
The party

My dad is going out of town for the weekend for one of his business meetings. So, me being that girl, I'm throwing a big party for my fellow classmates. So, I text my friends and tell them to tell other people about the party. I also tell them to bring swimsuits unless they want to swim naked it's not a big deal. "Marissa," as my dad knocks on the door. " Come in," I say. My dad opens the door and says," Look I'm about to leave out, and I don't want any funny business going on, you hear?" I roll my eyes and nod. " I love you, sweetie," as my dad gives me a hug. "I love you too," as I hug him back. My dad walks out and closes the door. Of course, I'm going to miss my dad but I'm ready for this party to get started. I call all my friends to come and help me get the party together. They all come over and set up with all the decorations, foods, drinks, and even some alcohol.

Time to get lit

So finally the party is ready to get started. I'm so excited every time I throw a party it ends up a blast and it's the talk of the school. Especially since I'm a senior this year, I need to make this the best yet. So as soon people start coming in I greet everyone happy as I can be. Then I see someone that is very familiar. It's my crush Marcus with some girl. My heart skips a beat and a sense of jealously comes down on me. '' Hey Marissa," says Marcus smiling with his perfect teeth. "Hey Marcus," I say while looking at his girl. This tacky girl is Stacy. She's the biggest whore of the school. I can't believe Marcus so perfect and pure comes with someone that is literally the devil. " Can we go in now?" says the devil, Stacy with a rude attitude. I roll my eyes and let them in. Marcus smiles and whispers," I hope to see you soon," and winks. I almost pass out. What did he mean by that? Whatever he meant I was excited. I need to tell my friends what I just witnessed. As I try to find them, I just see everyone having fun and getting lit and it was very nice. I finally see my friend Sidney drinking in the kitchen by herself. I run to tell her the news. As she hears this her face lights up. " He wants to do the dirty with you," says Sidney winking. " I mean I had many dreams about Marcus, but I'm a virgin so I don't think I'm ready for it," I say shaky. " Come on girl, you are a senior it's time to let go and be free." Sidney says laughing. I can tell she's been drinking a bit. Sidney pulls me into my living room and she starts dancing. I start dancing as well. She's right I need to be free and let go. So I start dancing and letting my body going be free. Then I feel someone touch my hand and pull me out of the crowd. I was stunned because I didn't know who was pulling me. I didn't see who it was until I got up the stairs. It was Marcus!

Slip ups

Marcus with his perfect smiles pulls me into my room. He says," You are so beautiful and I can't control myself anymore I need you." Those words made me grasp for air, but I wasn't really ready and why was he with Stacy, I really want to know. "Why are

you here with Stacy?" I say confused. Marcus says," I know you don't like her, so I just brought her to make you jealous." I'm in shock I don't understand anything right now, but before I could get my thoughts together, he kisses me. I feel like I'm in a fairytale or I just reached heaven. It is one of the most magical things, I ever felt in my life. He pushes me towards the bed and starts touching me in other places, I'm not really feeling. I start telling him to stop, but he wasn't listening and was trying to reassure me. I just wasn't ready and he wasn't listening. So I bit him and he screamed. I ran as fast as I could out. He starts chasing me and he says," I know you want this, all women do stop being a crybaby." I just don't understand why he was saying those words. Luckily, I found a library that we never go into and I go in and hide in there. Marcus doesn't see me and he yells," Well your lost don't try to come back." Then he leaves. I can't believe I liked a guy like that. Then, the library was very weird it was so old and has that old stench smell. I take a look around and see all these old books. I'm not the one to read, but the books do look interesting. So I see this one book that was appealing it has a red hard cover with a picture of a clock on it. I open it up and the book falls to the floor. There is a blue light coming out of the book going in a circular motion it looks like a portal. I don't understand anything anymore it was just too much. I never thought magic existed. Then out of nowhere I get sucked up by this blue portal thing. Then I'm in my bed again feeling Marcus kissing me again. Did I just time travel?

Party Portals

I don't understand anything. I just time traveled. I don't know if I should freak out or call 911. I kicked Marcus and I ran to find that library again. Marcus chases after me saying, I know you want this, all women do stop being a crybaby." I'm thinking to myself, didn't he say that like ten minutes ago? I just went with it and ran back to that room. I hear Marcus saying the insensitive sentence of him thinking I'm going to miss him. I hate he put women like that. Him and Stacy are perfect for each other. So I end up trying to find that book again and there it was in the place it was before I picked it up. I pick up the book again and try to understand it. This time the book was still red, but something about the clock was different. This time the clock had the number one. Then I hear someone knocking on the door yelling my name,'' Marissa!" It sounded like my dad great it just gets worse. I open the door in fear. My dad has an angry look on his face. He saw me with the book and he ran and took the book. " Well you found the book, but my meeting ended up getting canceled,"" I see you took it to your advantage we will talk about your punishment later, but I need to talk to you about this book." I'm in fear to be honest, but I'm keeping calm. " So I was trying to avoid this, but your ancestors are witches and they had the power to time travel but since those witch trials they've hid this book to keep it safe."" So you have used it once, but the one means that you have only one more chance to go back in time then after that the power will be gone." My face was just ready to burst out laughing, but I know it was real. I asked," What do we need to do?" My dad sighs," Well we burn it no one can have this power, but the bad thing is it will put us back ten years when you burn it." "Dad! my life is good right now why do such a thing and we could save it for a really good one." I say. My dad thinks about it and nods," Well ok but I'm hiding this." "Don't forget about your punishment either." I don't know what just happened, but I'm just going to go with it.

April 23, 2020 00:43

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