Fantasy Adventure Friendship

The sun shone brightly on the majestic walls of Ceymbra Castle, the newest acquisition of the Empire. It's two hundred towers rose up from its many palaces, temples, and mansions, grandly dominating the valley below. Within the capital city, the people bustled about in the markets, argued in the square, and carried out their daily tasks in the many workshops and forges.

But the hustle and bustle of the city was nothing compared to the excitement and anticipation that filled the air in the Great Hall of Ceymbra Castle. For today was the day that the Princess Syla, ruler of the Principality of Ceymbra, would choose a husband from among the commanders of the army that had marched westwards to conquer and annex her realm into the Empire: Walden, the son of a powerful nobleman who quickly sided with the encroaching Empire when they first landed on the island of Burton (that Ceymbra is part of) decades ago, and Cassian, the nephew of the imperial governor of Burton. This is was a required stipulation included in her country's peaceful capitulation to the Empire.

Walden and Cassian grew up together. When they were old enough, Walden and Cassian rode side by side beneath the Empire's banner. With their swords drawn, they battled through many petty kingdoms of Burton in the name of the Empire. Together, the childhood friends fought with conviction, leaving no stone unturned until Ceymbra's time finally came.

The hall was filled with a throng of eager faces, all hoping to witness the outcome of this momentous event. On one side of the hall, Walden's supporters had gathered, wearing silk and gold and garments showing their Burton origins, with expressions of smug confidence. On the other side, Cassian's admirers had come to cheer him on, their faces filled with hope, and wearing the sturdy leather of imperial officials.

At the center of the chamber stood the Princess Syla, her head held high and her face serene. She surveyed the two men before her, each one bowing and attempting to impress her in their own way. Walden spoke eloquently, going on and on about his noble lineage and Burton heritage. Cassian, on the other hand, spoke of his martial prowess, of the battles he had fought and the enemies he had conquered and of the commendation he had received from the Emperor himself back in Metrotiople.

Finally, Syla spoke, "Gathered gentlemen, I am a princess, am I not? None of you would deny the very best for a princess."

"Of course, not, Princess Syla." spoke Walden with certainty.

"The best is the least you deserve, Princess" said Cassian.

Syla smiled, she sat on her throne and rested her head on hand, "Very well then, which of you is the better man?"

Cassian and Walden instinctively looked at one another. Eyes gleaming at one another. Syla watched them both, her eyes flickering with amusement. A silence descended upon the chamber, broken only by the crackling of the torches and the soft footsteps of the servants.

"It is I!"

"No, I!"

The old friends bickered between themselves.

"A strong husband. That is what suits a princess, don't you agree?" Syla spoke.

"And I am the man for it, Princess!"

"No it is, I, Princess Syla!"

And the bickering continued between them. Syla leaned back in her throne, her eyes still flickering with amusement. She had expected as much from the two men vying for her hand in marriage. They were both so desperate to win her favor that they had devolved into bickering children.

"I can only marry one," she said, her voice ringing out across the chamber, a wide grin grew on her face.


But I see two standing before me", she continued. Syla stood up from her throne and walked towards the two men. Her royal robes trailed behind her, making her look regal and powerful.

"If only my husband-to-be would be kind enough to relieve me of the burden of making difficult decisions", she said in an exaggerated tone.

Cassian and Walden looked at each other, then back at Syla. They both stepped forward, their eyes locked onto hers.

"I am willing to do anything for you, Princess," Cassian said, his voice dripping with desperation.

"I am the better man for you, Princess of the Ceymbrians!," Walden interjected.

Syla gave a small smile at their persistence. "Anything, you say?" she asked Cassian.

"Yes, anything!," he replied quickly.

"How about a duel? The winner gets my hand in marriage," she proposed, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Cassian and Walden looked at each other, then back at Syla. In tandem, both Cassian and Walden drew their swords to begin their duel. Cassian's supporters cheering him on. Walden's men roaring in support of their liege's son. The fighting began, the men were mostly evenly matched, as steel clanked on steel. The crowd of onlookers cheered and jeered as Walden and Cassian continued to clash. The clanking of their swords echoed off the pillars of Syla's throne room, as she looked on from her seat with amusement with her hand on her cheek.

Cassian got the better of Walden, lunging at him, his sword slashing through the air, cutting Walden as his blood ran red down both sword and wound. "Yield, my dear Walden, I have drawn first blood. There are a number of Burton beauties that would make for a fine wife for you. But this one, this one is mine".

Walden gritted his teeth, the veins in his neck pulsing wildly, "Cassian, friend," he seethed, "you know I never surrender". He rose to his feet slowly yet with determined force that one cannot help but admire. He spat out as he repositioned his sword, "Believe me, I'll return the favour, tenfold".

Syla's smile curved and widened, as she gave a slight nod to a dark corner of the throne room.

From beyond the crowds of Walden's supporters, an arrow came from across the chamber, hitting Cassian in the shoulder of his dominant arm. He yelled out in agony, clutching his shoulder as he staggered back in shock and looked at his old friend's eyes. "Argh! What in the name of the Empire!? Walden!"

A voice bellowed from the end of the chamber, "He dares to break the sacred laws of the duel! Walden has no honor! He has men attacking Commander Cassian!"

Walden shook his head and his eyes widened in shock and horror, "What?! Friends, you know me to be a man of hono-" But his words were drowned out by a deafening roar of battle cries that filled the air. Both sides of supporters joined the fight in frenzy, and the once respectable duel turned into a melee of mayhem.

Sly rose from her throne with her guards in tow, she saw Walden get cut again and heard Cassian scream, as she left the throne room from a back door that lead to an outside courtyard where her horse, a bright white beast, was waiting for her.

"Barricade the doors and burn it all to the ground." She ordered. "The Empire have won this castle of burnt flesh and ash...but they have not won the country," and with that, she charged forward atop her noble steed with her loyal guards by her side, into the sunset to prepare for what is to come.

June 16, 2023 23:58

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