Gay LGBTQ+ Drama

This story contains sensitive content

Sensitive content: domestic violence and swear words.

“What do you mean you’re going away for a year?!” his wife yelled as soon as Michael stepped in the apartment. He managed to arrive late that day after work and his co-worker, Ted, had called to congratulate him for this new position.

“We’ve talked about this. It’s not a surprise” he responded while taking off his black boots. They hit the floor with a thump as powerful as his wife seemed to be hit by the news.

Michael Thompson was an astronaut. He had always dreamed to reach the outer space and look at the Earth from far, far away. This year was his year, as he was finally accepted to go on a mission not far from the moon; the very moon he used to examine through the telescope with his grandfather at the countryside house. In those nights, his grandmother would bake cookies shaped like stars and he would arrange them on plates in the pattern of constellations. Ursa Major was his favorite one as he thought he had discovered it when he was four. This aspect of his life made his classmates mock him at every turn, calling him Major Michael, but that didn’t upset him. He had even created a shout when he entered the room yelling “Ursa” to which his friends responded “Major”. This made him quite popular in the campus and gained him the reputation of a guy that knows how to have fun.

He has always been passionate with everything space-related, but he did not want to become an astronomer, he wanted to be another man to step on the moon. When he was a teenager he almost got a tattoo with “a small step for a man” on his foot, but his grandmother read about his plans in his journal and she started yelling louder than ever, scaring his heart away and therefore convincing him to never, ever get anything scribbled on his skin. Nor to ever write in a journal again.

He married Cynthia in the summer they both graduated from university. She was studying to become an astronomer, something he loved about her. They met before their first year as students ended, in a pub, at a quiz night. The theme was “The Mysteries of the Sky” and they both were so thrilled to join that competition thinking they would win the trophy that they had convinced some friends to be part of their teams. Cynthia had even promised to pay the 50$ entry fee for the team. Both of their teams lost in the first round, as the sky of that competition had no connection with astronomy whatsoever, but was an astrology and magic competition based on some novel neither of them had read. Cynthia was so angry at her terrible loss that she went on to fight with the organizer of the quiz night, but Michael stopped her and promised he would create a quiz night just for her. That’s when they met, with him smiling at her and her leaving the pub slamming the door.

A week later they went on their first date: a picnic under the stars; that’s how their romance started, around what they both loved and knew about. They ended up reading that novel on which the quiz was based around a year into dating and the hate for it brought them even closer together; close enough for him to propose and for her to say yes.

It turns out that becoming an astronomer was way too difficult for Cynthia, so she decided not to pursue a PhD, but she settled for a job in the observatory. Michael was fine with this decision, as he had decided to be a supportive husband a long time ago and thought that his wife should do what made her happy. This, of course, didn’t mean he had no negative feelings towards this decision. He fell in love with the idea of his wife being an astronomer and him an astronaut, so this new future they were building was different than what he had projected in his mind as he was proposing to her. However, at least a part of his dream became true, when more than 10 years after he began studying to become an astronaut, he finally received the opportunity to fly to outer space. He wasn’t going to step on the moon like he always dreamed he would, but at least he would live in the International Space Station to work on MISSE-16-Commercial and be part of developing future space explorations. And maybe, just maybe, he will fulfill his dream once NASA decides to take people on the moon again.

Michael was truly afraid to let his wife know about this. When he brought up this subject a few years ago, plates were thrown and tears were cried for days. Last year he received the very same reaction, alongside with a week of random reproaches and long conversations about how he had all he needed here. And those times he wasn’t even close to actually leaving Earth. Now, as he received and also accepted this job, he was about to face his angry wife for a third time and possibly get hit by one of those flying plates in the kitchen. That’s why he decided to let her know about it in the living room; she wouldn’t throw the TV at him would she?

Sadly, that was no longer the case, as Ted took care of the situation and threw his marriage into utter chaos and possible hatred from his wife by calling to congratulate him. Michael took a deep breath as he finished leaving his coat on the rack and looked at his wife. She looked like she had been crying for the past two hours, which she probably has. Her face was red; she had puffy eyes and her erratic hair was all over the place like she pulled on it while stumbling around the apartment wailing and howling. Michael chuckled at that mental image which only made his wife even angrier and made her scream at him.

“NOT A SURPRISE?! It is not a surprise to hear from a random person that my husband is going away for A WHOLE YEAR?!” She started crying again, stepped closer to him and crumbled down into his arms. He could feel her hot forehead and knew she was going to run a fever had she kept this on.

“I’m sorry you didn’t find out about this from me. Ted wasn’t supposed to call, but I think he wanted to surprise me, as he’s on a vacation.” Michael said all these things that made Cynthia suddenly stop crying and he knew that he made a mistake. “Anyway, that’s not important. What’s important is that I’m sorry… But I am going. I’ve already signed the contract.”

“You’ve taken this decision without even talking to me!” Cynthia punched his chest, but hadn’t removed her face from it. “How dare you show your face at home after you did this to me?!” She pushed him away and walked to the living room at a fast pace. She threw herself on the couch as he touched the front door with his back, losing his balance after the push.

“You want to be away for a year because you cannot stand me anymore, that’s the truth! I’m just a failed astronomer that never rose to your expectations.” She threw these words at him, knowing they would hurt him. A sigh left out his chest as he started walking towards the living room.

“I don’t think that about you”, he replied, sitting down on the chair situated face to face with the couch.

“Okay, then. It means that you want to be able to cheat in peace with that astronomer colleague of yours! You did grow closer together, haven’t you? Close enough for her to post a picture with the two of you!” Cynthia frowned at him, throwing a pillow at his face. He caught it and hugged it, looking at the floor.

“I’m not cheating on you. There’s no need for you to become jealous.”

“That’s easily said than proven,” she commented looking away.

“I can’t be cheating on you with Nicole because she’s gay,” Michael replied. “I did spend a lot of time with her recently, I admit. But that’s because I think I’m bi, ok?” He started looking at her with a deeply hurt gaze. The room went silent. She got up and turned her back at him.

“You’re bi? Only figuring that out now?” muttered Cynthia. “How exactly do you only discover that about yourself now, after we have been together for 10 years?! Are you having a crush on some guy?”

“No, I’m not having any crushes. I only have feelings for you!” Michael stood up and walked to Cynthia, grabbing her arm. “I only have feelings for you.”

“No, I’m sure you started falling in love with one of those guys,” spitted Cynthia. “That’s why you want to go fuck knows where for a year without me. Surrounded by some random strangers,” she scoffed.

“They’re not random, I have been working with them for more than 5 years. You know all of them, Cynthia; don’t be like that,” he begged.

She looked at him with utter disgust on her face. “If you want to cheat on me for a year in space, then I want a divorce!” She yelled at him, took their wedding picture off of the side table and threw it on the floor. It shattered in so many pieces that left Michael speechless. He thought that the glass looked like his heart when she uttered the word ‘divorce’. He felt like throwing up.

“Alright,” he said with no emotion in his voice whatsoever. “I will call in sick tomorrow and we can file for divorce”. He calmly looked back at her. Cynthia, the woman he had been in love with for a decade, the woman he proposed to under the stars, the woman who would soon be his ex. He remembered all the fights they had during these years together, how she can be so petty it made him wonder why he fell in love with her in the first place. How she was always jealous of his friends, his career, his life, and she was never supportive of anything he wanted to do. He remembered how he wanted to raise some money for a new telescope for the school in their neighborhood by baking his grandma’s cookies and she mocked him the entire time saying that he can’t bake constellations when he barely managed to study to be an astronaut. All these memories, her walking down the aisle, them watching a documentary about black holes, them studying until 4 A.M., all of these moments went flashing in his mind and disappeared like a falling star. Except this time Michael did not wish to be here.

He left her stunned expression behind as he walked to the bedroom. He grabbed his backpack and threw a bunch of clothes in it – mostly stuff he didn’t want her to destroy once he left the apartment. He took a few more things, a mug his grandmother would drink coffee from, a wooden horse his grandfather had sculpted, his rocket model and some other small objects and put his shoes on.

Cynthia was still in the same spot. She looked like she forgot how to breathe and Michael could see the regret in her eyes. He wasn’t going to take it back now. Her green eyes sparkled of uncertainty as she looked at the door.

“Are you serious?” she cried.

He left without answering.

August 02, 2022 16:14

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Zack Powell
19:01 Aug 03, 2022

Nice interpretation of the prompt, Raluca. It's a nice exploration of the ways that jealousy can take a healthy relationship and slowly transform it into something twisted and ugly. I'm a fan of the concept here. I think you've got the foundation of a great story on your hands. There's a definitive setting, an interesting title, a clear sense of conflict, and you've pared the narrative down to just two major characters. All of those things benefit this story tremendously. (And as an LGBTQ+ person, I also really appreciate you making one of ...


Robin .
19:39 Aug 03, 2022

Thank you so much for your criticism! Tbh, that's the main reason I wanted to release my stories on this platform, to get good inputs and improve my writing. Most definitely I'll take this Cynthia thing forward, build the conflict better. It's the first conflict piece I wrote (was very cautious to call it a "drama" when I posted it). Also, yass, I love LGBTQA+ content as well! Thought I might explore this side of me, as growing up I've only been exposed to heterosexual romance possibilities and, oh, well, let's just say that the relationsh...


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Michał Przywara
21:17 Aug 02, 2022

The title caught my eye, and the subject matter is fitting for the prompt. It sounds like something must have changed in Cynthia's life over the past decade - something for the worse. She gave up on her dream, and her behaviour seems at odds with the person Michael fell in love with. Indeed, she seems very angry and aggrieved. She threatens divorce, and then is surprised when he agrees. She flies off the handle about this news out of the blue, but they talked about it before, for several months. Besides that, he's an astronaut, it comes ...


Robin .
11:07 Aug 03, 2022

Hi and thank you for the comment! Also thank you for the suggestions, they're very much appreciated! English is my second language and I'm still struggling to find a natural wording. With Cynthia I wanted to explore a type of character I never have written before, but I've met in real life. I was trying to experiment with "adult" dialogue, as most of the things I've written until now are for children. I've always wanted to go past that and I've been afraid that I won't know how to phrase things or how to build the characters to not have w...


Michał Przywara
21:19 Aug 03, 2022

My advice in general is: if you have an idea for a story, go for it! That applies to retelling your own story too. Exploring different POVs for the same event can be very rewarding (and it can be a totally different story based on who's telling it). There are some exercises I've read about, to learn more about your characters, by having them write a personal letter, or be interviewed by someone – none of this is part of the main story, but it's a way to explore the character further. I haven't personally done a lot of these exercises, bu...


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Joseph Viel
10:37 Aug 07, 2022

Laughed my mother fucking ass off. Good job!


Robin .
10:07 Aug 08, 2022

Thank you!


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Riel Rosehill
13:46 Aug 06, 2022

Hi Raluca! Finally got to read a story from you - sorry for the delay! You probably figured I'm all for LGBTQ+ stories so that in itself is always a gold star from me. "What do you mean you're going away for a year?!" Was a good start, straight into the conflict! And this is relatable - Cynthia clearly has separation anxiety and deep down she doesn't think she is good enough for Michael, both of these things are very human and relatable emotions. You have a great premise here - finding out your partner is going to be whisked away for a y...


Robin .
18:15 Aug 06, 2022

Thank you so much for your comment! I think building well-rounded characters is the hardest part of writing to me. I tried so many ways in which I thought of how the character would talk, feel, behave and so on and created sheets with characteristics :))) Nothing seems to be working yet, but I guess practice does make it perfect! I'm looking forward to this week's prompts, tho! Can't wait to see what we'll all come up with :D


Riel Rosehill
18:44 Aug 06, 2022

Character development is a tough one, and so is dialogue! But you are putting the work in - it will just click one day, trust me. As you said, it's practice, and also being able to pick and implement the right feedback for your stories. :) I took a step back back and now only write to contests every second week - so after posting a story for yesterday, this coming one's my week off! (A novel in progress needs my attention 😂) But I have seen the prompts and I can't wait to see the stories of all the brilliant writers I follow ❤️ Best of luck!


Robin .
10:07 Aug 08, 2022

Ohh, best of luck (and inspiration) with that novel! Looking forward to read you next-next week, then! >:D<


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Chris Campbell
05:38 Aug 04, 2022

Intense jealousy like your character Cynthia projects onto Michael is a toxic, soul-destroying emotion for all involved. I've been on the end of it once in my life and it turned me into someone who took a long time to get rid of. When you're accused of being someone so many times, you eventually become that person. Thanks for highlighting such an unnecessary trait in the human emotional chain.


Robin .
09:01 Aug 04, 2022

Thank you so much for taking your time to leave me a comment!


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