A Story Within A Story Within A Storybook

Submitted into Contest #186 in response to: Write a story within a story within a story within a ...... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy

A Story Within A Story Within A Storybook

I was born in the ocean. My mother and father were on a boat when they had me. Of course people would expect me to be safe and in a blanket when I opened my eyes for the first time, but I had other plans. I didn't cry or wail, but instead twirled and moved. Since I was being problematic god thought of a way to teach me a lesson, but it backfired. I twirled and twirled until I rolled over and fell in the ocean. My dad panicked and rushed to get me, but I had saved myself. I was floating peacefully, but surprisingly I was also smiling and giggling. My name is Kalani. As you can guess it means sky and sea. My adventures started when I was 3, but my real adventure started the day I turned 15 years old. Now every 15 year old would love to go to the movies or Disneyland or have a huge party, but I wouldn't. Which is why I chose to go on a cruise with my family and friends. My birthday happened and blah, blah, blah. Everyone went to sleep, while Marina (my sister) and I stayed up. Marina was born a day after me. She was supposed to be my twin, but my sister decided to be lazy. Literally! We sat down and Marina decided that she should get some soft drinks for us. Finally, she stood up with her own feet! When she came back she sat and asked me,'Why do you love the sea and why do you love painting'? All I said was that it was my dream. Then I continued to elaborate.'I dreamt of the sea and a painting. It had the number 15 on it and I smiled when I saw it. I didn't cry or wail because I saw the sea and that painting in my dream. I told my friends, but they thought I was crazy or joking when in fact I'm not'. Marina stared at me in amazement and confusion. I just sighed and laughed. While we were talking or should I say while Marina was talking I daydreamed about the painting and the sea. Was it a coincidence that I loved the sea and that I loved painting? I mean which new born baby floats on water? After hours of daydreaming Marina shook me until my brain cells were devoured by her loud voice. She told me that she was going to bed, since she was extremely sleepy and that's when she dozed off. I wanted to sleep, but I just couldn't. I felt the urge to check to whole cruise, which I did. Now I don't know if I should say unfortunately or fortunately. I ran across the aquarium and downstairs. I went upstairs and finally to the third floor. There were paintings of the sea, but one specific one caught my eye and no it wasn't the painting from my dream. Not yet. It was a painting of the sea with a baby floating on it. Suddenly, the captain came and she said that the painting was made 100 years ago by this sea and sky witch who predicted one of her eighty fifth great granddaughter would be floating on water and one day she would receive her gift, which was called the GIFT. Now I was scared and kind of excited, but mostly scared about having a sea witch great grandma! But I held my horses and waited until the captain left. I ran to the second floor where I found a gift on my bed. It was a painting. You guessed it. It was the painting that I saw in my dream, but it came with a letter. All the letter said was to say 15 fifteen times. I pondered for a while. I asked myself multiples of doing it or not, but my brain wouldn't let me take a risk. Not one single risk. My brain wouldn't let me take a single risk about my future, so I did it. I did what every girl would do. I said 15 fifteen times. Suddenly as I stepped back to say fifteen for the last time I fell off the cruise. I felt like I was going through a wormhole, which I was. The painting suddenly wasn't in my hand, but instead my pocket. As I fell deeper and deeper my clothes faded into some magical and wondrous costumes. I was wearing a flat ballgown. It was lilac and black. It had a hoody with a jacket. I took the painting out and rubbed the dust off it. Suddenly, a young woman came out of it or a holographic version started to talk. She introduced herself as Moana. She explained how she was my ancestor and I was chosen to be given my powers. By my powers I mean her powers. Suddenly, Moana said that I was in a story. A story in our world meant a story book or a fantasy, but we prefer calling it a world. Suddenly she said that this story isn't our original story. I would have to sail to Icelack Island and hold the crystal stone. If it was lilac, the colour of my eyes, then I would be sent to the original story, which is called a story within a story. The first story was my story. My story was my life. Now it's my story in Moana's story, which soon you will find out that the story within a story within a storybook. Suddenly after the huge, yet simple explanation Moana disappeared. I was all alone and abandoned, but I knew what I had to do. I rushed to the closest lake I could see. As I wondered around in search of a boat I found a life jacket. Then I realised I could do only one thing. I could finally swim! I was so excited. I could finally meet my friends. The sharks. Especially the Megladon. I dived in the lake and swam as fast as I could. I swam and swam. All I thought of was my past, present and future. I didn't care about the powers. I just wanted to explore, but I also rushed away because I didn't have much time and Moana's powers could fade away in a few hours, but luckily I soon found out that I had a lot of time left. As I entered Icelack Island I realised only 30 minutes had past although my watch said otherwise. As I dazed in confusion I suddenly got struck by lightning, but luckily I was genetically given powers. Just some. Like controlling lightning. Then I realised I needed to hold the crystal. It slowly turned lilac. Suddenly, I was taken into another wormhole. I wooshed away, when I found myself in a cottage with pictures of Moana and my grandparents. They knew. They had come here, but why? Well I found my answers in a diary. Where I found out that my grandparents had also been called, but unfortunately they didn't get the powers because god had decided that only I was to take it as I had love for the sea and sky since birth. Suddenly I heard a thunderstorm coming towards me, but it sounded more hideous than usual. I took a sneak peak outside to find that my ancestor was there. She tried to battle the thunderstorm, while I watched for a whole minute like a dumbo. Suddenly, I finally got the courage and brains to go outside and help Moana out. She yelled in pain. I used the power I had to battle the thunderstorm, but I was too weak. Suddenly, Moana ordered me to hold her hands and say 15 fifteen times. I did what she said. I thought everything would be fixed, but instead I received all her powers. Moana told me that the powers had been transferred to me. I didn't know what to do or say, but Moana told me to think of any power and to end this thunderstorm. So I did. I used lightning, ice, heat and earth to control and end the thunderstorm. Luckily I still had my intelligence intact. I used all my strength to end it. Finally, it had ended. I ran to Moana as she was on the ground in pain. I tried to use my healing powers, but nothing worked. Moana slowly put her hand on me and said,'I transferred the powers to you now because I was going to die soon, but now I'm going to die now. From human to human, from witch to witch, no matter how I transfer the powers, no matter who I transfer the powers to I will die. But at least I will die knowing that my powers are in the hand of a good person. I will die happy and in peace. Uhh! My heart will stop soon, but just remember Moana'. Suddenly, I started bursting out in tears. My eighty fifth great grandma had died. In my hands, but at least she saw me. At least she knew I was kind like her. Suddenly my tear drops started to meet at a point and create a tree. It had my name next Moana's. Suddenly I knew what to do. I dug and dug. I built and built. I built a coffin for her. With her initials on it. I put all her diaries and most precious possessions in it. I filled the hole. I put flowers on top. With her name and date of birth and how she died. She died a hero I cried for hours inside the cottage, but suddenly I was rudely interrupted by the wormhole, which teleported me back to Icelack Island and then showed me the painting. I saw the painting on the floor with the number 15. I said 15 fifteen times again and then I was wooshed back to the cruise. Level 2. My mum and dad shook me until I opened my eyes. Suddenly they hugged me and explained how I fell and how I was holding a painting with a paint brush. Then I figured out that I drew that painting. It was Moana's gift. She had written a message for me and forbade me from telling anyone anything and I swore to keep that promise. I didn't tell anyone anything, but I did help people in secret and soon started to grow up and have a family. Although I will stay fifteen forever in reality I am actually 24. My first adventure had grief and excitement, but that doesn't mean it was my last one. My name is Kalani Moana Rose. I am the sea and sky. Book closed."There you go guys. I finally finished reading the book to you girls. I hope you liked it because I might have you girls in my next one. It'll be called my children and me. Mowi and Moana always remember this story, but never share it with anyone. Ok? Oh and you know how you asked me the title of the book? Its called A Story Within A Story Within A Storybook.

February 23, 2023 08:12

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