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Fantasy Romance Mystery

"Still into baking Mrs. Heart?" I asked with my usual cheerful tone as I skip around town.

"Of course dear, this is the reason why my husband won't let go of me." She joked and winked at me.I smiled as she gave me some blueberry muffins. I then excused myself as I walked further towards the center of town.

"Good morning Mr. Rivera!"

"Morning dear!"

"Hello Mrs. Trina how's the new show?"

"Wonderful sweetie! Everything is in place and the only thing left is the last scene!"

"Love the new dress Sara."

"Thanks, though I prefer the blue color." 

"Still looking for bunnies I see, keep it up Sedrick!" I stated as I sat down beside him.

"Don't call me out like that!" 

I giggled as I gave him my extra muffin. Me and Sed are childhood friends since both of us are neighbors. We live in this small town called Crentine in the middle of no where I guess. We know all the people here and all of them knows us. There's only around a hundred people here so it's not that crowded. We are surrounded by trees and there's like this waterfall and lake nearby.

My father was the one who first saw this place and made this into a town. My father together with his friends stayed here with their families and after some time new people came and stayed here as well and now here we are happily treating each other as family. 

"So why did you pick blueberry? I mean Mrs. Heart bakes the best hazelnut muffin just saying." He mumbles as he took another bite of his muffin.

"C'mon Blueberry muffins are the be-"

"Oh no! Someone tell Krentina about the fight!" I heard someone scream.

I immediately stood up and ran as fast as I can to where the voice came from. Sedrick quickly followed beside me still eating his muffin. "Mrs. Trina what's wrong? Why are you panicking?" I asked worriedly as I gave her my handkerchief.

"Oh no dear, this is bad." She kept panicking as I try my best to calm her down.

"So what's wrong?"

"My three little babies are missing! My husband blamed it on the guard and they are fighting now." She explained.

"Don't worry Mrs. Trina we can take care of this. I assured her." I looked at Sed and gave him the signal to stop the fight. He nodded and quickly left. "Okay so Sed will stop the fight and I will look for your kids now." 

I started walking and looking around town. This is just a small place yet how can someone be lost? There's no way they could have run off the woods I already blocked the exit. And beside we keep telling kids the horrors of the woods so I know they won't ran off like that.

After half an hour of searching I finally found them near the well. They we're playing fairies. The well is a place outside town yet it's only a three-minute walk and the only place that I allowed the children to go beside town. 

"Come along kids your mom was so worried." 

As we walk back I can hear whispers of people getting louder and louder. 

"What's going on why are you all here?" I questioned then saw two guys in front of them.

Not just two guys but they're newcomers or in short we don't know them.

"Who are you?" I heard Sed ask as he walked in front.

"Oh hi? I'm Ken and this is Andrew we saw this town and just wanted to stay for a couple of days before we return to hiking." the guy named "Ken" explained.

"Don't say yes we don't know them."

"What if they're bad guys?"

"We don't know who and where they're from."

"I mean if you won't let us here it's okay but like this place ain't yours right? We can have equal share and we just want to take a quick break from our hike." Another guy arrived joining the two dudes.

"Hey Brandon that's a bit rude." the guy named Andrew said.

"Hey didn't your parents teach you some manners?" 

"Say no!"

"We can't trust them."

I sighed quite frustrated but kept my cool.

"You can sta-"

"Well you see boys we don't really allow newcomers here." I politely answered stopping Seb from speaking. 

"You see it's morning and we've walked all night we just a couple of days and we're off your shoulders mister so-"

"Excuse me? I'm a girl." I cut him off. "And just like what the people here said, we don't know you." I replied once more than left. 

"You can stay here but only for a bit okay?" I heard Sed agreed. 

Sed ran up to me and said. 

"Why won't you allow them to stay?" 

"I don't know I got this weird vibe around them. I know the people can feel it too." I defended myself.

"What do you mean weird vibe? They we're just tires from they're hike let's just be nice okay?"



"So that's why I believe meat and potatoes rock." Gabby explained as we ate Mrs. Roshel's cooking. She' one of the best cook in town.

"I didn't actually listen but yeah why not." 

Me, Sed, Gabby, Rally and Rex got lazy and decided to not cook dinner and just buy some. As we were eating the 'new guys' came and the costumers kept giving them stares.

"Good evening guys!" Andrew greeted us as he sat beside Gabby. The Ken guy walked to the cashier and ordered their food. The Brandon guy sat in front of me while Ken sat beside Sed after he finished ordering.

"You guys having a boys night out or something?" Brandon asked. 

Rolly who sat beside me immediately pulled my hood off making me stand up to fix it. "This is a she for crying out loud."

"Not cool man." I replied.

"You're a girl?" they ask at the same time.

"I believe I already told you that this morning." 

I went back to my chair and continued eating as they all chat. People walking pass me kept whispering, 

"Don't trust them, we don't know them yet"

I just ignored it since I can't do anything now because of Sedrick.

Laughters filled the air as my friends became close to the new comers. I remained silent enjoying my potatoes.


Day one 

"Morning Mrs-" I was stop my tracks when I saw her store was close. "It's already 7 did she woke up late?" 

"Hey Krentina good morning."

"Oh hey Sed- wait Brandon?" I asked in disbelief.

"Shook to see me? Anyways how's your morning?" 

"How did you know my name?" I utter completely ignoring his question.

"Rolly told me yesterday when you left." he replied shyly. "Our meeting wasn't exactly nice so how about we start all over? Hi I'm Brandon." 

I looked at him suspiciously but remembered Sed saying that I should be nice.

"I'm Krentina." 

As we were about to go Hanah stopped me and whispered something.

"I don't trust that guy." She stated. I just smiled telling her it's okay. She then left afterwards but gave Brandon a stare.

We spent the whole morning talking and walking around town. I also showed him the hidden garden near my house. It was a huge place covered with different variety of flowers and plants. There's also a pond with cute chubby little fishes. 



"Hey K good afternoon!" Brandon greeted as I smiled at him. The people kept giving us stare well Brandon most of the time but yeah. 

"If I were you I would get away from him!" One of them shouted.

We ignored it and walked around town once more and I showed him my favorite place to get lunch when I'm to lazy to cook.

"Goood Afternoon Mrs. Hershal!" I greeted.

"Good afternoon sweetie the regular?" Mrs. Hershal greeted back still facing me since she's currently cooking.

"Yes please and B what would you like?" I ask. He said he would like the same as me so I ordered both.

"B? I haven't heard that na-" she turned around to see me standing next to Brandon her sweet smile turned into a force one and her eyes gives a suspicious look. "Oh the new come- I mean Hi i'm Mrs. Hershal Guine but call me Mrs. Guine." She said.

"Uhm sweetie I don't think hanging out with a person you don't know well is okay." She addes and excused herself after hearing that Mr. Rivera never came. Two new costumers came as we wait for our orders.

"Yeah I haven't seen Sara I'm a bit worried."

"Really? Well I haven't seen Mrs. Heart the whole day! I miss her muffins."



"Hey K what's up?" 

"Uhh B? Wow we spent almost the whole day together." I joked and joined him.

"Well you're a very fun companion." He stated giving me his usual smile.

We walked around and saw Rolly looking a bit worried. "Kren is that you? Thank goodness!" He hurriedly went up to me panting.

"I haven't seen Sed anywhere! I looked and looked and I couldn't see him!" He cried. He is Sed's adoptive brother. He was seen in the forest when he was Five and Sed begged his father to make him his younger brother.

"What do you mean you couldn't see him? Did you check everywhere?" I began to panic. 

"Yes everywhere!" 

The town's people gathered around us and started to whisper.

"Maybe the new comers took him!" One of the shout. I could see Brandon lowering his head.

"Maybe Sed just went to the forest?" Brandon asked.

"He wouldn't he doesn't like the forest." Rolly argued and gave Brandon a death glare.

"Guys don't fight! Maybe Sed just got lost trying to find bunnies?" 

"I guess but I haven't seen him all morning! It would only take him an hour of searching and come back home." He said completely losing it.

The people gathered around Brandon blaming him. I quickly grabbed his arm and drag him away from everyone. "Krentina come back here!" 

We stopped running as both of us tried to catch our breath. We are a bit far from the town but at least it's peaceful.

"I'm really sorry about them. They can be a bit judging." 

"Nah it's cool." He assured and sat beside me.

"It's a full moon! Oh wait it's a Blood moon!" I stated in awe as I stare at the sky. 

"Hey K why won't they allow new comers to stay in town?" Brandon asked. 

"Well long ago when my father was still in charge he allowed new comers to stay the night and the very next night they killed him and almost half of the town. Ever since that day we don't allow new comers to stay." I explained.

"What did they look like?" He asked.

"Oh uhm pale skin, red eyes and sharp teeth? Like a..." Before I could even answer I saw Brandon's eyes turned red and his teeth had fangs in them. 

"A Vampire."

September 15, 2020 07:46

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1 comment

Ariana Marie
02:06 Sep 24, 2020

There's a bit error in the story I was sleepy when I made this I didn't had time to re check :((


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