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Crime Sad Thriller

It was a little colder tonight, but I still decided to go on my nightly walk. I needed the fresh air and frankly the exercise. I always walked the same path and normally never saw anyone. I lived in a quiet small town, so seeing people is very rare for me. I was about halfway through my walk when I saw another man and a girl on the other side of the creek. At first, I thought nothing of it, a father and daughter, or maybe a brother and sister. I liked it when I saw others, it made the world feel a little less lonely. 

I kept walking down my path trying to keep my eyes off of them since mom always used to tell me staring isn’t polite and I mustn't do it. I would glance at them every so often, and imagine I was walking with them. I had never walked my path with another and I wondered what it would be like. 

I was just about to turn away from the creek and head back home, but I took one last glance at the others. I couldn’t tell what the man was doing, but I knew it wasn’t normal. Instead of turning away, I hid behind a bush to find out what was happening. It was a little hard to see them since I was across the creek, but it looked as if the man had his hands wrapped around the girl’s neck. The next thing I knew the man had the girl on the ground. He was killing her.

I started to panic. I slowly backed away from the bush and ran the rest of the way home. I couldn’t believe what I had just witnessed. The thought of me not doing anything to help was running through my mind. If I had just shouted he might’ve stopped. 

Even though it was ten at night I ran to the police station. This man could not get away with this. When I got there they told me to wait in the lobby. I told them I couldn’t wait and it needed to be dealt with now. The lady at the desk didn’t seem to care and still told me to have a seat. 

I waited patiently for what seemed like forever. After a while, I went back to the front desk and demanded to speak to someone now. It was urgent I told her. I was getting angry, I thought they were supposed to help. 

I sat back down and a few minutes later someone finally came out to get a statement from me. They took me into an integration room since I told them it was urgent. 

“Ok sir, what is it you’d like to report,” said the officer. 

“A murder. I saw it happen, by the creek. It was awful he strangled her. You have to get him. You just have to!” I pleaded. I started panicking again which had to do with the condition I have. I have bad anxiety and normally don’t socialize. The officer just looked at me like I was crazy. Like I said small town, word gets around. People think I’m mentally ill and can’t function on my own. Gosh, why did I think they were going to believe me. 

“Ok, we’ll take a look into that. Have a nice day sir,” he said standing up and leaving me in the interrogation room all by myself. 

I felt silly even being here. No one cared and no one believed me. I knew he wasn’t going to look into it. I could see it in his eyes. I stood up and walked out of the station. I felt stupid, this is what it feels like when the whole world is against you. No one listens and now that poor girl’s killer will never get caught. 

I was almost at the end of the parking lot when an officer stepped out of his car. He walked right up to me and it wasn’t until he was standing inches away from me that I noticed he was the killer. I almost didn’t recognize him since he was far away when I saw him kill her. 

“You ok, you need a ride?” 

“No,” I said frantically and ran off. I sprinted most of the way home and when I finally got there I knew that he would never get caught. 

The next day I went back to the police station with my mother, the only person who believed me, and told them an officer killed the girl. I told them it was Officer Westley and they had to believe me. I knew I sounded crazy, but I didn’t care. The men who were supposed to protect us just killed an innocent girl last night. I need to get justice for that girl. I didn’t know her, but I felt like I owed this to her and her family. 

An hour later my mom and I walked out of the station with the words: “I’m sorry but what your son is saying makes no sense and there is no proof of Officer Westley killing anyone.” 

I felt defeated. The murder had won and there was nothing I could do about it. No evidence, no case. Her death will forever be unjustified. 


Twenty years later and he was never charged or even arrested. I think about that poor girl every day of my life. I started to work with my condition and live for her. I went back to school and got into law and criminology. I am now a lawyer who helps families make sure killers get sent away for a long time. I will forever be grateful to that girl, she made me realize there is more to life than my mom and a nightly walk. Even though I never found out who she was, I hope she is in peace and I wish to thank her. Maybe someday they will find her body and her family can have peace as well. Until then I will continue getting killers locked away for what they did. 

November 09, 2020 16:58

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17:00 Nov 09, 2020

Please give criticism. I am not very good at writing and looking to get better. Thank you.


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