Adventure Drama Teens & Young Adult

Ethan and Tina were in utter shock while Zack stood there with a confused expression on his face, “Who are you two?” Artie's eyes had turned to a solid black as he grinned, “Well, I was just a kid trying to make my neighborhood better for kids like me, and Abby died protecting the one she loved only to find out that he should have died to save us the trouble.” Abby looked extremely pale and her lips were blue even though it was the middle of summer. Her deep emerald green eyes turn into black as she and Artie stepped closer. Zack stood his ground while Ethan stepped in front of Tina, tightly gripping the Pen of Death. Zack showed no emotion, “You two are dead, so what? I don’t get scared of death and I can’t go to hell because Satan has a restraining order; plus I have a friend to save so beat it!” Abby giggled, “Oh, tough guy,” she held up her hands and ice grew out of fingers like claws, “Are you scared now?” ...

Lason kept his gun-arm out, pointing at everything that made a sound, “We saw Adaline in our dreams, so we knew that there was trouble.” Angel pulled Damian, Cody, and Liz together to stay close to them, “Harper and Kelsey are heading to Zack’s group.” Cody looked around, “Where is the danger?” Lason exchanged glances with him, “I don’t know.”... 

The green-eyed girl looked down at the chessboard that now had two of her pawns in the field and the mysterious dream brown-eyed girl’s two pawns, a bishop, and now two knights along with a rock and two other pawns. The green-eyed girl smiled as she went for one of her knights, “I hope you’re ready for a battle of a lifetime.” The door opened and a masked figure walked in. His lime-green eyes peered out from behind his bear white mask... 

Adaline looked down at the game with sad eyes and sighed, “Zack needs to trust no one at this point.” She rosed and reached for her king, “Harper, I hope you can hear me.”...  

Harper felt a chill run down her spine as Kelsey and she stepped through the portal. Kelsey looked at her, “Is everything alright?” His lime-green eyes twinkled when he spoke. Harper nodded as she thought about her new mission; to kill Kelsey before it’s too late...

Zack had never felt frostbite like Abby’s before; one cut from her claws stung like a bee. He was covered in frost. Zack turned to see how Ethan was doing against Artie; Zack hoped he was doing better than him. Ethan had a black eye and a bad bloody nose. Artie’s new legs made him faster and hard to catch, but Ethan was the only thing standing between Artie and Tina. Tina was pressed up against the six-foot bush wall, in complete fear. Artie grinned like a maniac, “DO YOU REALLY THINK SHE LOVES YOU AFTER WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO NOT ONLY ME BUT ADALINE AS WELL?!” Artie kept throwing punches and insults at Ethan while he tried doge out of the way. Ethe turned to lock eyes with Tina, “I know that I can’t fix the past, but I do love you with every fiber in my body.” He turned back to Artie and charged, holding the Pen of Death in front of his body as if it was a knife. The two of them then rolled around on the dirt, fighting to be on top of the other to stab the pen into him. Tina watched in horror as Artie slapped the pen out of Ethan’s hand. The pen rolled past Zack’s feet as Abby tried to rip through his hoodie to get the Devil’s Pen. Zack bared his teeth, “Oh, heck no, you Elsa knock-off!” Zack’s brown eyes changed into a ruby-red as he broke through Abby’s claws with his knife. Abby flew back a few feet and was knocked off balance from the force. Artie and Ethan both dove for the pen when Zack charged at Abby while she was down. Artie got to the pen first, “I wonder what happens when I stab you with your own weapon,” he laughed as he rushed forward. No one saw that Tina had run in front of Ethan until Artie had stabbed her in the gut. Tina bent over and fell onto her side. Ethan’s eyes widened looking from Tina to Artie who was coughing up black ink and reaching for his side. Ethan was stunned; Tina had broken the pen and used half to stab Artie in the side. Artie fell face-first into the dirt and had stopped moving. Ethan rushed to Tina’s side, “TINA!” Ethan rolled her onto her back slowly as she bled out. She smiled sweetly up at him with tears in her eyes, “Save Addie for me, okay?” Ethan couldn’t fight the tears, “NO! YOU WILL BE OKAY!” Ethan turned to Zack for help only to find a crime scene. Zack, covered in blood, stood over Abby’s body. He looked worse than the body did; he had cuts on his hands and cheeks. His eyes were still red and his hoodie was torn up. Zack held the knife in one hand and the Devil Pen pieces in the other. Zack rushed over to Ethan and Tina, “I know a place that Addie made to heal the damage caused by the pens. It’s in the center of the maze; if we hurry she might make it.” Zack took off what remained of his hoodie and tied it around Tina’s wound to stop the bleeding. Ethan moved her carefully onto his back, “Let’s go!” Zack nodded as his red eyes slowly dimmed... 

The green-eyed girl looked down at the chessboard with a blank expression. Two of her pawns were broken into pieces while the brown-eyed girl’s pawn was cracking. The green-eyed girl pushed her broken pieces off the board and picked up another pawn, “I wonder what is going to happen now.” She cuckolds to herself as she placed the pawn next to the brown-eyed girl’s rock, two pawns, and her two knights... 

Lason saw a flash of red running through the trees, “Stay close to me.” He locked eyes with Angel, “I saw something over there,” he pointed with his gun-arm. Angel morphed her hand into hammers and slowly moved to the left. Angel smashed through a bush where an old friend waited for his prey... 

March 15, 2021 20:59

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