Adventure Fantasy Fiction

As Susie was sitting on a bench waiting for the bus, Out of the corner of her eye she noticed that there was a little child sitting with his knees up, he was about six feet away from her ( social distancing) And he had his head down, almost as if he was trying to hide his face from the sunlight,he looked very old, but yet kinda childish, almost magical, He kinda sparked like tinsel, when the sun shined on him, she got a better look at him, she could see many details in his face, his face was wrinkled and his hair was tucked up in his red hat, she could see a few hairs and they were gray, he wore a hat, the kind that the men wore back in the 20's . it was a shorter then a top hat, and he had a brown blazer kinda looked old,the buttons were sliver and old too, it looked like something that maybe her grandpa had back in the 40's. He wore brown shoes that were tied, He was dressed well and his pants were brown, he had a big black leather doctors bag with him as well, AS she tried not to stare, Susie realized that he was not a child at all, maybe because he took out a old style pipe and a match out of his bag , He then lit the pipe, Susie was so curious that she must have been staring at him for quite a while, He then saw her and smiled at her, he didn't show his teeth, His smile was happy and friendly, Susie smiled back and acted like she was talking on her cell, She turned her head quickly, But it was to late before she even had the chance to turn her head back, , He stood up hopped up on the bench, it was like he floated in mid air it was so fast, and he pointed at his bag, and it appeared, He took off his hat, she then noticed that he had big ears, they were shaped like elf ears,and his hair was long and grey, Susie had to take a second look and thought was she seeing things, rubbed her eyes and looked again, and sure enough he was a elf, Susie then thought ok almost confused she could feel her heart start to pound and she could feel a warm sensation coming from her forehead sweat instantly appeared on the top of her forehead, and on her lip, Susie was not the kind of person to let her fear get the best of her, she was always looking for adventure she was all about mystery, she believed in most things that people choose not too, You know that people who had the saying ill believe it when i see it, She had been on ghost hunts, UFO camp outs, and big foot searches, She even thinks she saw one, Most of her family kinda thought she had a screw loose,As a child she was always hoping that she was kind and didn't quit she would have a good life even if people treated her bad, she never gave up, She would write about being a princess She had note books full of stories about living in a castle with a prince whom had blue eyes and black hair, As she sat there she looked around the air seemed kinda weird and there was no one on the street and all seemed very calm, almost before something like a major thunder storm . She knew that Christmas was months away and that elf's are not real. so what the heck was this, She wanted so bad for another person to see what she was seeing, Maybe if i pinch my self it will be a dream and ill wake up in my bed, She grabbed her cell phone and checked the time, and date, It was morning and this was her bus stop, The same old routine, nothing different, She sat there next to him, didn't say anything, She felt a instant connection to him, She wanted to ask him if he was a real elf, but with all that was happening she figured she better just ride this one out, and wait for the out come,

He smiled as he moved closer and closer to her Susie thought any closer and he'll be sitting in my lap. Susie was Not scared just puzzled,and a bit curious to see what this little man was doing and why he had been so interested in her so many questions running threw her my head, that she actually gave her self a head ache, He didn't say anything , he wasn't threatening or anything, As he sat next to me He couldn't get any closer he then grabbed her hand very kind and gentle, and he placed a key in her hand, It had looked like a old key from the Victorian era, Very old and tarnished, a red ribbon was attached to it, and a piece a string kinda like twine, and a note almost like a gift tag or a price tag that you see in a book store, she then let him sit back down, she held it in the palm of my hand, she could see that there was fancy writing on it, so Susie took it by the ribbon and let it dangle while she read the writing.

To the person who has received this key.

You were chosen, to open a door, to a adventure of

your choosing, If you open the wrong door, You will experience nothing but the life you have now, And your life will boring,

If you choose the right door, your whole life will be one that many will only wish for in their wildest dreams,

All you need to do is follow Oliver my helper, he will guide your journey. ARE YOU READY FOR WHAT MAY COME YOUR WAY.

If your answer is yes, STAND UP and be ready.

Now Susie was all about changing her life, she was so tired of being the Susie that everybody made fun of, Not to her face but when she would step out of a room or in a public area, She was different,she lived all her life with teasing from siblings and classmates, In her adult life she knew that people didn't change and no matter what she wasn't going to let her past experiences ruin what the world had to offer, Susie knew that she had nothing to loose except not knowing what the key had to offer, The elf looked at her and got up, he grabbed his black bag, and Susie stood up too,

Oliver then pointed at a building within eye range and started to walked towards it, Susie then followed close behind him, as they got closer to the building, Susie thought to her self, Well if this is a good thing I will have no regrets, if its a bad thing I will accept my destiny and carry on.

Oliver and Susie got to the building and walked threw the entrance,

As she walked in she could see two doors, One was red and the other was white. Both had locks with a large chain attached,

Oliver then smiled and pointed to the doors, and he motioned for her to get the key out of pocket, Once she took out the key,Oliver then disappeared, She quickly turned around to look for him but he was gone.

Susie with out any fear, walked to the doors and put it in the white door lock, For a moment as she turned the key nothing happened,

she turned it harder, then all of a sudden the chain fell to the ground, and the door opened up, She walked threw the door, to her amazement, She was in a large room with a chest that looked like i it came from a pirates ship, She walked up to it , Oliver then grabbed her hand and smiled, he then pointed at the chest, she felt a little more safe, with Oliver there, She leaned over the chest and put the key in and it opened up, inside there was a long robes that a Princess would wear . and a gold crown, and lots of jewels, rubies, emeralds, diamonds, and gold chains,

Oliver then spoke""" Susie you have made the right choice, your life

hasn't always been easy and you have shown that no matter how bad things get you are not a quitter, and now, You will never have to go back to that life, You will live in a Castle and be a person of great importance, As a child you had always wished for a Prince and a happier ever after, You will have all you desire, Plus a Prince that has watched you grow from a child to a woman,.

It was then that Oliver transformed into a tall strong man with black hair and blue eyes, He was her prince, the one she had wrote about as a young girl. Susie was finally a Princess, and she got all she deserved, She knew to always be kind and someday that kindness will returned in one way or another.

Susie then stepped up on the platform and there was a throne for her and her prince, People then rushed in, and bowed to her,

All of her insecurities were gone and her natural beauty was exposed,

May 25, 2021 16:36

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