Fantasy Science Fiction

The human race is always looking to the stars to find out if they really truly are alone in this vast universe that we so happen to be a part of. Scientists search through the Milky Way galaxy and beyond that to find signs of any possibility of there being life that is sustainable on another planet. They typically look for planets that are within what is called the Goldilocks regions. Places in which life could be sustainable given the conditions of the planet and where it is in our universe. In the attempt to narrow down where to pinpoint otherworldly beings at. Many question that if there is life on other planets and planet-like objects, then perhaps we can communicate with them or we could learn how to save our own planet and species. Many movies and television series follow a storyline in which humans or other Martians attack other worlds in order to take over the place they have infiltrated. Although these are works of fiction, it is just another way of showing people what may or may not happen when we get the chance to explore places other than our own planet. As cliche as it may seem, to wish for those UFOs and for those supposed alien sightings, so many of us want to find something out there that is unique and different to us but that is also alive. 

The fourth Galilean moon, the smallest of the four, Europa has been theorized to potentially host living creatures within its possible vast ocean beneath the icy surface. Although it may seem absurd to fantasize about life on a moon such as Europa, there is life on Earth, making it all the more conceivable that there is more life out in space. 

Our planet is mostly water, and humans have yet to be able to understand and observe the mass majority of life in our own oceans. Let alone the types of animals or species that may lurk in the ocean of places like Europa. Therefore, it is hard to know exactly what we would encounter or observe on the moon when studying it going forward. Over the years, our people have passed down beautiful stories and folk tales about the creatures of the deep in our own ocean. Where monsters are described and are used to explain common tropes such as good versus evil, and lessons are taught to unsuspecting children. Shedding light on what might be seen on Europa. 

Mermaids are a common creature idolized in myths and stories throughout the centuries. In both cartoon form and in real life adaptations of what a mermaid would look like and behave as there are some common themes. The beautiful maiden, with a tail instead of legs and half of a human body on the top. Showcasing an enchanting smile, flawless features, and wondrous curves. They are the epicenter of folklore beauty and known to be a sex symbol in human culture. Where they show often nieve based emotions and behave with the intent to charm humans and to become like humans. 

The question is, what would a creature such as a mermaid look like in the sprawling cold oceans of Europa? 

To answer that question requires one to delve deep into the unknown, to wonder about what a mermaid would really look like that is from outer space. If a creature such as a mermaid exists on Europa, they would have to be able to withstand the climate and different environments that are present on the moon. Where ice sheets move and melt on the surface of the alien ocean, and interesting formations on the moon have been observed. Perhaps drawing similarities to the beings found in the more remote parts of our globe.

These ideas lead to the image of an extraterrestrial mermaid that has many adaptations to live on Europa. Where it is possible that the life forms may have tough gills on their necks and could also have them on other parts of their body. Going with the stereotypical archetype of the mermaid’s thought of on Earth, potential ones on Europa may have one half of their body as a fish of some sort and one part almost human-like. Moreover, there could be many possibilities that could distinguish what the fish portion of a Europa born mermaid may have. Such as tentacles for legs instead of a tailfin. Maybe something that would closer resemble a dolphin or whale tail. Nevertheless, it is the top half of the being that is intriguing to imagine. Bringing to mind the question of, would they be regarded as beautiful in the ocean of Europa as they are regarded in our own culture? 

The answer is yes if that is what you choose to believe because in truth there is no way to truly know what is out there until we discover it. Odds are that it will be nothing like we expect. Life, in other worlds, could be non-existent, or if they are there, they could be at the stage of life such as our own microbes. Perhaps what we may discover is so far fetched that our own minds cannot comprehend or predict what is really out there. 

If humans do come to find creatures such as the alien mermaids, what will become of this information, and what will we do with it? Once again, popular culture has suggested many ideas as to what would happen between the interactions of a human and a Martian. Would humans be captivated by the mermaids of Europa such as they have been with the myths of the mermaids here on Earth? More than likely the answer to that question is yes. From there it would be interesting to know if humans would be able to get past that adoration and form peaceful relations with the extraterrestrials on Europa. The other possible outcome could be that competition for resources and power may play out as they do on the big and small screen. As these are all questions and prospects about the mysterious moon of Europa. 



“In-Depth: Europa.” NASA Science Solar System Exploration. Jet Propulsion Laboratory for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. Web. 19 Dec. 2019. https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/moons/jupiter-moons/europa/in-depth/


May 10, 2020 07:13

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