My story is entitled Catching a Diamond smuggler within the community.

Written in response to: Write a story that hides something from its reader until the very end.... view prompt


Adventure Creative Nonfiction Mystery

My story is entitled Catching a Diamond smuggler within the community.

The story tells of a young man who struggled to smuggle diamonds to America in order to earn foreign exchange for himself.

Once upon a time both Victoria and Victor helped the Police to catch the diamond smuggler. However the name of the Diamond smuggler was unknown to them.

The diamond smuggler was noted to be 8ft tall and mascular in structure.

He likes exercising and swimming.

Also it was also noted that the diamond smuggler is very smart and well knowledgeable.


They also helped in catching and arresting the leader of the gang of thieves who lives across the neighborhood.

Others also consider the diamond smuggler as a member a gang thieves.

These gang of thieves often lack capital and they can hardly fend for themselves.

The Diamond smuggler engages in snuggling diamond to America because he lacks capital and money to fend for him or herself including his own family.

Mr. Johnson told them that the Commissioner of Police had instructed him to take the elephant stool to America as Mr. Blankson had asked him to do.

However with the diamonds inside.? asked another friend by name Victor.

Yes replied his father with the diamonds inside it. He later told them all about his interview with the Commissioner of Police within Kumasi. The detective then quickly traced the Carpenter who made the stool for Mr. Danso to the same pattern ,whereby the trunk is easily removable.

A lot of money is earned when an individual smugles diamond to America.

The Commissioner of Police was actually certain that the diamonds were put in the elephant trunk by Mr. Danso but he had no proof of it, whatsoever.

Sometimes people smuggle diamonds to America just to make a living and also to fend for themselves.

Most of these diamonds smugglers are not wealthy due to that they lack money.

Also due to circumstances and no fault of theirs ,these diamond smugglers are made to fend for themselves.

Again it was only the Police and the Johnson family who knew that the diamonds had been discovered.

Mr. Danso did not know and therefore could not possibly warn his friends in America to collect the elephant stool.

Another man asked "Does Joe Black know that there were diamonds in the elephant stool put in by Mr. Danso.

However, he had no proof of it at all. It was only the Police and the Johnson family who knew that the diamonds had been discovered within the community.

In addition ,the Commissioner thinks so said his father. Also he thinks Mr. Daniels is probably the Head of a large group of people or gangs of thieves who often smuggle diamonds from West Africa to America in order to make ends meet and then succeed in life.

How can they possibly catch and arrest him for snuggling diamond ,asked Victor eagerly.

Well said, Mr. Johnson the chief of the American Police in America knows all about the case and would possibly arrest any culprit involved in such a case.

The Ghana Police sent him a cable written in a code which only the Police can read and then make their own judgement. Also when I got to New Jersey in America, the Police and some other Customs officers were waiting for them.

They also saw that the crate containing the elephant goes unopened through the customs.

Victor then mentioned that this was exciting. However what actually happens when an individual gets to America, a land of opportunities and plenty. America is a country that most people travel to succeed in life and for greener pastures.

Immediately the young man got to the hotel,he was telephone to the American neighborhood, New Jersey said his brother.

The American neighborhood! said Victor.Why that was the headquarters of the American Police.

Yes, that was right replied Mr. Johnson and so when Joe Black comes to collect his present from his friend in West Africa detectives will be waiting to arrest him, for him to be put into custody or imprisoned.

And what about Mr Alhassan , Victoria wanted to know about it.

Also Mr. Alhassan flew to America last night ,said his brother.

Oh, no! So he has got away! exclaimed Victor. No indeed ,said the Superintendent Joseph,he won't get away.

However we know that he has booked a return flight in three weeks time just that your brother is due to arrive in America. You see they mentioned that they do not want the Diamond smuggler to be arrested in America because Mr. Danso would certainly hear about such issues.

Of course! said Victor. Then he wouldn't possibly come over to the hotel for the elephant stool.

That was right said the Superintendent Samson. Well your brother sails tommorow. He will be in America in five days by either American Airlines or Delta Airlines and he will go straight to the Arts center where the Lincoln Memorial statue isabd the Statue of Liberty is also situated.

The man to buy the diamonds from the smuggler asked for a meeting at the Lincoln Memorial center and Statue of Liberty office because it was a quiet and remote place that no one could possibly see them.

However they possibly thought that it Mr. Arnold will telephone then that night or early the next morning in his house.

Mr. Arnold wants to get his stool with the diamonds inside as soon as possible. He was ready to pay about $100,000 dollars for the diamonds.

This was because Diamonds are forever and very sparkling.

Later the Superintendent commented that they have to lay ambush and wait till the next day ,what actually happens.

Finally ,it was both Victor and Victoria who helped the Police to catch and arrest the Diamond smuggler.

At last the Diamond smuggler by name John Black was arrested and then put into prison for snuggling diamonds because he was found guilty of the offence and then charged for all the offences he had committed.

Lastly John Black the notorious diamond smuggler was sentenced into prison with hard labour for snuggling diamond to America to make ends meet and for greener pastures.

December 29, 2023 04:38

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