
I'm staring into the cold, blue sky and it meets my gaze with nothing but a gust of wind. I glance around the sand and the surrounding trees, all beckoning to the call of the ocean. The beach hardly has any people during this time of the year, but I quite like the frigidness that this place has to offer. It's quiet. Serene. It helps me clear my thoughts and find a way to relax; to step away from the ongoing battle that rages in my head.

I turn around and look at the icy waters. That blue shade. It looks exactly like his eyes. His eyes. Those blue eyes. They were dark blue and light blue all in one. Affectionate and inhospitable in just a moment's notice. The same glacial water that you think is safe for a dip, but it pulls you under and threatens to drown you.

Suddenly, I hear a faint voice from behind.

"ADRIAN!" A scream calls out. "ADRIAN!" The voice is filled with so much pain. So much sorrow. I see a young girl, about the age of sixteen, with tears sliding down her face. Her face is contorted with an influx of emotions, primarily anguish. To anyone, they would feel only a bit of sympathy and then move on with their day to day lives after witnessing this scene. But the string of emotions that had so instantaneously pulled me in the war zone of heartbreak all over again made me lose my breath.

I knew exactly what was coming and I felt every bit of it. But every single reaction that I spurred out of it was the exact same as the first one.

"What?" A boy with jet black hair and stony blue eyes stared her down with pure disgust. "What are you crying for?" The girl sniffled and sobbed, not managing to speak a single world. She was choking in her tears and drowning in sorrow.

The boy gave a wolfish smile and chuckled deeply. "And here she goes again, crying. Oh, how pathetic. I can't believe this is the same girl that I used to be friends with as a child. Growing backwards is certainly a thing now that I've witnessed it before my very eyes."

His eyes. What has he witnessed with those eyes? Only the torment he put me through with his delicacy of a laugh. He never cared what he put me through, and that was a fact.

"Why did you follow me out here anyway?" Adrian barked. "Did you think you would be able to confess you undying love to me like in the movies? And the stars dancing and the ocean's waves would automatically make us fall in love?"

I felt my heart ache with his every word. I tried so hard not to let him get to me. And I knew he would only grow colder with his every breath.

"Not a single chance," He whispered. Adrian looked at the younger version of me up and down and mirthlessly laughed. "Sydney was right. You really are a childish and immature person. No wonder she was the better choice."


"What is this?"

I froze in my tracks, my eyes still glued to the quarrel in front of me, when undoubtedly I hear the voice of familiarity appear.

"Zara...what is this?"

A worried pair of blue eyes scan me, waiting for an answer.


I had been waiting for this moment for ages. To relive the pain that he put me through as children and then gave him beg for my forgiveness. To have him confess his love to me. I just waited and waited and waited, perfecting everything for him.

I didn't know why he was he and I didn't question what he saw.

It was if a switch had been flicked in my heart. Just like a switch had been flipped in Adrian's all those years ago.

I scoffed and my eyes went back to a younger Zara and Adrian. I must be hallucinating.

"Adrian, please..." She sobbed. "I...I love you." Adrian stared at her incredulously. "You have to believe me... I love you so much that it hurts. Why do you treat me like this? I would do anything for you.!"

Adrian gave a wicked grin. "Oh, you would, would you?" The girl gave a small nod, tears still flowing incessantly.

"Then go kill yourself. I don't want you here, and frankly, no one needs you here. The world is full of annoying things already; you just add to the collection that no one wants."

Without even a glance back, Adrian walks away. And then, the rain starts to pour.

Oh, the imbecile you took me for.

I don't even want to look at him.

I start walking towards the two teenagers and as soon as I get close enough, the vanish into thin air. Just like the feelings I had for Adrian.

"ZARA, WAIT!" He yells my name, desperation clinging to his tone. What does he want now? I frankly don't care. I turn around bored. "What is it, Adrian?"

He runs towards me and looks into both of my eyes. "I..." For a second, I swear I see his eyes get softer. "I love you." And the saddest thing is, he's being genuine.

My eyes widen and at the same time, a huge gust of wind comes our way. "Please, Zara. Say something. I know I was completely horrible with you and I ruined anything we had together. I was stupid and I didn't understand how much you meant to me."

Silence. Even the birds above had gone silent to hear what was going on between us.

I subconsciously started to fiddle with my diamond ring and Adrian glanced down. "You're...."

"-engaged. Yeah. You're a little too late, not that it would've made a difference anyway." Adrien looked at me wistfully before replying again. "You replayed that memory. I've been replaying that memory over and over again for the past couple of years."

This time, I froze.

"You saw that? How?"

"I don't know how, but whenever I thought about you, sadness and regret filled me. And the only thing I wanted to hear was your voice and your laughter again. But you're right. I'm too late."

I swallow and take a deep breath. Adrian keeps talking. "I hope... I hope he makes you happy. Really happy. You deserve so much, Zara. I just wish I realized all of this sooner."

My heart starts to stir and I get this urge to tell him so much, but our time cut short. My phone starts to ring and I read the caller's name.

"I...I need to go." I look at Adrian and he gives me a sad smile. His eyes, once cold and frigid, looked at me with warmth and pure misery.

"Go. I don't want to hold you back any longer."

I feel my heels turning and my feet walking on their own. Even as I enter the car where my fiancee is, my heart hurts. It burns. This feeling is possibly even more surreal than when Adrian said all those cruel things to me.

The pain is insane. And all that I can play in my head is him.

And his eyes, because never in my life has the color blue been so lethally gorgeous before.

March 12, 2020 16:41

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