Shutting the portal

Submitted into Contest #80 in response to: Write about a child witnessing a major historical event.... view prompt

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Fantasy Coming of Age Inspirational

I know I was only 80 in Fae years, which was the physical equivalent of an 8 year old in the human world...yet mentally and emotionally I was just as mature as any human adult. I knew the true weight of the event unfolding before me...I was fully aware of the true impact of the closing of the dimensional portal between the Human and Fae worlds...between the mortal plane and my homeland.

I was sad to see it happen, yet I also wasn't surprised. The Fae had been in perfect harmony with their environment and with one another for millenia. A few hundred years ago, the Royal Council of Fae had decided to subtly, behind the scenes help the human's improve their society by aiding them in balancing their relationship with Mother Nature...with Gaia, and with one another. 

After centuries of persistent and tireless efforts the Fae had finally had to give up the act when the humans had started to turn their attentions towards fighting the Fae...towards fighting us rather than working with us like they had before. I hated the fact that we had to stop our stop our relationship with them in such a dramatic way. But...but we had to break the connection if we were going to survive. Us Fae, we were a peaceful race and had been so for such a long time that we had practically forgotten how to have a war...a war that the humans continously were pushing on us.

It was only when they had realised that specially treated iron into our hearts was the only was to kill us...that was when we knew we had to cut ourselves off from them, at least in this stage of humanity's evolution. We couldn't continue to freely give of ourselves with only hostility and now fatalaties in was time to move on. 

Even though I was only a child in Fae terms, I was still fully aware of the historic importance of this event. I could hope that I would see the gateway between the two realms open up again in my several thousand year lifespan...but I wouldn't hold my breath, based upon what my Father had reported back from the front lines...humanity was so far off peace that not even my children would probably see the reopening of the gateway between our two dimensions. 

The closing of the dimensional gateway didn't directly affect me...the lands of the Fae were significantly more advanced than the humans in basically every single way so it wasn't like our quality of life would be modified.The only way this affected me was seeing how it influenced those around me...and how it would impact my generation, we would be the ones responsible for living with this decision afterall. 

Originally, us Fae had been able to somewhat blend into the mortal realm amongst the humans. We were a pecuilar supernatural race with our unique blend of both human and insect features which could make intergrating ourselves into different societies difficult. Fortunately, we were able to somewhat easily hide our insect features such as the retracetable wings and the enhanced senses...specifically our incredulous eyesight.

I had only been to the human realm once...and it was the most overwhelming experience of my life. I know that the humans had very limited senses...they could only hear within a certain frequeny and see only a fraction of the visible light spectrum, but I hadn't realised just how oblivious they were to 90% of the world around them.

The cocktail of intense emotions surrounding their world...hate,sadness,guilt and was enough to drive even the most grounded of Fae mad. I knew that Gaia, the Earth's spirit was upset at the humans and the way they treated her...but I hadn't realised just how bad it really was. My parents had spent years sheltering me from the harsh cold reality of the mortal plane, it was only on a eye opening school trip to the human's was only then that I realised just how naive I was. 

In the Fae realm, everything was in alignment...we were perfectly balanced with one another and our planet's energy...with our planet's spirit. It was because of this balance, this was why us Fae could live happily in this realm despite our insect like senses. We could see and hear...touch, smell and taste in a spectrum hundreds of times larger than a mortals limited sensory range.

To truly articulate the differences between our two societies, I am going to compare the different elements I sensed on simply sitting in a park in both the Fae and the Mortal realm.

Whilst I admit I am biased towards the Fae realm having grown up here and being Fae myself, I still can accurately compare the two thanks to the scientific training that all Fae are taught in school. 

Let me set the scene for you are sitting on a comfortable park seat simply watching the early morning pass before you. Tuning into your senses you begin to notice several things...factors that whilst seeming similar on the surface are significantly different underneath. I will save you from going into the excessive details...but if you are Fae, or have incredibly acute know what I am talking about. On a visible light level the two may be identical, but if you engage on other frequencies such as ultraviolet and infared...let's just say that the mortal world was practically was screaming constantly. 

The air was constantly filled with the buzzing of electronic waves and the mindless chattering of the various methods of digital mediums the humans used as communication. Visibly, the UV light from the sun was physically painful it was so bright...yet this wasn't all. The negative energy surrounding the planet thanks to Gaia's rock relationship with her residents created a nauseous like vibe wherever you wonder the humans were riddled with physical,emotional and mental illnesses...their environment was toxic as a result of their own actions.

Physically, the world were very similar...the touch sensation wasn't the strongest of the senses. Smell was like comparing apples to oranges. The Fae world smelt entirely dew and running water and snowfall. In the human world...I could tell that these scents were evident, yet they were heavily buried under the stink of burning fossils and garbage infused with untreated sewage and toxic wonder they were all so sick all the time. 

I know I am rambling now, but just know...know that the significant differences on a sensory scale between the two worlds. Until these are lessened, I know that until these are lessened the portal will remain closed. Until the humans repair their relationship with Gaia and bring peace to their realm through understanding and spirituality...Fae would always be seperate from humanity., and that was that.

February 12, 2021 10:22

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Niamh Brown
11:55 Feb 18, 2021

Hi Sara! I was encouraged to write a critique as part of a Reedsy critique circle. I hope that that's okay, and that there's no misunderstanding (I'm very new to Reedsy!) Your story was fascinating to read and I really enjoyed your interesting descriptions on the 'human world.' How we would seem to fairies or other species is a topic that really intrigues me and you described it so nicely. I particularly liked 'it was practically screaming constantly.' In terms of critique, I would note that there seems to be a word or two missing at the st...


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