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Drama Creative Nonfiction Adventure

Two paths to a million!

When you think about the imagination, you feel a drift towards it, you want to touch it, you almost reach it, but as soon as you collide with the wall of reality, this imagination fades, and it becomes like air, we breathe and want it, and we feel its presence, but we do not see it, we live by its survival and without it we die, the imagination generates a dream we would like to We reach him, the road may be long and time is distant, but without it ambition dies and dreams die with it.

In the field of business concerned with creating and designing methods for addressing problems in various fields, whether environmental, cultural, or even societal, etc., various companies and institutions announce to present an innovative project idea in exchange for a sum of money whose standards differ from one company to the other, one of which was launched in one country and time, to find an idea To solve the global warming problem, and with an amount of 1 million dollars, the owner of the unique idea, and now everyone is excited, among the participants and viewers, who will be the owner of this amount!

Everyone works all over the world of all ages and disciplines day and night for one idea that includes the future of our planet, and the news spread to all rural areas, villages and cities, until it arrived. This news goes to Jack William. He is seventeen years old, a brilliant American painter and soccer player, interested in his studies, passionate about physics, working with Mr. Carl, ambitious, Jack has no personal or societal enemies, his good relationship with everyone, and everything is fine, he heard Recently, about competition in school and beyond on television, his friends advised him and encouraged him to participate, so he did not want them to be disappointed in him, and assumed responsibility for this trust, winning them, treating his sick father with cancer, and securing him and his father a stable life, so Jack designed and set off with his imagination and thinking.

On the other hand, we see in a large palace in the right wing, Michael Stephen, the son of a rich family, power and prestige in the state. He is greedy and encouraged at times, Michel heard of the competition, he wanted a million by any means, but nothing is free of charge for life. Michel wanted a million badly, with his father's wealth of inheritance more than this prize, Michel's father is a good man, he has a heart disease. Michelle decided to collect the award by bribing him without his father's knowledge.

Michel wanted to prove his strength and control, and show himself to the world, that he is a strong and unparalleled person, that he is called, paranoia, but what will the results be?

Seven weeks have passed, there is only one week left to deliver and announce the results, and here is Jack moving forward, and he is about to finish his project, he has little left, and here is Michel looking for people to bribe from the competition members without the knowledge of his father, both of them are working. Jack finishes walking to present his idea, while he walks on the sidewalk and at the same moment passes Michael in his private Lamborghini car.

Each of them gave their intention to obtain the same amount, each of them has a purpose and motivation for the goal.

After a week the results will appear and everyone is excited!

Today has come and everyone is ready, observers from everywhere in the world are watching the prize giving ground and the contestants, there are only minutes left, Jack sits with the public seats of the participants, and here is Michelle at the top sits and smiles in a cunning way, the results will be announced, there is only one minute left.

And here is the police siren coming, what happens? Everyone asks, There is an agent who stole the money, and the prize was stolen, and how and who, one of the bribes who got the money to Michael gave it, confirmation that it was within the success of another bribe, to accept his stolen idea from the designers' challenge. The palace was protected by his father, his father was very tired at that time, he entered the palace and was behind him by a police patrol chasing him, his father did not believe what his son did!!!

Grieving grief, his illness doubled, the police arrested Michael and took him to the criminal investigation and imprisoned him after the father handed over his son to the police, because justice knows neither young nor old, neither rich nor poor, the poor's father fainted and was taken to the hospital. Jack won it among the best designs and idea that contributed to the protection of the environment with an idea, as he cured his father from disease. He bought himself and his father a luxurious home to make up for his tough years!!.

Jack undertook many projects and succeeded and gave him wonderful financial returns, which made him live in bliss for his life. Michelle's father died as a result of the trauma he suffered from his son, and wrote his will to give all his possessions and wealth to the winner of the best innovation competition. Cruel, he needs a lesson in life that teaches him humility and good use of grace as money, and that obtaining something requires work, not ready, he knew that if he left the inheritance for the son, he would be overwhelmed and proud, and he did not want his son like this.

Michel grief and regret for his previous actions. His father died of grief over a foolish act of him, and lost all his money, and Jack who saved his father's life and raised his standard of living by his work and diligence, and this indicates that life is not many faces that we do not know. And we do not know what the days hide for us and what turns multiple, the directions of the paths change even if the reason is a million!!!

January 09, 2021 01:35

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1 comment

Amazing World
11:07 Jan 11, 2021

My story revolves around that life is subject to change, and that a person is responsible for everything he does, he may be with him and for his benefit, or he pays the price if he turns against him.


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