Contemporary Fiction Gay

‘’ The Letter’’

-Robbie Guevarra

This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives. I saw Kyle wiping his tears secretly. He doesn’t want to create or give a scene anymore on this very special day.

‘’Kyle! We both turned back in the direction of that voice and we saw this cute guy smiling and waving us.’’

‘’Hmm. I guess I got to go for now? See you around?’’ he hugged me then gave me a kiss on the cheek.

‘’What else option I have?’’ I pouted my lips for showing him that I am very disappointed because he's leaving me- again.

‘’He ran through his direction, smiling sweetly and with excitement. It’s been a week since he saw Jake because they went to travel to another City for a basketball tournament for the school.

Kyle Anderson and Jake Crus are best friends. Kyle loves him more than he loves me and I am so jealous of that every time I think of it, but never mind though, I still love him so much as my best friend too.

Kyle and Jake are very close to each other, like they are sleeping together, eating together, shower together, and do everything together. Kyle knew everything about Jake and Jake about Kyle. Except for this little secret that Kyle is keeping ever since. He shared this secret with me which is the only thing that I know that Jake didn’t about Kyle.

Jake is a campus heartthrob. Everyone idolized him for his passion for basketball and for the pride he is giving to the school while Kyle is an active member of the Theater Club. This two definitely has different interest and passion however there’s a special aura that connects them to each other.

‘’Happy birthday, Kyle!’’ I raised the blue box in my hand. It is my birthday present to him. I am definite that he’ll love it since it is his favorite anime action figure.

‘’Thank you! This is heavy huh? What is this?’’

‘’That’s why it calls gift for you to find out.’’ I sarcastically answered. He giggled then slowly ripped the tape on it to open it.

‘’Wow! Seriously!?’’ he looked so happy and amazed to see his new collection.

I just nodded and smiled for a response.

On that day, we ate, drink, and get drunk. Just the three of us in his room drinking like there were no tomorrow because we wanna make him the happiest birthday boy in the world that night and I admit that Jake and I succeed in making him happy until he sat with a serious facial expression.

Out of the dim room, the slow music and the sound from the video game from the PS4, his voice is clearly cracking.

‘’Jake?’’ Jake and I stopped from playing.

‘’Is there any problem Kyle? ‘’ Tears suddenly rolled on his cheeks. ‘’Hey, why are you crying?’’

‘’Thank you! I really appreciate the time and efforts. You know that you are my only closest friends’ right?’’ he hugged us. I know that he’s drunk that’s why he’s crying but it’s not just the alcohol, I know he’s sincere.

‘’We love you, Kyle, you know that,’’ I whispered.

‘’Jake, it’s been years that we are together as best friends. We do everything together right?’’ Jake nodded in response while looking him in the eyes. ‘’We are about to graduate and… I just want to take this opportunity to tell you that, I love you. ‘’

‘’You love? Of course, I know that.’’ Jake answered awkwardly. ‘’We know that you love us, right?’’ he’s asking me to get in favor. I can feel that Jake can feel what it exactly means; he’s just trying to turn around the ambiance in the room while I kept silent.

‘’Jake, I love you. I want you and I can’t imagine the future without you.’’ Kyle stated bravely. ‘’I’ve been in love with you since we were in High School. I am happy and complete if I am with you. I am contented if you are with me wherever we are or whatever we do.’’

‘’Kyle, I am feeling the same way too but-‘’ he signed then looked away. ‘’Kyle, I’m not gay.’’

‘’Do you think this is just about being gay Jake?’’ Kyle stood up then ran away. I followed him but he stopped me so I leave him and gave him the space he wants.

The happy room a while ago is now covering with silence and loneliness. The person that supposed to be the happiest on that day was turned out to be the loneliest because of one sided-love.

From that day until graduation day, a different Kyle is facing us. He’s not anymore that Kyle that we used to know as jolly and full of courage. He became lifeless and miserable. That night really changed his life real quick. He’s not anymore that friend of mine who used to be my partner in break time or library time. He spent his free time alone and apart from anybody else on the campus.

After the graduation ceremony, Jake gave a little paper, folded in half and stapled. He said to give it to Kyle. But as I looked around, Kyle was not anymore in the hall room. I tried to dial his number but his phone’s off. I went out of the hall to see if he’s still around so I can hand him over the paper but I got nothing.

Three weeks have passed and still, I didn’t hear anything from Kyle. I went to his house to check but her mother said that he’s not yet home. He didn’t go home after the graduation ceremony. He didn’t even tell her mother where he is except for one text he sent to his Mom telling her that he’s fine and not to worry about him. I tried to think of the possible places and people that he might be staying with until my eyes accidentally dropped on that paper, folded in half and stapled that Jake gave me at our graduation day ceremony. I opened it out of curiosity to see what is inside this little one? It was a small note written like this;

Dear Kyle,

I apologize for the way I acted that night. I am surprised not because you are gay and you love me. I am surprised because you feel the same way how I feel for you but our difference is that you have that braveness to tell me. The braveness that I still don’t have and not able to practice to tell you until that day. I will wait for you on the last day of this month, in our favorite burger station.

Love, Jake.

I was surprised and happy for Kyle knowing that Jake has the same feeling for him. But I need to hurry, today is the last day of the month and I need to find Kyle so he will know about this letter.

As a supportive best friend of these love birds, I did all my best to look for Kyle. I almost asked for Police’s assistance so I can find him before this day ends but I went home shoulders down.

Where the hell he went?

‘’Son, someone sent you a mail.’’ I stared at the brown-glittered envelope. I took it from Mom’s hand then brought it to my room. It was a fancy envelop, seems like there’s a very important announcement on it that really makes my heart pound.

Slowly, I opened that envelop then there’s another glittered-scented paper card with a fancy letter in words of ‘’you are invited to our Vows’’ on April 1st at 4:00 PM.

Whose wedding is this? Was this invitation mistakenly sent to him? I tried to check the back of the card and there’s another message, ‘’To Santi’’

So, the invitation was really for me. How will I attend if I don’t even have any idea who’s going to marry?

4:00 PM sharp, April 1st. The scenery of a garden full of scented flowers, elegant and beautiful decorations. Chairs are aligned and facing the little altar. In the beachside part of the venue, there are chairs and tables with candles. Visitors are all in their different gowns and tuxedos.

As the music started, I went to a chair that was a little far from the crowd, observing people as the flower girls and ring bearers started marching. After the bridesmaid and groomsman, my jaw almost dropped and I can’t even do blink at what I am seeing. It was Jake who is walking on the Isle. It was Jake’s wedding!

A lot of questions running and bursting into my mind but none of them I know the answer to.

When Jake arrived at the altar, everyone turns back while the white curtains are slowly revealing the person behind it, the person that will go to marry Jake.

The next scene was a nightmare for me. I saw Kyle. Yes, it was Kyle. He’s standing somewhere far from the wedding venue along with the waiters and waitresses.

Now, every question in my mind was answered. This is Jake’s wedding to this girl who was just his fan way back in college. This girl didn’t even become his girlfriend or flings. And Kyle, why he’s just standing and staring at Jake from afar, witnessing him marrying someone else? I think I need to tell Kyle about the letter?

I slowly walked out of the wedding venue and went to Kyle’s side. He was shocked seeing me but then he managed to look away without even saying anything. I showed him the paper that Jake gave me but he refused.

‘’I showed up San, but I am late.’’ I saw Kyle wiping his tears secretly. He doesn’t want to create or give a scene anymore on this very special day for Jake.

Jake and Kyle have the same feeling for each other. This was supposed to be the most special day for them but turns out to be for someone else. I can feel that Kyle really wants to win him back, by then it was too late.

November 19, 2020 16:12

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