
Chilling with my family on the weekend has no words to be explained... a nice movie, brother's comment in between the movie, some snacks, some cold drinks, mom's fantastic cooking and at last going to my room and jumping with a cozy blanket on the super soft bed for a goodnight's sleep. 

Next day is monday, my brother loves them but for me monday's are the bugs made by god to make our websites known as Life.com. to be more harder. "I HATE THEM".   

I am a pilot, 22,689 hours of flyings and 20,000 fly time certificate. I love to fly in the white clouds and the blue sky. I am also a temporary makeup artist. This is Christmas time and I am getting going a holiday from my pilot job because of continuous working in the past 10 months. So this is the time to unlock my makeup kit and work with that. 

"Today is monday and I have an appointment from a reality show crew, they called me for doing the makeup of the participants... I cannot come with you Jessica, I'm so sorry, maybe I'll hangout with you any other day OKAY?", I said all this and hung up the call when my mother called out "Nicole... you will get late for the appointment... do fast darling...!!". I hurdled down the stairs and gulped down some orange juice while chewing the cereal. I almost choked myself when mom patted me down my spine...

"I am leaving, mom! bye-bye dad see you all in a few hours", I started taking out the car keys from my bag. I waved all the way down the stairs to my garage, and left.

It was a long drive of 1 hours and 27 minutes(I love to keep track of time).I ran up the stairs and BANG..., I bumped into something... something like a hard built... like a wall. 


"How come there is a wall in the between the stairs?", I thought still keeping my eyes tightly closed.

I quickly opened my eyes and saw I neither bumped on the wall nor a hard built something. It was a man's chest, hard as wall or solidified cement used to make a house. 

"Are you alright, miss...?", he spoke... OMG... so softness and kindness filled in his voice. "Yeah,yeah, I'm all good",I uttered clarifying his body...(The most bad habit of me eyeing everyone's body). His body was just as I dreamed of my Mr.Perfect. Tall, Handsome, White Skinned, Brown hair, Softness and Kindness. "Have you done my body check?, and can I ask why are you here...to find someone?", He asked. I replied sharply, "I'm not doing your body check and... I'm here for the makeup of the participants who are participating in the reality show"."Oh okay!, I won't disturb you then... Bye", he said this with a waving and I nodded my head and said Goodbye and was off to the makeup room. 

Half-way through the makeup of a beautiful and gorgeous lady, a familiar voice spoke from behind, "Excuse me, Miss Nicole...", "sorry but I'm busy at the moment", I spoke while brushing a soft pink blush on the participant 'Xiong Ming' a gorgeous chinese lady, and on that moment the voice also vanished I didn't force myself to turn back and see who it was... A last finishing task - Fixing Spray and Xiong Ming was ready to take the winning trophy. All the participants were ready and were off for the contest. 

I was waiting for the contest to end on a black chair, with the makeup lights on, reading a book entitled 'Will You Marry Me'. Reading the book with one hand I put my other hand on my bag for my phone. I got my phone but, "Hey... Where's my purse?... Stolen? No Way! I had my identity card of my pilot job...Where should it be ??..." I searched everywhere, the contest ended I said everyone... they too searched when 'that' young man with whom I bumped came and said "Is this your Miss Nicole??...", there in his tall, thin fingers my baby pink purse, which I was looking for. I grabbed my purse and asked him where and how did he find it. He said that in the morning when I hit him mistakely, It fell down from my side bag, he came to give me that back when I was doing Xiong Ming's makeup and he was the person whom I refused to look back and see. "Thank you very much...", I said taking farewell from everyone when the director of the reality show 'Natasha' asked me to be their permanent makeup artist as my model Xiong Ming had won the show. I agreed with a condition that I will only be available for 1 month and 15 days from now as my holiday would end the next month's 16th day. They agreed that because they liked my makeup style. 

1 month and 15 days flew like the storm and on the last day of my makeup artist profession everyone gathered to bid me farewell, and Xiong Ming asked me "妮可你明天几点出发?"(Nicole what time are you leaving tomorrow?), I replied "我早上六点出发" (I will leave at six in the morning)... I know a little bit of chinese so I replied her at chinese and explained the meaning of every word to everyone. Everyone was so upset because of the reason 'I am leaving so early'... I left the crew hugging Xiong Ming. When I went back home brother was helping mom in cooking and dad was watching news about today. I ate my last dinner in my hometown and went to bed very early. 

Next morning, when the sun was not on the sky I woke up, did all my morning works and was drinking the mango juice made by my mom when someone rang the doorbell, my mom exclaimed, "Who can be here is this hour of morning? The sun did not even come out properly!!". Mom rushed to open the door when again a familiar voice asked, "Sorry to disturb you mam but did Nicole leave already?", my mom looked so confused about a stranger guy coming in search of me. I peeped from my mom's back and took a glance at the familiar looking stranger. It was that hot guy with whom I bumped, I stood by the door with a wide mouth, not understanding what was happening. He spoke again "Are you ready princess?... I am here to drop you at the airport... You coming ?" I asked "Who asked you to come??", he spoke again "No one asked me to come I came by my own...". My mom asked me who he was and etc...etc..., and I answered her. I didn't knew his name so I omitted that question. 

My mom gave me my suitcase and said to go with that man waving me goodbye. We got into the car and I asked, "What is the reason you came here to take me to the airport? and Mr. Handsome what's your name?", He replied "I have something important to tell you... and I'm not Mr.Handsome I'm Richard Recchia...", I eagerly asked "what is the important thing you wanna say??"... "You have to pretend that you are really my girlfriend!..."he replied without waiting a second. I kept staring at his face. He replied "There is a show next year for couples 'Triplet Romance' where there will be three rounds- Partner Dance, Girls Makeup and About you and your partner", I kept on seeing Richard's face and spoke, "So you want me to become your pretending girlfriend and all that when I'm out of country... You're so funny man... Hey, wait! Why me, is there no other girl in your office or your locality or what ??!!", Richard said, "When you hit me while coming to work on the first day, then when I gave you your identity card, then taking today's day off from my office to pick you up has the reasons... The office colleagues think that we are pairs you have to understand...my problem and more over the show will be held only when you come back home and start working again", I kept staring at his face and said a blank "okay...I guess I can pretend !!". 

We reached the airport I met my friends and they gave me the information that today's flight to Toronto, Canada is on my hands, as I am the Captain. Departure time I heard people saying "Look that's Richard, he is the CEO of the latest reality show... Look how hot he looks", Hearing all that Richard called me and hugged me in public in order to pretend that he was my boyfriend and whispered in my ears "Hug me back as I'm your boyfriend", I also pretended to be his girlfriend but that was a boring thing 'YUCK'. I departed waving him a last goodbye. 

I came back home with Richard, and this time while coming out of the pilot's area Richard ran to me and kissed me in public "Damn it... What a shame"... the crowds staring at us, young girls eyes full of tears, middle-aged woman blessing us... 

In this working year nothing happened much to be written...a normal year. 

Coming home my mother made me my favourite soup with bread. I ate and fell asleep when my phone rang... It was Richard "Hey Nicole, day after tomorrow is the show, chill out with me the whole day tomorrow please ?? I'm asking this because I just want to win... I'm the CEO of that reality show and how can I lose to any other normal people ?!" I replied "Yes I would like to chill but you have to come to me to pick me up... Or else I won't come... You're my boyfriend right... never mind which way but we are couples in public eyes right?" "Ohkay Ohkay I'll come to pick you up", I hung the phone and saw it was 8:44 in the evening. I rushed out of my room, stomach growling with hunger. Mom gave me some noodles and I sat down watching a horror film 'Death Bell' with the bowl of noodles. Mom came with a cup of coffee for herself and sat at my side when I said I would be out with Richard the next day. My mom gave me permission to go out with him.

Next day was very fun... Richard took me to the reality show crew members and said I was his girlfriend. I don't know why, but I blushed and at that moment he pulled me closer to him by my waist. Natasha the director of the show crew commented "Hope your love lasts and you may be together till the end of the world". He smiled and said "I too hope this to happen", then he looked at my eyes when I was looking at him while he commented. When he saw that I was also looking at him he smiled.

Then he took me to an cafe and we were knowing about ourselves in order to win the final competition. We were ready to grab the prizes and win the trophy. 

I don't know but when I was with Richard I really felt he is my real soulmate, even though I'm pretending to be his girlfriend but now I really love that work. 

With a smiling face I came down from Richard's car and headed towards my home when Richard shouted, "Get ready for tomorrow, I will come to pick you up at 9 in the morning". 

I had already had my dinner with Richard, so I didn't join again with my family dining table. I straight away went to my bedroom jumping down on the bed.

Next morning was like an usual day. Richard came to pick me up very well suited and booted and I don't know why I blushed seeing him...

We entered the make-up room hand-in-hand, and the make-up man commented Richard for choosing such a beautiful lady as his girlfriend. I smiled but didn't said anything. 

First round was 'Partner Dance', I was wearing a red ball gown costume sponsored by the show authority. We danced as we were really... really couples. I always stared at his eyes and his handsome face... I thoroughly enjoyed the 1st part because I was dancing with the person I had a crush and my publicly fake boyfriend. The music stopped and he kissed my hands for that perfect dance. Now... the score giving moment, my hand became cold and I had to rub them to make them warm, "and... and the most points goes to the couple Nicole and Richard", declared the judges. I was overjoyed I jumped and hugged Richard, who... I don't know why kissed me in order to show some response or to show people that we are couples...or anything. I don't mind I liked that. 

Now a break of 1 hour was given and we are ready for the next round 'Girls Makeup'. I had to remove my makeup for Richard to do my makeup... No worries I look good without makeup, #Natural. 

All the participants with their partner went to the front stage and sat with their partner in front of huge makeup items. I also sat at table no. 5 Richard at my side for doing makeup. 

First the Foundation then the Eyeliner then Eyeshadow and Eyelashes, Contour powder, Blush, Lipstick and all. I only closed my eyes the whole period at at last felt the gush of Fixing Spray. Richard said "My princess would you like to open your eyes and see how much beautiful you have turned to ?", I slowly opened my eyes looked at the mirror, and... Who am I ?? Who is the pretty lady sitting...off course it's me but how did he changed my look so much. It was type of a royal makeup I guessed but I loved it. The other girls were also looking pretty but I was also no less than them. I didn't get the full points but got the second position in this contest. 

Another break of 2 hours and we were called on stage for 'About You and Your Partner'. 

Again we were sitting side by side but we were not facing each other. The judges questioning us...

First question- When did this relationship start of yours?

Second question- How much do you want your partner to be in your life?

Third question- What is the plan you want to do with your partner, ex- Marrying, Only love etc...

And more... and more... and more... 

We won that contest for giving the most appropriate answers. 

Now we wait eagerly for the Triplet Romance Winner.

"Now we present here the most awaited question 'Winner of the Triplet Romance'... The winners are none other than... Nicole and Richard. Applause for them Ladies and Gentlemen. I was very much happy. I flung my arms around Richard's neck and stood on my toes to give him a kiss, for no other reason but to show the public he kissed me back.

Now we were called on the front part of the stage for receiving our medals. They were round shiny and golden coloured medals. Camera-mans clicking our photos, judges clapping their hands and Richard holding my hand what more can anyone dream of. We were given a round bouquet of flower. I till that time knew we were dating in order to win the contest. 

Extra Part

Richard left my hand, he was looking at my eyes, I felt the movement of his hands and lifted up my eyes to meet his. He handed the bouquet to one of the judges and sat on his knees. I was so surprised my eyebrows went on my forehead, everyone looking at us. He at last spoke "Nicole all these days you have been pretending to be my girlfriend, now I'm going to say the truth to you...", Everyone was so surprised about knowing the lie the backstage crew rushed to the front stage to get the hold of what was happening. Every moment was being recorded and was going live on T.V... My mom, dad and my brother were also watching I guess. Richard again started speaking, "The day since you bumped on me I have fallen for you, every moment I wanted you to be at my side, I wanted to propose you that day in the car towards the airport but I couldn't because I thought you would reject me on the first attempt. This show is also held because I requested the crew telling them that a game for couples would be quite good to grow up our company. Now with the courage I'm proposing you Nicole, 'will you marry me ??' and be at my side forever ?". He said this words while taking out a ring box and opened it, it was a Diamond ring with a very cute design of a small heart. My eyes became watery and tears flew down my cheeks, I couldn't believe that my crush will propose me on a reality show stage where the camera is rolling live on T.V and not for becoming his girlfriend but for becoming his wife... I held out my hand to him and said, "Why didn't you say this first, I would have accepted then as I'm doing now...'Yes !... Yes I'll marry you'... I have also liked you from that day I hit you...". Richard stood up and pushed the ring in my ring finger. He held my cheeks and pulled me closer to his and kissed me, I didn't stop him and kissed him back. He ended the kiss and hugged me. Now we are a real couple.

November 11, 2020 13:54

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10:57 Nov 12, 2020

Hii, Meghma Sorry to intervene, in this brutal manner, I have a request for you would be kind to give a single glance over the vehicle which my team had been working over months. https://www.instagram.com/p/CHX5VUPBJOp/?igshid=5f72nb3cgg30 Sorry to take your time and If possible like the post.Because this would help team to win


Meghma Ghosh
14:26 Nov 12, 2020

Is the account @bajasaeindia ??


16:51 Nov 12, 2020



Meghma Ghosh
06:41 Nov 13, 2020

Yeah I've liked the page :)


14:11 Nov 13, 2020

Thank you so much


Meghma Ghosh
16:57 Nov 13, 2020

you're welcome :)


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Greg Gorman
02:22 Nov 20, 2020

Meghma, this reads like a draft. You have a good idea for a story but there were a lot of fragments and unfinished thoughts that take away from reading the story. Your MC lives a busy life. She is a pilot and a makeup artist. That's an interesting combination of jobs and she seems like a very busy person even before the holidays start. She is also quirky. One hour and 27 minute drive. That's a very specific number. What is it about Nicole that makes her so meticulous when it comes to tracking the time she is on the road? What are you doing ...


Meghma Ghosh
06:11 Nov 20, 2020

I understand this topic of yours but you also have to see that "reedsy" gives a particular word limit 1K-3K... And my story was 4095 words at the first, so I had to short it down to fit the "reedsy" rules... I had wrote it the very best for you guys to understand but REMEMBER THE LIMIT !


Greg Gorman
12:37 Nov 20, 2020

I understand about the limit. It's not good to have a cap. It does limit what you can put out there. Just be mindful of that when you are writing. I heard a writer say something when I was in school: "Can I take something and make it fit into a certain frame? Yes, but I have to make choices." You need to make choices in order to fit the guidelines.


Meghma Ghosh
07:17 Nov 26, 2020

OK OK I will try to remember all the points you just said in your previous comments... :)


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10:57 Nov 12, 2020

Great story


Meghma Ghosh
14:27 Nov 12, 2020



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