
Baylis was a girl who wanted to see the world. Her mother didn’t agree. She wanted Baylis to stay and take care of the farm. One day, Baylis had enough of her mother’s rambling. she packed her suitcase and went to bed. She would leave the next morning for New York City: Her first destination. Her sleep was troubling. Baylis tossed and turned all night long. She barely got a wink of sleep. As usual she was awoken by her mother’s yells. Telling her to go feed the horses. She got dressed in the nicest outfit she had, for it was her first day away from home. When Baylis grabbed her suitcase and bags, she noticed One more small bag and she picked it up. The little bag felt heavy for such a small bag. But Baylis didn’t dare open it because she was a fan of dramatic exits. The door busted open and there stood her mother, hand on her hip and everything.

“Now Baylis. Where do you think your going?” Her mother had said.

“Away from you!” Baylis yelled, not blinking or looking at her mother. Baylis barged through the halls and to the door. It was dark outside. Baylis hadn’t even slept the whole night. She struggled to get the suitcases down the porch steps. Baylis trudged along the dirt driveway, her suitcase wheels jumping at every rock. Suddenly the whole sky lit up and the center of the light was coming down to earth. She didn’t know what it was. The light went off and she realized that it wasn’t man made. This was a UFO. A plate came down from the light in the middle and a rover came out from underneath. She turned back to the house to see her mother standing with her jaw on the floor. The rover was coming straight for Baylis. A few feet in front of Baylis, the rover stopped and two things got out of the it. The things had very large dark eyes. Not like the regular alien, but a very nice one. Or so she thought. While one was talking to Baylis the other hit her in the head with a rock.

The next thing Baylis knew she was in a very futuristic room with needles in her arm and straps around her limbs. She struggled for a bit until another thing came into the room. This one had the same unmistakable dark, deep eyes. Although this one looked like a nurse. He or She took the needles out of her arm and examined the blood bag full of Baylis’ blood. When it turned to a computer like thing she managed to get one hand loose and freed the other limbs. Baylis silently got up and grabbed a syringe. She stabbed the nurse in the neck and the alien passed out. Baylis held onto the syringe. As she walked through the halls she saw two military aliens and Baylis hid behind a pillar. She continued to move to the middle of the aircraft. The middle was a gigantic hole with glass covering the bottom. When she looked down the hole she saw Earth. Baylis was in space. Baylis heard more things coming so she hid in a crevice. The two things came in and Baylis used the last bit of liquid in the syringe to knock them out. She was putting on a space suit she noticed the small bag on her side. It still felt usually heavy. Baylis opened the bag and found an egg. It was unusual egg. It had white dots on the green egg. Smaller orange dots covered the entire egg. It had to have been an alien egg. That was why they took Baylis. For the egg! She set the egg down on the a chair in the center and dropped into the hole. Hopefully the parachute on the back of the space suit would work. Baylis pressed a green button on the side of the hole. The glass on the bottom opened and she fell into space. Luckily the ship wasn’t far from the surface so the gravity pulled Baylis back in. She started to go through the atmosphere and she began to feel hot. her foot caught fire and then her other foot. The fire went out when she entered the lower parts of the atmosphere. Then the real fall happened. She enacted the parachute and floated back down to Earth’s surface. Baylis landed in her own back yard. Like fate brought her there. Her mother was there to greet her. Baylis stood up and wrapped her arms around her.

“Never..... never again.” Baylis said.

”Never again, what?” her mother asked.

”I never want to leave home again.” Baylis and her mother walked back to their little home on the farm.

From then on Baylis never left, or planned to leave her mother ever again. That is until Baylis discovered a second alien egg. She took the egg and went outside. She begged the things to come back and get the egg, but they never did. She heard the phone ring from inside the house. Baylis went back inside and answered the phone.

“Hello.” Baylis said in a weary tone.

“Baylis, it’s your therapist. You‘ve missed every session I try to schedule. Are you still sad?” Mr. Martin said.

”No, I am not sad why would I be sad?” Baylis said, still weary.

”Baylis..... stop denying it. It happened. You don’t have to be sad over Angelica anymore. It happened 3 months ago.”

“Stop! Stop! My mother is in her bed sleeping!” Baylis yelled. She looked on her counter and saw the completely full bottle of depression medication.

“Have you stopped taking your meds? Your mother is dead. It’s time you accept it.” He said gently.

“No! No!” Baylis threw the phone on the ground screaming at it. She looked down at the egg in her hand. It wasn’t an egg anymore it was a picture of her and her mother. Baylis got in the car and drove to the cemetery. She was looking for proof of her mother still alive. Baylis walked around the graveyard for at least an hour when she saw a headstone. The Name on it said Angelica Mills. She collapsed right then and there. She cried and cried until she finally called someone.

”Hello. Stephanie speaking.” The person said.

”Yes, I would like to report a mentally ill person. Please permit her into the mental hospital. Her name is Baylis Mills.” Baylis said. She hung up and cried until the ambulance showed up. Baylis was taken to the Mental Hospital. She never went to space with an egg. She went to her mother’s funeral with a picture of her and her mother. She continued to think that her mother was alive. She wasn’t. Her depression caused delusion. She spent the rest of her days locked up in a mental hospital was an alien egg on her bedside table.

May 10, 2020 01:19

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