bringing a bag with them.

The Maester hobbled over to Der-nok as they tried to hide the jar in the pocket of their tunic 

‘And what do you have in your hand?’ 

‘Nothing,’ said Der-nok too quickly. 

‘Nothing, Maester.’ said Maester Bran-wa sternly.

‘I repeat, what do you have in your hand?’ 

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ said Der-nok as they tried to slide the jar quietly back on the shelf behind them. But it slipped out of their hand and rolled on to the floor where it rolled towards Maester Bran-wa. Der-nok scrabbled for it for a moment but Maester Bran-wa battered their hand away with the end of the staff. The polished oak wrapped against their knuckles and Der-nok drew their hand away with a yelp of surprise. 

The Maester picked the jar up, holding it close to their clouded eyes. 

‘I see.’ said coldly Maester Bran-wa. 

‘Now, what does this say, Acolyte?'

'Mushrooms?' said Der-nok. 

'Planning a trip into the spirit world, I see.' said Maester Bran-wa arching one bushy eyebrow. 

'Perhaps, Acolyte Cas-lyn can see it more clearly.'

Cas-lyn peered at the jar in Maester Bran-wa’s gnarled hand. 

'Dried red cap mushrooms.' they said after a moment. 

'Indeed,' nodded the Maester curtly. 

'Dried red cap mushrooms. These will indeed take you to the spirit world in fact there are few herbs that are better. But I do trust you two know how to prepare them in order to leach out the poison and make them edible? Acolyte Der-nok? Cas-lyn. No? Perhaps then you know the antidote for a case of accidental poisoning?' 

Der-nok and Cas-lyn looked at each other but said nothing. 

'I thought not.' Maester Bran-wa huffed. 

'In that case you'll be on night pot duty until the moon is next full.' 

'Night pot duty!' exclaimed Der-nok. 

'But-but that's so unfair.'

'Two months.' said Maester Bran-wa. 

'Do you wish to make it three, Acolyte?' 

'No-no, Maester Bran-wa.' said Cas-lyn before Der-nok had a chance to reply. 

'Very generous, a very wise decision.' they added with a slight bow. 

'Very well.' said Maester Bran-wa. 

'Now be off with you, those pots won't empty themselves in the morning.'

'As you say, Maester.' said Cas-lyn, gripping Der-nok and leading them out of the storehouse and back into the night.

April 30, 2021 10:24

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