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I always take the stairs. Not only because I'm in prime shape, and doing everything I can to keep myself that way, but also because I have a huge fear of elevators.

I know what your thinking.Wow.This girl is a sissy. It's just an elevator. I mean she lives in a thirty story apartment building for goodness sake.

Yeah, yeah, I know, but it's a legitimate fear. Besides it's not like I'm on the thirtieth floor. Just the twelveth.

Me and my friend Macy, from twenty, spend a good deal of time climbing stairs.

You see, we were both country girls. We spent our time on farms, getting dirty and doing chores. There are no elevators in the country. So when you move to a big city like New York, and have to use one for the first time, it's daunting. Which is why when everyone else loaded their boxes into the elevator and cruzed up to twelve, I found a cobwebbed stairway in the back.

Mace says that it was basically the same for her, and she grew up in a place that had elevators. Her town had a population of about six thousand, so I don't really know if I consider her a country girl or not, but this is New York. If you have more than a back yard your a hick.

So today Macy and I are running down the stairs, because we are fixing to be late. As usual.

"Trinity! We are only on the fifth floor and it's six thirty. My mom is going to kill me if I get another tarty," Mace yells, a few steps ahead of me. I roll my eyes. Mrs. Long is stricter than strict. She'd ground Macy for breathing wrong if she could. Macy actually gets to school ahead of me. So I guess I'm the only one who is always late, but my first period is Mr. Lanberry and he put me in the back. I always manage to slip in when he's nodding off.

"Mace," I say as we hit the ground floor. Neither of us are breathing hard. Like I said, we do this every day. "Tomorrow let's just sleep in the stairway. I heard they fired Mr. Granger."

Macy grins over her shoulder at me as she runs through the spinning door. Her perfectly straight, blonde hair gets caught up in the wind, making a halo around her flawless face.

I'd kill to have hair like that. Mine is currently deciding whether to be brown or blonde, and my face hasn't been flawless since puberty.

The bus rolls up just as we hit the street, like any other day. Macy leads the way to the back dodging extended legs and backpacks that litter the isle.

I sink into the gray leather beside her and sigh.

"You know. We really should just brave it out and take the elevator," she says.

I smile," Now where's the fun in that? If we did that you wouldn't be on the cheer squad your freshman year." I lift her leg, "I mean look at these calves. They're thicker than any Angus heifer I've ever seen. Moo. Moo"

She slaps my hand away, but she's laughing to hard to rebuff me. We have this conversation at least once a week, but it never leads to any real action.

Finally she grows quiet. "You know Trin, if we never step foot in one, we'll be scared our whole lives," She turns her blue eyes on me," I don't want to be scared of something my whole life. I don't want to have to tell my kids that I didn't have the courage to even try it."

I suck in a breath. She was dead serious, and Macy had a point. There was no way my kids were going to think their Mama was a scaredy cat. My pride just wouldn't let it happen.

I nod, " After school, but only one floor. Then I can at least say I did it."

Macy nodded, "Then we never have to do it again if we don't want to."

"Right," I say as the bus slows to a stop.

School seems to fly today. Every time I glance at the clock the only thing I can see is the clock in the elevator. I've been in one, I just didn't let the door close on me. Today I will though.

The final bell rings, propelling me from my seat.

"Don't forget your assignment class!" Mrs. Bossworth yells as we all run to the door. " You are to write a five page essay on overcoming a fear."

Man did she know how to mess with nerves.

The bus ride home is awful. Neither one of us talk as we sit. The door opens and we get off as usual, but somehow our already huge apartment building seems to grow taller. I glance at Mace, but she was staring up too. I clear my throat," You ready?"

She nods and we go inside. The elevator stands open, but I just can't force myself in.

"It's now or never," she says grabbing my hand and pulling me in. I wasn't ready though, and turn around to get out, but the metal doors have already closed.

Macy pushes twelve and twenty, and I panic as the elevator shakes and starts it's acent. "Wait! I thought we were getting off at one?"

She gives me a reassuring smile and clasps my hand. "We can do this Trin. We have to."

The floor shakes again, then stops. I glance at Macy.

"Is that suppose to happen?"

"I don't think so," she says sneakily.

I push the open button, but nothing happens. The the lights go off.

We both scream. It ecos in the small box. I reach for Macy and we both cling to each other.

"Never again. Never ever again," I say as I hold her.

"I'm so sorry Trinity. I shouldn't have made you come. I'm the worst friend ever."

Lights come on, and the door opens. Logan Hanes is at the door, staring at me and Macy like we are weird. His gorgeous brown brown is arched in that adorable way he has.

We break apart so fast that I fall I to him. Macy gives me a dirty look that she quickly hides with a smile.

"Hi Logan," she says leaning against the door like a model. She bats her lashes, and I roll my eyes and stand up.

"Sorry," I say, " The elevator got stuck, and we had a bit of a freak out."

He nodded," So, you want to ride to the tenth with me?"

Macy and I share a look.

" Umm."

" No."

" Maybe some other time."

We both run for the stairs. Macy looks back. "Well, there goes my date to prom."

" Mine too."

We both laugh and race up the stairs.

September 08, 2020 11:04

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1 comment

Ariadne .
21:34 Sep 14, 2020

I like the realistic feel of this story. It enables the reader to relate more to the characters. There are some spelling and grammar mistakes that could be fixed if you use an editor. I recommend Hemingway and Grammarly -- I use them myself and they really improve your writing. Please check out my story and leave a comment/review! Thanks! :)


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