Fiction Fantasy Teens & Young Adult

It was the beginning of the end. We were about to storm what used to be our home, storm the place that thought would protect us, protect our children but they damned us all to hell. I was the head figure of my battalion. The president of our Sect, had betrayed our people, betrayed us, and even betrayed me.

I rallied my troops, transforming into something that no one can describe, a powerful being that glowed in the night sky. I had magic and wonderment, abilities that man could not describe in a single sentence. I was a powerful entity that was not human and nor was I angelic. I was angry and passionate for the people of this world. There is much more I could say but as we stormed in, my father, the president of this damned land, cowered in fear.

My eyes grew narrow as an elegant dress appeared, walking with me as I closed in on him.

‘Do you have any last words;’ I muttered as he whimpered watching us storm his halls, the castle of his new country of Adelaide.

I heard no answer as within seconds his body evaporated into the air, disappearing into the walls. The world was broken, detrimental, and emotional. We now had to focus on healing this world and building a new world, away from the authoritarian rule that we once knew.

How did we get here, you might ask yourself, how we got here? Well, it is quite a story that has many twists and turns.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It was the last day of my normal life before I knew who I was before I knew of the war and our past.

My father came in with a tray of cookies and a note, from my late mother.

“Today is the day princess;” He noted smiling as he sat on the edge of my bed.

“Father, it is just my coronation into Adelaide’s kingdom.

“A right of your birth; a right that your mother had on her 18th birthday and now you, princess, you are going to be crowned the princess of our land.

“Father, can I get ready in peace.

“Of course princess, and be down in an hour for your fitting.

I nodded to him slowly closing the door behind him. I slowly leaned down as I read the note from my mother. It was a lengthy note that told the truth of who I was and the truth of our kingdom. We were not a utopia and the reason for her death was because she was about to unleash the tides of war on my father. I sat down staring as my hands beamed a white glow, slowly consuming my whole body and in an instant, my room was blasted from all corners of myself.

The glow ceased as I slowly stood up staring at my hands in horror. My mother was like me. But not only that she was going to bring to light all of the stuff my father has done in the past years that were against the people, bringing them down, and destroying our country.

I slowly walked down the stairs, tucking my mother’s note underneath my mattress and walking down the steps as nothing happened. I nodded to my father’s right-hand man, Lucifer. He has tried to court me for years but I have always pushed him to the side. Maybe today I would give him a chance. I did trust this man with my life.

“Good morn Miss Adela, how do you do?” Lucifer said bowing to me as I bowed back.

“Good, how about yourself Lucifer?” I said flirtatiously.

“Greater seeing you, you excited for your coronation this afternoon;” He said cheekily.

We were alone as I slowly motioned to go more Seclusive place. I smiled at him as he slowly hovered over me, smiling at me.

“I was, I admit but now, I am not so sure,” I whispered to him.

“Want to talk about it?” He asked staring at me with soft eyes, wondering what I was talking about.

“You never liked my father have you?” I finally said as he slowly nodded to me.

“Under what pretense;” He asked fidgeting with his work uniform.

“The pretense that he killed Queen Adelaide when she tried to go public with her findings of my father,” I whispered looking in both directions to make sure my father wasn’t coming.

“You know I serve my king well but yes, I have never liked him. I rather serve you and…” He paused as we bowed to a knight walking by.

I looked down at my hands, did I just imagine that, or was that just me.

“And I have been waiting for Lucifer, will you stand by me at my coronation,” I asked softly as he smiled at me with luring eyes.

“I will be with you, to your right if that is what you wish and what is on your mind Princess?” He asked timidly.

“I found out some things that have troubled me but at my coronation, I am going to call him out in front of the world. And if he says they are not true, I will show him the truth.” I said walking out into the open staring at the dark hallway ahead of me.

“And what is the truth?” He asked skeptically.

“This;” I whispered as I started to glow again, more quickly this time.

His mouth dropped as I looked at him, he bowed to me nodding to me as he walked to the end of the hall in silence. I eased the glow and went to my fitting without another word to him or anybody.

I knocked on the door to two older seamstresses that had seen my mother’s coronation. They were the proud woman that was proud of their pride and work in making uniforms, dresses, ball gowns and coronation uniforms.

“Your father requested that you wear your mother’s gown.” The seamstress to my left said.

“So we made a rendition of it but of course a more updated gown with similar features. You look so much like your mother; she was so young when she passed. You will honor her with this gown.” The seamstress said to the right of me.

I nodded to them as they got started stripping me of my nightgown and dressed me in a corset, a brassiere, a bra, and a long elegant hoop skirt. I felt like I was stuck in medieval times. I sighed as the long gown went over my slim frame.

It was a white gown with red sapphires, amethyst jewels, and even gold sequins that were made into snowflakes. My mother wore a similar gown with lace. They added that at the ends. It had a smell of my mother’s perfume, daisies, roses, and lavender.

I missed her a lot.

“Wow you look lovely;” My father said walking in to get his fitting done.

“Thank you Father; when does the ceremony begin,” I whispered bowing to him.

“In one hour the ceremony will begin, I want to begin the coronation pre-ceremony with you immediately.” He demanded of me as I nodded

“Yes, Father,” I whispered to him slowly standing outside.

He came out shortly after with a gold uniform, with purple leather adorning his majesty.

He walked past me as I knew to follow slowly behind, we stopped at the fountain in the middle of our castle, and the fountain of wishes it is known.

“Your mother and I first met when we were first here, I was just a mere Duke of Sect 22, she the princess of this land. I loved your mother with all my heart, it is sad she passed so young.” He said staring at the shimmering water.

“Father, what is the pre coronation ceremony?” I whispered staring at the clay fountain and its shimmering water flowing down.

“You’re staring at it. Your mother and I both had to believe in the fountain, changing our lives and our people’s lives for the better. I will have Lucifer come and get you when the ceremony begins.” He said standing up abruptly staring at a knight who was motioning him over.

“Yes, father,” I said looking back at the fountain.

It was suddenly quiet as I stared at the fountain, my hands shimmering against the water, glowing to match the color of the water. It was peaceful as I watched the water, suddenly realizing that he will never stop. If my mother’s allegations were true, he will kill me too. She noted that he burned a whole village down, killing thousands of people to build an arena for the people. He murdered school children when they didn’t salute his flag. The list goes on.

“Mother;” I cried my tears dropping like jewels into the fountain. “I don’t want your name to be used to justify violence and hatred if these things are true. I don’t want to be seen as the princess that did nothing. I will not let this coronation be in vain. I will not let your words be in vain. The people need to know the vulgarity of what has happened.”

I wiped my tears staring at the reflection of my face, my features similar to my mother's. I had piercing grey eyes, a button nose, and the reddest hair anyone has ever seen. I was no blonde like my father is.

Lucifer came shortly after. I nodded, slowly getting up as I pecked his cheek, smiling at him. He smiled back as he led me to the staircase that I had to walk to my coronation. He took my right arm, slowly linking our arms as I lifted my head staring at the crowd before me.

They were villagers, people, afraid of my father’s hand.

“What will you do princess?” He whispered to me.

“The truth, if we can come out on the other side together, I’ll let you court me;” I said vividly.

“We will make it on the other side, and I will take it to your word, hopefully not too overwhelming.” He smiled kissing my cheek back.

“It won’t be,” I whispered as we took each step with each stride.

We stopped at the base of the stairs as the royal court official, read our names.

“Lady Adela Lune of Adelaide, royal congregant and Princess of the land with her escort Sir Lucifer Thaddeus of the royal congregation.” The royal official said as he helped us down.

My father nodded as Lucifer stood to my right, I bowed to the people first and then to him. I lifted my head before my father forcefully stopped me from lifting it.

“Stay bowing child, now repeat after me. I insert your name, will do my best to represent the people, to work with them, work with the communities, and serve the people to my best of my abilities.” He said icily.

“I, Adela Lune, will do my best to represent the people, to work with them, work with the communities, and…. No...” I said trailing off as I slowly lifted my head in insubordination to him.

His eyes bulged as I lifted my head at him.

“What do you mean no.” He bellowed.

I slowly lifted my head to the people as I slowly walked forward.

“Father I know you killed mother, the true heir to the throne so you could rule this land to the ground. The people know what have you done and I cannot accept your congregation, your rule, for destroying these people’s lives. You killed these people’s families, their children for your own selfish needs. I cannot accept to be under your rule, till your death, and nor can these people. I denounce my name and stand with them. And one more thing, mother was of magic, like I am.” I said slowly walking over to the people as I linked arms with them.

“Guards!” He screamed as I started to glow, blasting them to the ground.

I slowly grabbed Lucifer as we started to run and run not looking back.

April 15, 2021 04:06

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