Romance Funny Drama


Narain CM


Fade IN:

This is a story of a couple before and after marriage and all the adversities that come with it.

The following scene takes place in a room where a couple sits opposite each other but never make eye contact.

They have tables opposite them ,which have post-its.

                                         Dissolve TO:

The scene begins with both of them offering a seat to each other .

Husband: (picks up a post-it)Had an early,couldn’t bare to wake you,close front door hard or it wont lock.

Wife :helped myself to breakfast,you need milk,

PS-next time wake me. 

Husband :hey sleepy head,tried to wake you,not easy!!

Made you some coffee ,forgot how you liked it,hope you like it black.

Wife :thought we should spend one night at my place this week,picked up some milk,you don’t need to pay me back

Husband:off to work,will be late,don’t wait up,I left an extra set of keys on the hall-table.

Wife :darling went cycling with lila,btw we need milk,wow I cant believe its been a month.

Husband:Hon,if you don’t mind can you pick my shirts from dry cleaning,left some money on the hall table,and PS –milk,

Wife:shirts are in your closet,your mother called,she seemed surprised to hear my voice cause clearly she dosent know about me ,she was so surprised she taught that there was a break-in in your house ,clearly someone forgot to mention me.Your shirts came to 15 dollars.

Husband:hey hon!!,gone to the florist,back soon

Hope you liked the chocolates.

Wife:looks like someones sleeping on the couch today

PS:we need milk

Wife:your mother called,call her.

Did you call your mother?

Went to lunch with your mother,back soon 

Husband:your new best friend,my mother called ,call her

Wife:btw my new best friend said shes willing to share a certain persons embarrassing childhood pictures,so next time you want to pick a fight think twice.

She also mentioned how much you hate your middle name EUGENE,personally I don’t think its that bad.

Husband:please never mention the name Eugene to me ever again.Thank you.

Wife:shopping list:

Apples,pistachio ice-cream,milk,chicken 

Those tiny little choclates that come in tiny packets,theyre so adorable they make me cry.

Change scene:

Wife looks frazzled,hair messed up,looks like shes been wearing the same shirt for three days.

Husband:wears the shirt haphazdly,messed up hair,tie is improper.

Husband:darling, I understand how much it means to you, and I know you find them really cute but at this stage of our relationship I really don’t think were ready for…

Wife:we need pampers and baby wipes and we need to get married.

Husband:meet me at city hall,6pm sharp,you bring  old and borrowed and ill do new and blue.Mom will look after Eugenia.

Wife:note to self find breast pump

Husband:redirect passion into career

Wife:loose forty pounds.

Husband:home late,don’t wait up

Long pause

Wife:Hey stranger,if its not too much work could you meet and talk to our daughter just so that she can recognize the sound of your voice.

Husband:hey hon!!im sorry about your birthday,will make it up to you soon.PS I got the promotion.

Wife: (angrily)to the new vice president of marketing,we need milk,your family requests

Husband:Hon I think were out of milk.


Still no milk

Wife:you want it so bad go get it yourself,the milk train dosent stop here any more.

Husband:if you cant even manage to get to the store get some house hold items how do you expect to look after your family while your husband here slogs hours after hours just so that he can provide for eugenic and you .


Have gone to bed,dinner is in fridge,if there is something in particular you wish for dinner tom night leave a note and then go pick it up yourself

I cant take this anymore,we barely communicate like normal human beings,theres got to be more to this marriage than a few hastily scribbled notes on a piece of paper(long pause) and btw were out of post-


Husband:you think I want to spend every night at the office,you have absolutely no concept of how a business is run ,you think I don’t want to spend more time with the family.

Wife:to whom it may concern regarding your last post-it,allow me to clarify my position,UP yours!!

Ps-eugenia and I will be at your mothers

(Long pause with distraught look from husband filled with regret)

Husband:must call wife at mothers,remind her to take her tablets

Shopping list:

Small loaf of bread,half pint milk,soup for one ,scotch for one and one inflatable doll for company.

(long pause)

Husband:note to self

Things to tell her:that im sorry that I miss her and all I want is for her to come back home

(sobbing)all I ever wanted is for her to be happy 

Wife now turns towards husband

Wife:we need milk

Change scene:

Wife and husband look older now 

Husband:hon!ive gone out to the driveway to get the paper,back soon 

Wife:darling,that therapist called back he can see you Monday.

Husband:hon your therapist called,your Tuesday is snow your Friday

Wife :what a session!!Dr DEV believes that a part of me is locked in an unconscious competition with you and is envious of your masculine role

Shopping list:we need cucumbers ,rice and milk

Husband:a breakthrough with dr gene,its all become so crystal clear,my mother,my father,you ,your mother,I see my marriage in a new light.i must free myself from the past so that we can truly have a future.this changes everything.

Wife:hon a diet coke exploded all over the last note that you left I hope it wasn’t important.

Took eugenuia to camp,back soon

Husband:took Eugenia to karate,back soon

Wife:took eugeina to therapy,could be a while.

Husband:someone named mr Anderson called he need your resume ,what resume?

Wife:I landed the job,I start Monday

Last minute meeting ill try to call

Ill be working late don’t wait up

Husband:too Eugenia to driver school,back soon ,

Change scene:

Husband changes his shirt to a casual shirt, as he is now retired 

Wife:Eugenia called loves college,mentioned someone named Jerome.dosent miss us at all

Husband:gone to pick up the travel brochures

Wife:Eugenia called asked when can we meet Jerome

Husband:schedule a trip to campus when we get back from our trip.

Wife:hon travel agent called cruise is confirmed,the honey moon we never had,10 glorious days of total enjoyment

(long pause both husband and wife stare at audienece with happy expresions,motionless)

Husband:ah,its good to be back

Husband:we can see them on a wedesday,Eugenia and whats his name

Wife:Jerome called ,it’s a boy ,Alvin Eugene

Husband:Eugenia called, loves being a mom

Wife:off to help Eugenia with the baby ,back soon

And don’t forget Thursday night is movie night,also what night is good to have dinner with jeromes parents

Husband:any night you want ,nothing to hold us down

Eugenia called asking whther we could take Alvin for the weekend.

Wife:Jerome called asked whether we could look after Alvin for spring break

Husband:Jerome called asked whether he could spend summer with us again

Took Alvin to driving school,back soon

Wife:hon last night was incredible,I could not believe how long it went on,you’ve got to do something about your snoring

Change scene:

Wife is in a rocking chair knitting and has grey hair

Husband has much poorer eye sight and walks with a cane

Husband:shopping list:move cream,iodex cream for body pains

And crepe bandages

Wife:wrinkle cream,battery for hearing aid,and post-its

Husband:gone to the pharmacy ,back soon

You left your keys in the door again

Wife:have you seen my keys

Husband:I cant find my glasses

Wife:do you have my cane?

Husband:how can I see your cane if I don’t have my glasses

Wife:gone for a walk

Husband:where are you?

Next time you go out leave me a note

Wife:hon im really tired,gone to take a nap

(wife leaves the scene with her cane)

Husband:note to self:call Eugene and Jerome

Also call Father-something

The service was beautiful,everyone was there,you would have loved it

Thank everyone who sent flowers

(picks up her knitted blanket to smell it )

Husband:when to your locker today,that you said Eugenia could have

I could hardly believe what I found,you had saved every post-it , I ever wrote to you

I wish I saved yours ,I could have read them now.

Back soon,gone to the store,we need more milk

                   End scene

January 09, 2021 05:49

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