Romance: Write a story about a summer love- the quarantine edition.

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Weekly Writing Prompts Prince De-Grant Brempong Tel, 0575086991 Romance: Write a story about summer love -the quarantine edition. My story is entitled Summer love. This story is centered on events and happenings that occurs during the summer period and what the summer season provided for citizens in a country especially the United States of America. Summer is the warmest season of the year in the Northern hemisphere within the month of June to August and it also falls in the Southern hemisphere from the month of December to February. Again Summer is the horizontal bearing beam especially one supporting joists or rafters. Summer is the warmest season of the year in the Northern hemisphere that extends from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox. Also summer is also the period of the month that we show love termed mostly as summer love. Again Summer is the period of the month that the weather feels warm and we show love to each other. During summer there is the period of the month that most individuals visit the beach and swimming pools to show love. It is also noted that summer is the warmest season that most individuals share love and engage in all sorts of activities in relation to summer love. During summer most foreigners in my home country frequently travel to the United States of America to spend the summer and show some love. Foreigners are enticed to share love only during summer because it is the period of the month that love is exhibited among most people. It is only during summer that most foreigners and Americans engage in wedding activities for a marriage ceremony. Summer is the period of the month that we show and share love to almost everyone. Again Summer is the period of the month that we show and share love to almost everyone. It is only during summer that is the period of the month that almost each individual and couples gather together to show love termed as the Summer love. Again during the summer period we always engage and experience warm weather conditions ,it is also the period of the month that most Americans work extra hours to earn for themselves enough cash cash. Summer is also the warmest season of the month where individuals are enticed to share love. However it is the period that individuals and other couples do marry and make love. In addition , it is the period of summer that individuals do plan towards their marriage. In addition, Summer is the period where most American babies are born , because the weather is warm so they survive the good weather condition as observed by the American Health sector. During winter, most babies do not survive because the weather is very cold that they can hardly survive. I have not heard about stories of Winter love but I have learnt about stories pertaining to summer love. I have read and watched on television about stories and issues regarding Summer love. Summer love is always exhibited during some particular month in the period of the summer between the month of June to August and the month of December to February. Again Summer is the warmest season of the year, the period where most people go on a summer vacation to spend the summer. Most Americans often than not summered in Kashmir. Other Americans also spent lazy summer at the shore to share love at the premises of a beach especially in California. There is the period known as the Summer time, the warmest season of the year in the Northern hemisphere that extends from the summer solstice to autumn equinox. During the period of summer most Americans engage in a site where care and activities are provided for children during the summer period of the months. The summer camp is the site or place where care and activities are provided for children and Adults during the period of the summer months. Also during summer camp it is noted that almost all Americans come together and share love. Summer camp is the period that most Americans travel on a date or travel together with couples to share love. Activities with summer camp helps them to share love and to love one another. Also during summer camp we share together love and affection for each other. There is also the Summer duck ,showy North American duck that nests in hollow trees. Within the summer months ,there is the country house usually located in the country that seeks to provide a cool place to live in the summer. Again the Summer school is an academic session mostly in the United States of America usually for the purpose of Remedial or Supplementary study in school. An example of some summer school that offers tuition for both TOEFL and SAT is the Kaplan recognized in the United States of America. The summer school is the school held during the summer period where tutors show and share love. Teaches teach both courses in SAT and TOEFL to enable them to learn and study well towards their exams. These students are motivated to learn and study towards their exams in either SAT or TOEFL. Again Summer school enables students to learn not only courses pertaining to Academics but they do engage in swimming lessons also. Students during this period of the swimming pool are taught the act of swimming because they mostly enjoy swimming. Some of them who take their swimming lessons seriously become very good athletes world over and earn for themselves Awards including fame and fortune. Again during swimming lessons in the summer school they are given swimming suits, panties and bra for swimming. It is within this period that they share so much love and are taught the act of swimming. Students are taught the means and how to swim in swimming pools and also at the beach. Students and also other individuals are taught the act of propelling the body through water by using the limbs to be the act of swimming ,engaging in a swimming lesson. In addition during swimming , students are always immersed in or covered with liquid either in a swimming pool or at the beach to experience swimming and to share love during summer. In the act of swimming these students appear to reel or whirl before ones eyes claiming they are swimming just for exercise,passion and to become very good athletes worthy of emulation to society. Summer is the period of the month that students and individuals feel the warmness of the weather ,so they engage in a lot of swimming lessons and activities pertaining to swimming in order to show love towards one one another. The act of swimming lessons and swimming occurs between couples and individuals during the summer period because their body feels warm and hot most of the time. It is also during this summer period that most couples show love at the beaches, an instance is the beach of of California, that earns enough money for it proceeds during the summer period of the month either in cash or foreign exchange. Couples and students engage in swimming the most and they do enjoy it. Others are trained during summer in the act of swimming to participate in swimming meets in order to become an Olympic swimmer within the country. It is also during summer that students and almost other individuals swim and share love at the pool side ,that happens to be mostly a swimming competition held between two or more teams. Also within this period students and other individuals engage in swimming competitions known as the swim meet in order to win for themselves medals and Awards, fame and fortune. Swim meets happens mostly at the Olympics and also at the pool side such as swimming pools. The Swimming bath is a pool that provides a facility for swimming during the summer period in order for couples and individuals to share love. Almost all swimming events are held during summer to show love , which is athletic competition that involves swimming . Individuals put on swimming costumes, swim suits, swimming cap and engage in the act of swimming using the swimming stroke method of moving the arms and legs to push against the water and propel the swimmer forward in order to win competitions during swim meet. Finally summer love is exhibited in marriages being held within this season of the month. Summer love is the period of the month where most Americans conduct and engage in marriages in the form of holy matrimony such as wedding ceremonies and honeymoon because they like and enjoy the warm season of the weather.

August 04, 2020 06:49

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