I have a secret... After I tell you this story you’ll need to make a decision because I can’t... and I may disappear if you don’t.
26. 07. 2021.
As I am writing this all I can think about is whether you’ll understand me or not because you are my only witness, you are the only one that can save me,... or not. I need to hurry, so I’ll start the story I need to tell before they come.
Twenty-third of July, I was riding the bike along the coastline. The sun was bathing me with its beams; the warm wind was tangling my hair but I didn’t mind because I was at peace. All the negative thoughts had left me; I was one with nature. That was all I’ve wanted after the long and exhausting week at work. After half an hour I decided to take a break and sit on the first bench I stumble upon. I got close to my destination, got off the bike, leaned it against the bench, and sat. It was that simple, and yet that decision changed my life and I never even had a clue.
„Seat available?“ I asked a man already sitting on the bench.
„Yes, it is! Please!“ He replied. „Here often?“ A dark-haired man asked me.
„The work doesn’t allow me to have a chance of visiting this place very often, but I manage from time to time to come here and ride my bike, you?“ I asked him when my mind suddenly cluttered with all kinds of questions and suspicions. Guess, my sense about this man was right...
„Like you, I manage... Work for me never stops, always something new comes up that I have to take care of...“
„Complete strangers yet we have two things in common already, this place and a lot of work!“ I smiled as his cobalt blue eyes pierced my mind like arrows. There was something about him so mysterious like his soul was crying for help and I couldn’t do anything about it.
„Today, by you passed hundreds of people who with huge possibility have the same believes as you, love the same colour, listen to the same bend, and yet you may never meet any of them even though you would have been best friends if you did.“ He quickly shook his head and before I got the chance to say something he added „Sorry for this, I don’t want to scare you off thinking I am some weirdo! I just like to look at things from different perspectives, the unusual ones.“
„That is totally fine! I do too, from time to time! I don’t have many friends who like to speak with me about my theories!“ I laughed and then added „Maybe it is good that I stumbled upon you, maybe you are the person out of those ‘hundreds’ that could be my best friend.“ Before he said anything my mind flooded with thoughts of doubt. What I am saying?! To the complete stranger no less! I should have kept my mouth shut...
„Perhaps you did! What do you say we test it out, hm? Would you like to join me for the dinner tomorrow?“
My heart raced. More waves of doubt, but as I couldn’t consider them I simply said „yes!“
„Would you mind giving me your number so I could text you the details?“
Doubt was long forgotten even though just two seconds passed. I couldn’t go back, so I gave him my number.
I need to put a pause on the story because my attention escaped. The one to blame is the most beautiful creature purring in my lap. A mysterious animal I’ve never seen before, but that animal as my friend is called Lucy. Her white and soft fur rubbing against my body, her mellow purring, and her cobalt blue eyes are everything that keeps me sane as I am writing this letter. She is the one that I need to protect no matter the cost, and your decision will either save us both or break us both... That is why I need to continue the story.
He texted me the address and the time for our date.
We had a lovely meal together.
He seemed very genuine and he made me feel comfortable. We talked and talked, the time seemed to stop as we dug deeper into the conversation. But what was very important about our conversation was what he had said just before we went our separate ways and never saw each other again... „I need to confess to you something, Ruby.“ My attention was immediately grabbed by his body language that was giving away the feeling that something was wrong. His shoulders seemed tense and his lips bearly moved as he was trying to speak. He tried to hide his doubts about something with a fake smile.
„Is something wrong?“
„No, on the contrary. I need to tell you that you are a very nice person. You have something in you that I can’t quite get to, but I know it is genuine. You need to protect yourself from the world we live in because it is not all rainbows and candy as it sometimes may seem.“
I didn’t know what to make of it. I might have been foolish for agreeing to go out with him, then for not asking him about what I felt. But, how could I know? And you will soon, just keep reading, please, don’t let them go unpunished...
I thanked him and I agreed with his statement.
„Then, till next time!“ He smiled, but it was that fake smile, again... There was never ’next time’ and he knew there wouldn’t be one, but he made me believe there would be one.
My life turned upside down since I first met him and I never had an ounce of a clue, that is what stung the most... Enough of this, I need to make it in time to tell you the full story.
The next morning when I woke up, the doorbell of my apartment rang. When I opened the door this cutie-pie greeted me. Same as now, white fur, pointy ears, black muzzle, and cobalt blue eyes. The animal he sent over, looked like a fox and a wolf at the same time. As I mentioned before, I never heard of this animal before, but I fell in love with her as soon as her eyes met mine and there was nothing that could change or affect what I felt.
But, what was strange was that there were just her and the note.
I brought her in, gave her some food and water, and while she was eating I was reading the note.
If you are reading this that means Lucy is safe. Sorry for dragging you into this but I needed someone and didn’t know who to call or who to trust. Perfect stranger, that is what you were and what you are, still. Please don’t come looking for me because ’they’ will find you and I don’t want anything to happen to you or Lucy. Take that new job in a new firm you talked about at the dinner. Go there, far away, and never come back.
Cordially, Jhon
„Senior executive, John Smith, brutally murdered in his own apartment yesterday night. More details about this gruesome incidence soon.“ An announcer on the television declared the day after. I had been trying to get him on the phone for a whole day after he sent me Lucy. But he never answered. And when I heard the news was when I stopped calling and started panicking.
I was all over the place. Fearing that someone will come and kill me too as they did him. Why in the hell did I agree to go out with him? Why? WHY? How did he know where I lived? Why did ’they’ kill him? Who, in the hell, are ’they’? What is this animal? Why me? All kinds of thoughts flooded my mind until Lucy looked at me. The charm around her neck cleared my mind like it erased all my worries. What if he needed to be restricted about what to say in the note, fearing someone might get to it before me and the real truth is hidden in the charm around Lucy’s neck?
As I suspected the flesh drive was hidden inside her charm. Once I connected the drive to my computer I felt an overwhelming wave of dread. On the drive were pictures and one more note. I didn’t quite understand what pictures meant, but whatever it was I knew they must have been important.
The note read:
If you are reading this, please do as I tell you or you won’t be safe. ’They’ (I can’t tell you who ’they’ are because you would be in even greater danger) were after me and Lucy. I need you to keep her safe and I need you to do something so we could end them and show the world who is to blame. If ’they’ kill me ’they’ have the power to blame you for my murder and we can’t let that happen. That is why I need you to write a letter. You need to write about how you met me. The letter you’ll write will prove your innocence in all of this. This note and the pictures will be deleted in an hour. But I have copies, hidden. You’ll need to transcribe every word from this note to the letter, including the location of the pictures. If ’they’ come for you, there is a person, a detective who, for a while, has been digging his nose into this mess. He will find your apartment and this letter. Then, with the location you’ll write in the letter he will know where to find pictures. Lucy, the letter and the pictures will save both you and Lucy. We just need the detective to believe us... I believe in you, Ruby. Be safe.
Location: Bermugt street. Building Six. Apartment 262.
Now you know my story, and I hope you’ll save us, detective. I and Lucy never did anything to deserve all of this. It is up to you to decide whether we live or not, but I hope you will save us. We need you.
„Open up!!“ A man yelled banging on the door.
It’s ‘they’.
Have you decided?
I don’t have much time...
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That was really good, great tone all the way through. Had me hooked.
Thank you!!
Amazing!!! Just Amazing!!! When I was reading felt something strange, something mysterious. Amazing Mam.
Thank you so much!! 💙🌟
His shoulders seemed tense and his lips bearly moved as he was trying to speak.
It will be barely* mam.
Oh, I missed it by accident... Now is late anyways, I can't edit it 😕 but thank you!
Oh God i love this story so damn much,the flow and what excites me is the arrangement of tenses and verbal cues
Thank you so much!! 💜🌟
Most welcome whatsapp +254705594591,text me asap
Once again, a very good story. I found myself engaged wanting to know about this mystery. I think you did a wonderful job writing it, and I look forward to reading your other stories :) Keep up the fantastic work.
Thank you so much, Daniel!! 💜🌟 P.S. please let me know if you found any typo, English is not my first language and I feared that in this story I made some typos 😂
Hi Nancy,
I noticed a few typos, namely in the quotations when the characters are speaking. I can tell you one thing that I've learned. Grammar can be taught to anyone. However, good storytelling talent can not be manufactured. I think the essence of your stories are quite good. Working on grammar and typos just takes some time. Remember no one is perfect, and that's what editors are for. If you would like me to be more detailed, just let me know. Take care and talk to you later.
You are so sweet! Thank you so much! I needed to hear that! No problem, don't waste your time, it is not that important! I've seen your new story, I'll read it later!
Ok but if you ever need help just let me know. When you get the chance to read my new story I hope you like it ;) Talk to you later.
Hi Nancy, I came across something really cool that I wanted to share with you. I know you were concerned about typos and grammar. Well, in further research to help my own writing I came across a book "The Elements of Style" by Strunk Jr. and White. It's a very short book about 85 to 100 pages. Its for aspiring authors everywhere who want to be better writers, and it cuts through a lot of unnecessary things and gets straight to the point. It comes highly recommended from one of my favorite authors, Stephen King. I ordered it the other day, and I'm eager to learn what it has to teach me ;) So I thought it might help.
I feel like this story is tied to the 911 pizza story.
Nice story:)
You guys shall live!
I love this story Nancy!
Thank you, Laila!! 💜🌟
Of course, Nancy.