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My eyelids fluttered and finally let the light in as I first squinted and then unblinkingly looked around at my surroundings. I was in bed still wearing the clothes from the incident. It was clean, all without the traces of blood... yet how did I end up here? And most importantly, where am I?

At once, I mustered up the consciousness to stand up and feel my legs only to hear heavy noises from the other side of the room covered with curtains. People were shouting this and that and, as a child, I didn’t know exactly what they were talking about. 

Out of mere curiosity, I forcibly took little steps to check what’s causing too much commotion across the other side of the dim chamber. 

They were all wearing long dresses encircling someone who’s lying on the bed. I clenched my fist as I felt my heart started beating rapidly. My legs were shaky and although there were many people inside, they don’t seem to notice me! This isn’t any ordinary room, there were things used for surgeries and there’s a person they are taking care of... 

I took a glance first at his feet, he was wearing the same pair of shoes as mine yet in a different color. I slowly fixed my eyes to his abdomen bleeding continuously like it has been torn apart by a dagger. 

Poor guy, I thought. Then slowly, my gaze reaches his face. 

Like I was hit by a strike of lighting, I couldn’t feel myself anymore. My eyes and mouth were frozen wide open in an expression of stunned surprise, as I saw its face — my face! Impossible! I couldn’t be lying on the other bed while my body is on the other! And I couldn’t stand here if my body is under surgery!

That’s because that isn’t me... 

Without any second thoughts, I opened the big doors of the operating room and found myself in a large hallway with benches on the sides. Trying to calm down, I sat on one and let out heavy sighs. 

“You seem anxious? Are you waiting for someone?” I turned my head sideways only to find a guy sitting next to me. Was he there before? I don’t remember. He lowered down the newspaper and with his dark-brooding eyes, he looked at me. 

“W-well, I’m waiting for my b-brother, you see?” I stuttered,” He’s still in that room.” I pointed out at the room at the end of the hallway. My hands trembled as I remember what I had seen awhile ago.

“Is that so? What is the name of your brother?” 

“He is my twin. Von, that’s his name,” I muttered in a small voice,” He likes flowers but he doesn’t like butterflies... it scares him.”

The man nodded,” Why does he hate butterflies?”

“When we were seven, our mama died but I wasn’t there when it happened so he told me that the butterflies killed her. I don’t understand what he meant... he has a problem with his head, you see?”

I was too young back then to know why my brother was way childish than I was. He had Autistic Spectrum Disorder, according to the doctor, which I only knew when we were both supposed to be taken to an orphanage. Unluckily, our dad fetched us by the last minute, and from then on, we started to live a harder life. 

“Why are you still here though? Are you not going home and take a rest first then come back later to go check for your brother?”

I shrugged,” I can’t! Mama told me I can’t leave my brother whatever place it may be! I will wait for him here and we can both go home together!”

“You like your brother a lot but isn’t he a pain in the ass especially because of his condition? I can tell, sometimes you feel alone when he gets more attention than you do...”

I didn't quickly realize what he meant. The attention Von mostly gets wasn't the kind to be a good thing. He was bullied, beaten up, and the saddest part is he defend himself so I have to stand up for my brother and protect him even if causes me to get hurt. 

“You’re right,” my tone was raspy and I pouted to continue my sentence,” but since all we have is each other, I realized that that isn’t important anymore. He needs me as much as I need him. I can’t leave him, who will protect him if I do?” 

"Von may annoy me sometimes," I continued," Especially, the fact that he's slow-witted and he can't fight for himself. When he sees butterflies, he runs to me and I'd fall to the mud then we'd both get dirty. When we're in school, he always makes these loud noises that's why he always stands outside the room and throws tantrums. But without my brother, no one would listen to me and no one will stick up for me. No one would wait for me while I tie my shoe. No one would walk with me to school and I'd be alone. That's why I couldn't leave him, as well. Or he would feel the same too."

"Our dad gets mad because he had to make a living for us and that he has to spend his life taking care of Von. He said he would rather die but isn't that what cowards do? I think it's a wonderful thing to have someone you could protect and take care of. Could you imagine the world to be a better place because we had a reason to keep going?"

His lips turned to a smile as he pats my head,” You’re a good boy, Vance. Not everyone can take responsibility as you." His eyes glanced at his watch,” But sadly, it looks like we need to go now. You have an appointment.”

“Go? To where? We can’t go back to my home... or we could get hurt again... To where Sir?” I asked. 

“Father has requested for you. And I certainly assure you that there are no butterflies in there.”

I stood from the chair and frowned my eyebrows as I look back to where Von is. He hasn’t left the room,” But my brother... I couldn’t leave him, I tell you. He will be alone and he might cry... He will be mad that I broke our promise.”

The man knelt before me and held my shoulder,” Do not worry, he won’t be. No promises will be broken. You will be both be happy together, I assure you.”

July 09, 2020 05:26

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Josh C
02:05 Jul 16, 2020

Hi Seraphina, welcome! I got sent here from the critique circle email, so here goes. First off, I thought that was a great story. Bittersweet but good! There's a couple of points where you have the opening speechmarks next to the period or comma which threw me off a bit. It's mostly a formatting thing, see here: The man knelt before me and held my shoulder,” Do not worry... Because of the text/font, the speechmarks are facing the wrong way. If you move the space as so: The man knelt before me and held my shoulder, "Do not worry...


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