They Have Discovered US

Written in response to: Write a story about a team tunneling down into the centre of a planet.... view prompt


Adventure Fiction Fantasy

Author’s note: Hey! Sorry I haven’t posted in quite a while! But I have been on holiday. I am currently writing this from Poland, so I hope all goes well. I won’t be promising writing every week, though. As sometimes I don’t have enough time or the topics are just downright boring and there is a fee and I’m currently moving house. This story is set in the year 3874 on an alien planet. Anyways, I won’t be taking up any more of your time. Let’s start the story! 


This private information is TOP SECRET and should only be accessed by military specials and Mr. Bluebell himself. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! 

Mr.Bluebell was as tall as he was wide. He also had stuck-out pointy ears and a very large bottom, if you wondered. In case you didn’t know, he was our great and glorious leader. The leader of all tribes. The leader of all Trumgplutenets (that’s us!). The leader of all leaders. He also had top-level security. 6 million Trumgplutenet guards surrowing his top-secret mansion. Every single one loaded with brand-new platinum green laser gun-rifles. The thick-wooden doors (which are bulletproof) can only be opened by a special key and then you have to type in a password and THEN you have to scan your face and THEN FINALLY you have to scan a special card. 

Besides, I’m Grenusltifunblusten. That’s a pretty long name if you’re earthling. I bet you are since earthlings are always sneaks and put their nose into anything that’s not theirs. And if you’re earthling please confirm that this Is true. This is the story of how they found us. They discovered us. Our planet. Our growing society.  

It was a worming (or a ‘warm morning’ if you’re earthling) and we saw it in the bright red sky. It was a slow bright light which was getting smaller and smaller fast, and nearer and nearer us at the second. It was going to hit us in about... Now. 


By using a parachute, a weird junk-metal thing landed softly on the surface. On the side it read: ‘Basa curious rover 3874 tm) 

The rover started to stroll around the place, taking big, bright shots of all of us that where around to whitness it. 

The worming after, (you know what I mean now, I hope) The government gave a speech about what this was. The military already tried to shoot it with their brand-new platinum green laser gun-rifle and then they tried blowing it up with 15 mega-nuke bombs and then threw half a Blon (15,000000 tonnes if you’re earthling) of anti-matter at it before blowing up half a billion of our planet’s population, but don’t worry, there’s 11 and a half billion of us left. So, we are not extinct yet. Oh yes, the blon of ant-mater also sank Sunland (if you don’t know where that is on the map, look over Flance and a bit over Blingland, Whales and Flotland, and you’ll find it there. A pale blue dot near the top of the land). 

Meanwhile: back on earth: 

It was an ordinary day on Earth (and mars, as half of the population lived in mars and Venus now thanks to Elon Husk) and the people were doing nothing out of the ordinary, looking at machines doing their jobs, drinking tea and coffee, watching a movie, the normal for humans in 3874 (it hadn’t changed that much, but everything was upgraded at least twice in the time). But on the other hand, Basa was having more trouble than it seems... 


Bob Robbinson was working his 5 hour shift, he was sitting back in his hair and drinking 6D printed coffee. He was viewing photos sent back from the Basa curious rover 3874 tm and suddenly he spat out his coffee (which was then collected by the newest verion of the clean-a-bot 6000XWV) and was in horror as he looked at the photos revealing the aliens. Just then, he hit the blue button with lightning speed from his hand. 

PSSSSSSTTTTT.....The 6D printed coffee started to drop all over the floor and the clean-a-bot 6000XWV  

Opps...not that one. 

Then, he hit the red button under the shield of glass. 


All of the employees (163, since most of the jobs were done by machines anyway) rushed and saw what was on the screen. 

On that day, the world changed forever... 

On the now ‘Alien planet’: 

Earth Military essentials and Space programs teamed up and flew into space. Not that we knew yet. A couple days later, there was a BOOM! As a mysterious white figure landed on our planet, crashing a space shuttle into the ground. 

The figure was about as big as us, and was moving at us at alarming speeds. 

I started to run away from this weird creature (if you could call it that).  

All of a sudden, a security guard jumped in from of me and shot it with a Brand-new platinum green blah-blah-blah, you know what I mean by now (Well, I hope).  

That was when OUR world changed forever... 

For the worse. 

1 Month later: 


Ever since that rightful day which the security guard shot the ‘human’ (as earthlings like to call them) it was war. 

Me and my friends were building a bunker under the ground like we were told to, and in a couple of days, it was already finished. Suddenly, the whole town went and grabbed the spades from me and my friends, jumped into the bunker and started to dig. 

And dig... 

And dig... 

And dig... 

And dig some more... 

And a little bit more... 

 Until a week had passed and all that was under our house was a deep dark hole with half our planet inside it, waiting for the war to pass. 

Until we would find peace. 

One day... 

I hope... 

So, until then we will be waiting.  

And waiting... 

And waiting... 

And I’ll update you when it’s over. 

The End.

August 24, 2021 09:30

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Francis Daisy
12:05 Nov 30, 2021

Poland! How exciting! Where are you? My daughter would like to visit there next, but with COVID restrictions, her travel experiences have become more complicated these days. BTW, I love your profile picture. Is that your cat? Oh, and your story is pretty good too! :)


Damian Nowacki
20:57 Feb 18, 2022



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Damian Nowacki
16:21 Apr 08, 2023

I know you probably won't reply, but I would highly reccomend going to Warsaw


Francis Daisy
00:43 Apr 11, 2023

And why would you think I wouldn't reply to a comment like that? I would LOVE to visit Warsaw. My grandmother visited Poland the year after my grandfather passed away and before she was diagnosed with cancer. She was able to visit cousins and see her childhood home, which I am drawing a blank on now. But, yes, I would love to visit Poland. I have a postcard from my Grandmother on my dresser mirror from her favorite place, telling us that we must visit there one day. Some day I will get there. Eventually.


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