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Christmas Funny Romance

Drunk on Feelings

“Will!” Someone calls. Will pauses in his conversation and turns, unsure of whom to expect. Most here were strangers to him - after all, he had only agreed to the party at Lucy’s behest. Both in their final year at university, Lucy had persuaded him to come to the party, before they head off to their respective homes for Christmas the following day.

Lucy, who had disappeared after the third familiar face greeted her. It isn’t wholly unexpected, given her friendly and out-going nature. Will had resigned himself to spending the night in the corner of the room until Lucy found her way back to him and demanded to leave. 

“Hey,” A vaguely friendly face catches him. “Lucy’s drunk. I mixed our cups up accidentally and she ended up with the spiked one.” The girl - Claudia! Will remembers belatedly - continues, grimacing. “You know her tolerance…we were going to Uber her back, but she’s mumbling about how you’re here.”

Will nods, “No problem. I can get her back.” He bids farewell to his conversation partner, worry and relief washing over him. He was beginning to feel overwhelmed and was glad for the excuse to leave. Claudia leads him through the crowd - “Sorry, coming through!” Her voice loud over the booming music - to where Lucy leans against two others. Will carefully transfers Lucy to rest on him and she looks up blearily at him. He had handled a drunk Lucy before - after just one drink, he recalls in amusement - and she had been quiet and sleepy, not at all difficult.

Calling an Uber, Will brings her back to her flat. Arms full, he struggles and stumbles to Lucy’s room, settling her gently onto the bed. Luckily, her flatmates had returned home for Christmas and would not be disturbed by the ruckus. 

“What did you say?” Will fights with Lucy’s boots as she flops on the bed. Smushed into her pillows, Will couldn’t quite catch her mumbles.

“I said,” Lucy lifts herself off the bed with a sudden vigour. “You should marry me.” Her finger stabs accusingly at him, “no, you have to.” 

“We’ve known each other for so long and spend so much time to-together,” she hiccups, “you listen to me, you laugh at my jokes, and now, you’re taking care of me...I like you, you-you’re perfect. We would be per-perfect. Marry me.” 

Will stares at the finger dangling in his face before it disappears. Lucy collapses, out like a light as soon as her head hits the pillow. He shakes his head in a daze, slipping Lucy’s shoes off with ease. He rummages the cupboards for Advil and fills a glass with water, placing both items on Lucy’s bedside. 

Throwing himself onto the uncomfortable sofa in the living room, Will lets out a bemused snort at the unreal situation. Now, that’s one way of celebrating Christmas. In the morning, Will promises, he will ask Lucy out. Shy as he is, the quasi-confession from Lucy had made him less afraid of rejection or ruining their friendship. Lucy was right too - it is about time that they stop dancing around each other. 

Starring: Lucy

Will heaves a sigh of relief, flopping onto his sofa, tension bleeding out of him as he sinks down. He loses himself in the calm of the night, listening to Lucy clinking around his kitchen. 

It had been a long year, he contemplates. Post-university, it’d been a mad rush of job hunting, then apartment searching, and finally settling into his new place. Change made him irritable, but Lucy had been an unwavering pillar of support throughout it all. He gladly accepts the steaming mug of hot chocolate Lucy hands him, as she settles in beside him. 

“You alright?” She asks, a hint of concern colouring her words. 

“Mmm,” Will murmurs gratefully. “It went pretty well, don’t you think?” 

They had just arrived back home from a dinner with Lucy’s family. Lucy had been hesitant to introduce another source of stress for him, but they had both wanted to share the other with their families - and what better way than during a time of celebration. She had suggested joining her family for a simple Christmas eve dinner instead of the louder festivities taking place the following day. In turn, Will invited her for his Christmas day dinner, usually a quiet affair. All in all, Will is glad to have an uncomplicated Christmas this year. 

“Movie marathon?” Lucy suggests. “We could pop on a few Christmas ones and I could stay over tonight. We can go by my place in the morning before we head to your parents’.”

In all honesty, Will is beat. However tired as he is though, Lucy’s presence is a comfort and a few movies sounded perfect. Sensing his agreement, Lucy queues some movies. Unsurprisingly, Will dozes off around the second movie. Unsure of what they’re watching, Will’s eyes flicker close. 

In what felt like no time, Will startles. He wipes at the cold drool that had escaped his mouth as his eyes adjusts to the glare of the television.

“...what? Did you say something? Don’t think I understood.” Will had heard Lucy say something suddenly, but he hadn’t quite understood.

“Hmm?” Lucy answers distractedly, eyes glued to the screen. “Oh. Oh, I said, ‘I’ve come here with a view to asking you...to marriage me.’”

Will blinks at her nonchalance, pinching himself slightly to ascertain it isn’t a dream. Did she...did she just propose? His thoughts race frantically, scattering just as quickly in the static of his brain. 

In his silence, Lucy’s continues, “...o for heaven’s sake, say ‘yes’, you skinny fool.”

A pause. Will pinches his arm again - the responding jolt of pain he feels confirms that he is awake.

“Thank you - that will be nice. ‘Yes’ is being my answer...Easy question.” Lucy's voice echoes with the words blasting from the speakers, eyes yet to leave the screen. “Oh gosh, this is my favourite scene ever. It’s just so romantic. Jamie learnt Portugeuse - albeit really broken Portugeuse, gosh I laughed so much after I started learning the language - for Aurelia, and Aurelia…”

Oh, of course. Will shakes his head empathetically. Lucy had memorized her favourite scene and was playing it out in English for him. Glancing at the subtitled movie, at Aurelia and Jamie twirling together on screen, Will felt like a fool. After all, he thinks, life does not usually play out like a movie.

Plans and Presumptions 

Things had been difficult with Lucy for a while. Blinded by his turmoil, Will had failed to pay attention to Lucy’s struggles. Three job changes in, Lucy had come to him, distraught by her diminishing love for art. Will had puzzled over it as Lucy had so much passion for art and felt useless - all he could provide Lucy with were empty words of comfort as she soldiered on, looking for a new job.

Eventually, Lucy had decided to take a different path and was now settling well into her latest job as an event planner. The job suited her big ideas and liveliness, giving her an avenue for both creative and energetic output. She had also rekindled her love for art through volunteering at an orphanage, happy to impart her skills to eager children.

This Christmas eve, they’re headed for a celebration with her colleagues. Will knocks and brightens as the door opens to Lucy. She grins at him and tugs on her heels, but in her haste, overbalances. Her arms flail wildly, coat swinging heavily with her movement. Swiftly, Will catches Lucy by the waist. A muted thud sounds as a small blue box flies out of Lucy’s coat pocket and slides across the smooth flooring of the hallway.

“No!” Lucy gasps loudly, scrambling out of Will’s arms. Despite her heels, she is quick to reach the item. Careful not to fall over, Lucy kneels and picks it up gently. Curious over the fuss, Will strides to her. 

Thump. Thumpthump. Sitting innocuously in Lucy’s palms is a blue, velvet box, opened to reveal a simple golden band cushioned inside it. Will’s brain kicks into overdrive, frantically reviewing Lucy’s recent secretive behaviour. Admittedly, he hadn’t thought much of the extra shopping trips with her colleagues, the increased text messages, and the secretive giggling that accompanied them. Piecing the puzzle pieces together now, Will could only draw one undeniable conclusion: Lucy had been planning for a proposal.

Stunned, Will can only stare blankly as Lucy turns to him. Glancing from Will to herself, a devious grin spreads across Lucy’s face.

“Huh, I guess this is when I should ask you to marry me,” Lucy teases, winking as she holds out the ring.

“What?” Will croaks, disbelieving despite what his mind is telling him. Loud, careless laughter meets his whisper.

“Oh gosh, Will! You should see your face,” Lucy giggles, drawing in deep breaths to control her amusement. 

Will is confused. Surely that shouldn't be the reaction to his unorthodox answer?

Huffing amusedly, Lucy straightens. She closes the box, patting her coat pocket as she replaces the box within.

“Seriously, I was worried that it might’ve broken. My colleague’s proposing later and entrusted me with the ring.” Lucy shrugs on her coat. “I’m so excited! Angela and Brad are the sweetest and the proposal is going to be amazing.” 

Oh. Oh. The metaphorical light bulb flickers in Will’s head. Lucy had been planning for a proposal, just not hers. Internally, Will laughs at his wrong presumption - that scene would have played out like a bad romcom if he had given the right answer. Listening to Lucy’s gushing, Will buries the flicker of disappointment and jealousy.

Carnivals, Children, and Candy

“Look at this! It’s been a while since I’ve been to a carnival, let alone a Christmas one!” Lucy bounces, beaming brightly. Faint, jubilant shouts ring from the intimidating rides as anticipation blankets the crowds with every tick closer to Christmas day.

“Rides first, food after?” Lucy tugs at him without waiting for a response. Her energy is contagious, and before long, Will is as equally feverish with excitement. The thrill lasts till his stomach catches on, gurgling loudly after the nth ride. 

“Okay, the beast has spoken. Let’s take a break and grab some food!” Lucy giggles. 

Armed with corn dogs and hot chocolates, they wander aimlessly between the alluring game booths, Lucy rambling ceaselessly about the orphanage she volunteers at.

“They’re just so curious and excited all the time…” Lucy’s voice drifts off. “Wait, does that boy look lost to you? Should we go check on him?”

Will redirects his gaze from Lucy to a young boy hidden slightly in the shadows. Going closer, it becomes clear that the teary-eyed boy is alone. 

“Hi! Are you alright?” Lucy bends slightly. He glances at them suspiciously. “Oh! I’m Lucy, this is Will. We saw you and thought you looked lonely, so we came over to check. Where are your parents?”

“I...I don’t know...I saw candy and I- I wanted but then mommy and daddy were gone,” the boy wails. 

“Okay, okay. How about you tell me your name and if you know their phone number? Will can call them. We’ll stay with you, okay?” Lucy soothes. 

“I know how to call mummy! She said to remember.” The boy blubbers, wiping at his tears. He recites the numbers dutifully. Will dials the number, watching adoringly as Lucy dotes on the boy. With surprising swiftness, the boy warms up to Lucy.

“Your parents are on their way,” Will informs them, after confirming the details with the panic-stricken parents.

“Adam, you’ve been so brave!” Lucy’s eyes light up as they rest on the candy stall nearby. “How about we get you some candy while we wait?”

A well of pride rushes through Will as Adam smiles shyly at Lucy. He trails after them as they flit around the booth, absentmindedly paying for their purchases. It isn’t long before two frantic adults rush towards them, fussing over their lost child.

“Thank you so, so much! One moment he was right beside us and next, he disappeared.” The lady thanks them profusely. 

Lucy waves awkwardly. “No, no! It’s fine, honestly. Adam’s a delight and I hope you don’t mind that we got him candy! He’s so sweet too - he picked one out for me!” 

“Oh! He’s usually so shy, you must be really good with children if he warmed up to you so quick,” she smiles gratefully. 

As they wave goodbye to the family, Lucy sighs wistfully. “Ah. Children are so wonderful and I’m reminded of that every time I’m volunteering at the orphanage.”

“Maybe one day I’ll adopt all of them. But, I would need a husband first,” she wriggles her eyebrows jokingly at Will. “Anyway, hold onto this for me. Adam said that’s for me, he’s so adorable! I’m just gonna pop by the toilet, and let’s get onto the ferris wheel after.”

Will stares down at the Ring Pop in his hands, and then back up at Lucy’s retreating back. Four Christmases, four proposals, all unintentional. Frankly, Will is beginning to feel like the main character of a movie. At this point, he wouldn’t be surprised if the ferris wheel stops when they reach the top.

In the end, the ferris wheel spins without hindrance. But when they get to the peak, it is still a heart-stopping moment for him - illuminated by the red-green Christmas lights, Lucy looks ethereal. The wind howls alongside Will’s storm of emotions - love, delight, hope, overwhelming him. Gazing at her, Will catches a reflection of the future they could have together in the depths of Lucy’s eyes.

A Fool in Love

A cloud of flour puffs up into Will’s face of frustration. Usually, he enjoys cooking but today, it fills Will with trepidation and nervousness. Tonight’s dinner had to be perfect. They had invited their families over for Christmas eve, as a belated housewarming and family celebration. Will had taken it upon himself to cook their dinner - no small feat, given they were eight in total. He had refused Lucy’s help in the kitchen. Selfishly, he wished to do it alone, taking his mind off this evening’s plans. He frowns down at the batter, working his apprehension into the mix. 

“Hey, Will. I have a very, very important question.” Lucy makes her way into the kitchen with no preamble. 

Tense, Will jumps at her sudden entrance and words.

“Will you mar-”

“Absolutely not!” Will shouts. He is not letting this happen. He planned for this. He has details. He points his spatula accusingly at Lucy, batter dripping off it. Lucy's eyes widened, pausing a few steps from him. “No, no. You can’t do this. It would be the fifth time and this has gone on for long enough now.”

“Uh, what? I was just asking-”

“Nope, no. I have it planned. Why are you doing this? You can’t be drunk - I hid the alcohol, just in case. Are you watching a movie? Or is this a carol song now?” Will tugs at his hair, tangling flour in his locks. He’s going to ask Lucy now, he realizes. Plans be damned, he’s not going to let Lucy propose again

“Huh? No, Will, I’m not drunk. No movies or carols either. Are you alright?” 

Will fumbles for the box in his pocket. Panic and hope grips his heart when he closes around the velvet item. Inhaling deeply, Will drops to one knee.

“Lucy, Luce, love of my life.” Will begins, ears ringing as he stares up at his love. Everything - the batter splattered counter, recipes scattered chaotically, traces of flour floating in the air - fades, as all Will could focus on is Lucy’s face of surprise, the poor kitchen lighting framing her. 

“Five years ago, we went to a Christmas party at university. You got drunk and I brought you back. That night, you proposed,” he says to the thrumming of his blood, - “What?” - “and that same night, I resolved to ask you out in the morning. I thought ‘Maybe one day I might marry her.’ Lying on the sofa, it felt like a far-off daydream.”

“But here we are, five years on. I’m proud of you, proud of who we’re as individuals and together...and I know, this isn’t the best proposal - I planned this damnit, but I couldn’t possibly let you beat me to the punch again - but Luce, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”

A beat passes. Lucy flings herself at him, chanting “yes, yes, yes” to the pounding of his heart. Relief and happiness blossoms in his heart. Slipping the gold band onto her ring finger, he kisses her deeply. This is happening, Will floats in disbelief, he is going to marry Lucy. 

Will snaps out of his daydreams as Lucy separates from him and snorts. “You know, this isn’t what I was expecting when I came into the kitchen.”

Puzzled, Will asks, “Were you not going to propose again? You’ve made it into an annual event...”

“I did? I have? You’ve to tell me about every proposal,” Lucy peeks up at him curiously. “And no,” she admits, “I actually came in to ask...if you could marinate the potatoes with more spices.”

“No,” Will whispers, aghast. Marinate. Marinate. Not marry. Marinate.

“Yes. Will, marinate, not marry.” She voices his thoughts, eyes shining with mirth. “On the bright side, I guess I wouldn’t be proposing accidentally anymore…...” 

Will slumps into their embrace, burying his face into her hair. He mourns his plans while shaking in silent, helpless laughter. His dreams for a movie-like proposal were dashed, replaced with his idiotic, normal proposal. What a fool he is, he thinks, a fool for Lucy, a fool in love. 

“Hey, Will? Marry me?” Lucy asks, a teasing smirk on her lips. 

“Yes, Lucy. Yes.” Will sighs fondly.

December 25, 2020 19:45

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1 comment

Aidrielle R.
05:57 Jan 01, 2021

hi! i'm from the critique circle. this story was so much fun to read!! loved will and lucy's dynamic! it reminded me of a reedsy story i wrote a couple of months back actually. i love how you interpreted the prompt--my favorite is the carnival one. the ring pop proposal was really creative! the ending was really really cute too. i guess just one criticism i have is maybe you could have written more about how will and lucy got to know each other and when they first started having feelings for each other. i also think you could have been more...


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