
Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt

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The day was very nice, the sun shone so bright like the day never ends, the children are very cheerful playing in the park while their parents are happily chatting with each other however for some this day is just like their other day and chose to do what they always do.

Like the 7-year-old boy, who has a wavy hair cut in a bob way with a little bangs covering partial of his almond brown eyes, is sitting facing the window while sitting in the floor with his legs spread. 

He is Elmer Cuppert and the very noticeable facial feature he has is his twin mole in his cheeks that made him more cute.

Compared to other children, he choose to isolate himself with his only friend Polka, a guinea pig that obviously get his name from having black polka dots in his white fur.

They usually play all day like they always do however this day was not the day to let Elmer do the cycle again for his parents decided to make Elmer more sociable and ‘normal’ by going to a family reunion an annual celebration by Cuppert Family that they will participate in their very first time because of busy schedule and because of how peculiar every member of family act.

In first, Elmer insisted to go but after an hour of persuading and dragging him with his guinea pig he finally go with his parents.

This was his first socializing with other people, other from his parents. Well to think of it Elmer didn't really choose isolation, it is because he got used to it for his parents are always busy doing and thinking for others things, he got used to it and it became his comfort zone.

Stepping out the car, he can fell the chill from his spin, he never sweat like this before like he just went from an intense exercise and his body temperature dropped as he saw another species of human being so close that he cannot move.

He stood quietly behind his father back, he was shocked and astonished at the same time with a mixed of excitement and fear.

He tried to hold his tears back with the help of his piggy friend, they are welcomed nice and warm.

The venue is after all the old family house where every part of the family can relax and communicate with one another, the house was design with artistic taste in a very odd way, the place is so gloom from the color choice and everything look plain and old even the design and curtains they always matched with the cool colors. 

As he entered he saw many faces however there's someone who catches his eyes, although everyone is new for him the most interesting and terrifying to look at is his uncle Marvin, who is in his middle age, somewhat favored the color black and dressed in an medieval way pairing it with his demonic look when it comes to a child who don't really know how to describe him better and nice.

He greeted Elmer with a smirk in a very nice way as possible and his dad greeted and had a hand shake with him as they started chit chatting. Though this day must be the day for him to socialize, he is after all unnoticed and left in the corner for there is no same aged like him doing in a fancy place like this.

Again with his friend they play in the corner silently.

But suddenly Polka run away, he doesn't have the time to asked help from his parents so he followed it himself which lend to an extraordinary discovery that was never known by anyone in the family.

By following his guinea pig they went downstairs finding a little hole hidden by a coach he pull it and tried to cop with his fast guinea pig that lend them to a laboratory of one of the family member.

He was amazed by liquid in glass bottle that was glowing for the room was very dark although he was scared by some specimen and other things like skeleton and bottled heart, lungs and other organs arranged neatly and placed based on their latin names.

Even it terrified him, he still keep in walking to find Polka.

As he look around for him he accidentally spilled a glowing liquid to himself making a loud boom which interrupted the reunion. 

“Wait, no!,” screams Marvin as he run towards his laboratory, other tried to follow him but he said, “Step back, I can handle it just a minute”. That time Elmer's dad realized his not there so he told it to others and start looking from him because the place was very huge and wide.

When Marvin had finally reached his laboratory, the first thing that showed up to him is Elmer lying unconsciously in the floor with left spilled of his ultimate liquid weapon that make someone powerful enough to conquer the world went to nothing just because of his nephew. 

Well at least Elmer saved the world by not letting his uncle have this power.

He scream from sadness and failure letting everyone worries more.

As Elmer grew older his uncle tried his best to keep an eye for him as always as possible however he escaped his uncle's watchful eyes by persuading his parents to move to a far place and start a new life knowing that their house remind him of his best friend, Polka, that didn't made it which caused him in extreme sadness but also change him to a more positive and bright child that giving another chance for him to socialize with other children same aged as him. After some years, he has more friends and his supper powers developed making him see in slow motion that made him faster in some situations.

He helped other people, especially his family and friends, and do things for the betterment of the world even how much it cost him.

He also wanted to be a superhero, he's also a huge hoarder of comics. Because of his lost he didn't bothered of having any pet for him family and friends is his first priority.

July 03, 2020 13:25

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13:29 Jul 03, 2020

This was after all my first ever story published hopefully you will like it. Critiques are welcomed 😊😊😊


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