On 11 November, Eleven minutes after the clock tower on the church of the Galactic struck eleven times, I could feel the vibration. Deaf I was, but not blind to see the saw-edged lightening fall near my mom and dad in the far distance. They flew apart into the sky, as if they had wings of an angel. I watched in amazement. Galactic was torn into bits, luckily our mansion had no scratch.
Gabriel! shouted my grandma and grandpa in unison. My old grandma hastened up to me and held my hands tight as if she did not want me to go the heavens with the angels. The bloody silver flash on our silver painted mansion, made it invisible for few seconds.
I am 22 years old today, and was only 11, when I saw the miraculous fall of light and last sight of my beloved parents. They taught me the language of sign but selfish they were to leave behind me and my six brothers. I was the oldest of all.
One day I was gazing at the blue moon, my first brother Uriel came to me and said, “I can’t see anything than recurring two’s, he said”
See the time now is 22:22, On the twenty second of February. Is there anything superstitious, Uriel asked.
I quiet simply rubbed it off to be a coincidence.
He then went on saying, wherever I go, whatever I see I, the number two hallucinates me like hooks all over.
Next day, my third brother Raphael also uttered to me that he had illusions of figure three were disturbing his mind.
For sure He did not know, what had transpired between me and Uriel.
I went to my grandma, who do believe there is god in the heavens. She said, “Gabriel, spirits do exist, the good rays eats up the bad ones. Have you heard about the fallen angels? ‘How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!’ Once a beautiful angel named Lucifer who defied God and fell from grace”.
she could tell this to me, just by using her hands and her beautiful face.
I wondered if Selaphiel’s head was raining four’s. He was an introvert. I was nervous, as I slowly walked to him. He signalled, with both his hands for asking me what happened to me. Thanks, he looked, alright.
I kept seeing eleven’s allover. In the edges of buildings, walls, windows; any squarish, rectangular shaped object only showed itself to me as 11:11. My mind was blaring, my eyes dimming, I felt very weak.
As the dusk closed in, Selaphiel looked into his digital watch and asked me, brother its 4:44 and should we go for a stroll. I replied, most certainly, we should. As we both went into the woods, we firstly saw four children playing, then four birds returning to their nests, four boatmen lazily moving their hands on the oars. He did talk about all of them but didn’t interpret what I did. I could feel each artery carrying blood in double speed. If I closed my eyes the darkness got overshadowed with sparkling light like falling stars and then suddenly, it all disappeared like magic.
As We walked back, children were playing on the swings. I hallucinated the two swings tied to the branches of the trees as 11:11. I asked Selapheil by pointing towards the same, “what do you see up there?” He showed me four fingers with the thumb pressed in, waved it downwards, he saw four ropes swinging to and fro. For a moment, I was perplexed, my heart almost stopped, I closed my eyes in astonishment.
Our parents were god-sent, they taught us to be brave. From my mother, I learnt compassion, she was a graceful, always wished our good, admired us. The happiness we possessed was all taken away by the wicked evils on the dreadful day. Before bed we all prayed to the holy Jesus to keep them in heavens, far from where the spirits of hell could breach.
Everyday In my sleep, I cry, remembering them.
With the dyslectic state of mind, the numbers were throwing in all directions. I finally slept.
The sun rays pierced into my room, the heat inside the quilt woke me to see Raguel, my fourth brother who had nightmare with five angels from the heaven, fighting with another five devils of the hell. He was discomfited and he clamorously shouted that “ We are surrounded by supernatural powers, It is impossible that we will not be slayed by the witches”.
Instantly, I embraced him and put him to ease, said “Brother, do not get perturbed with such annoying dreams. Will figure out something at the soonest”.
After all this, my grandpa confided in me one secret. He tremor-ed badly as he always did, while signaling to me that every fortnight my parents came in his dream. They were flanked by two angels who bring them to the earth from the gateway of the heaven. But yesterday, my father revealed that they have been possessed by some unnatural beings the evil ones, and foiling all there attempts to unite with the family, in a whisker they vanished in thin air. I did not know what to say, was happy to hear the contentious but rather improbable truth of union with my parents.
Incessant attempts of exorcism by ordained priest through reciting endless prayers using sacramentals and relics went on for few days and weeks. But for no relief.
On the sixth of June, Barachiel also had his spell of the illusive figurines turning into number six, since he pre-empted this, the misery was to some extent reversed.
We all started believing that our parents did not die, but were missing. It is quite possible that they could have been thrown away by the lightening on that awful day. To the North of our farmland, there existed a deep gorge beneath which, river Venus flowed furiously. No human had ventured on the other side of the river.
Barachiel, also suggested me that the number eleven also meant the parallel line showing northwards, we must carryout our search in that direction.
Meanwhile, the satanic priests from the Church told us another shocking news. He said that one of our family member will die in this risky venture. Our footprints extended to the territory close to the deep gorges to the South, still we were unable to cross the river Venus.
Finally, on the 07 of July Michael tried to dodge the number seven from his head. He seemed to have been possessed by demons. All attempts to dispossess the physical manifestation failed. Michael’s health started deteriorating, on the tenth of November, he took his last breath. He probably died of dehydration and undernourishment. The despair and the feeling of hope died with Michael, my youngest and sweetest brother.
While the adventure of crossing Venus was going no where but to the dead end of Michael’s departure.
It was first death anniversary of my parents tomorrow. All of us, less Michael and my parents, who we thought were in the heavens were grieving for them, We had planned prayers at the church.
We saw another melancholic dawn of 11 Nov, We all walked to the church together, As usual the clock tower struck eleven. While the chrurchgate was at stone-throwing distance from our mansion, carrying my gradma and grandpa to the prayer hall took us time. While we walked the path Michael’s pain reverberated through our minds.
We reached the church gate, I turned my left arm to see the time, it was 11:11. I raised my head towards the centre piece the Holy Jesus, from the altar, through the halo, we saw my parents approaching towards us.
Jamais vu ! !
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