Secrets Inside The Box

Submitted into Contest #55 in response to: Write a story about an old family secret surfacing generations later.... view prompt


Adventure Historical Fiction Mystery

I climb hand over hand on the dusty rungs of the ladder, leading to the attic. Micah’s hands find my hips and he steadies me as I push the trap door open. The door creaks quietly on the hinges and hits the wooden floor. I hoist myself up into the humid air and my hair frizzes on the spot. He climbs up while I fumble in the dark for a lamp. I hear his footsteps behind me and a moment later his arms wrap around my middle. I should be used to it now. The heat of his bare forearms against my exposed stomach, but I still shiver even though it’s at least ninety degrees up here. He twirls me around and I put my arms around his neck. “Forget the light,” He whispers, tilting me backwards. He leans in, his hot breath on my neck, but a rotten floor board snaps under our joint weight. I fall backwards knocking over a small table. Something metal falls out of the box that had been resting on the table. “Sorry,” His husky voice echoes in the dark. The floor groans dangerously as the silhouette of his linebacker body squats down near the table to pick up what’s fallen.  

“Lizzie! Lizzie is that you up there?” We both freeze as my grandfather’s brisk voice booms through the house. 

“If he’s just coming home I can sneak you out through the back door.” I try to find his eyes in the dark, but I already know what they’ll say. I hate that I have to conceal my relationship with him. But he hates it even more. I grab his arm, which doesn’t do any good for me. He’s 150 pounds of pure muscle. I yank him a little harder, and he complies. But before we can climb down, my grandfather is blocking the path. 

His look says everything. I’m in a lot of trouble. “Who is this Elizabeth? What are you doing up here with him?” 

Taking too long to respond will make him believe it’s a lie. Although what I’m about to say isn’t exactly the truth.

He speaks before I can say anything though, “You should go young man.” He pauses, a look that could pass as anger flashes through his eyes. But almost as quickly as it appears, it’s gone. “Now.” 

Micah doesn’t say anything as he scurries down the ladder. A staring contest with my grandpa begins until the front door closes. I turn on my heel to pick up what’s fallen off of the table. A light flicks on and I startle. I didn’t even hear him come up the ladder. “I told you to stay away from him, Elizabeth.” 

I roll my eyes and bend down to pick up the box that was knocked down. Weathered yellowing papers are sprawled across the floor. I picked them up and stacked them. “We'll talk about this later.” He climbs down quietly. I turn over the box that had fallen and a metal wax stamp rolls out. I’ve never seen one of these before and pick it up in awe. The inscription says, Master J. That’s...weird. I could be misreading it though, since the print is so small. Tucking it into the pockets of my shorts to examine later I turn over more papers. 

“Let’s go Elizabeth!” Grandpa yells. 

“Coming!” I snap back. What’s his problem? I grab the box from where it fell and stomp as loudly as I can back to my room, slamming the door behind me. I know it’s childish but Grandpa really doesn’t need to be such a jerk all the time. I sit at my desk and fan the papers out. The writing is sloppy calligraphy. Ink smudged from years of heat. I stand up, looking over the desk for an aerial view. One of the sheets in the back, about the size of an index card, stands out. It’s crisp wheat brown material clashing against the rest of the old crumbled ones.

I do hereby certify that Elijah M. Brown, a 5 foot 10 negro man, dark complexion with scars running across his left cheek, is hereof, a free man and citizen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Master J  

I drop the paper in shock. It floats to the desk, rustling the rest of the stack. Buying freedom? Masters?  Property? This can’t be right. I pick up the biggest sheet. It’s a poster. The nail hole in the top confirms that this was once help catch slaves.

My hands form fists at my side. I need answers. 

“Grandpa!” I yell, blood boiling. A pot crashes to the floor. I snatch the papers up and run into the kitchen. “What is this?” I ask, slamming the items on the island. He stands up from picking the pot off the floor and turns around. His eyes travel to where my hands are resting. Without a word he turns back around. “Nothing? Are you just going to ignore me now? Explain this to me!” The silence is louder than any words he could toss at me. It stretches through the house. The house he probably didn’t buy. The house he probably doesn’t deserve. The house a slave owner probably once resided in. 

“It’s nothing for you to be worried about.” His voice is icy. 

I scoff. “Nothing to be worried about huh?” I wave the sheets angrily, “This is apart of family history and stupid white supremacy.” 

He visibly cringes when I say that. 

I pause for a moment. Everything starts to lock into place so fast I get a headache. 

“Is- wait. Why don’t you want me to be with Micah?”

He tenses. I’ve never gotten a straight answer with this question. But I’m not giving up today.

“Look. At. Me.” I punctuate every word with a step towards him. He glares at me for only a split second, but I read the message loud and clear. Just like a nod is a universal gesture for hi, or a heart for love. His gaze had White Supremacist written all over it. 

August 22, 2020 00:26

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This is overall SO GOOD for your first story. But I'm still wondering why her Grandpa won't let her be with Micah... The way you ended it was nice! Keep writing!


18:02 Aug 23, 2020

Thank you so much for taking the time to give me advice, I appreciate it!


My pleasure!


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Lilliane Wei
02:07 Aug 22, 2020

I really love how you ended the story! Great job!


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03:40 Aug 22, 2020

Great job mi- *coughs* Your story idea really brought out the topic and the power of it! Keep on writing stories and working on creative plots 🤗 Enjoy writing! ✍️ 😄


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Thom With An H
18:45 Aug 26, 2020

I'm torn on this one. It's powerful and powerfully written. You are a talented writer and storyteller. My only problem is I want more. I want to know more about her relationship with Micah, I want to know more about her grandfather. The story was barely over 1000 words. You had 2000 more to use and you didn't. You are too talented to cheat us out of the details. I know they are there in your head. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan but you have more to give. Tell me I'm wrong. :-)


19:48 Aug 26, 2020

Haha, it was my first time writing on here and I didn't know how far I should go. If I can continue the story with another prompt somehow I will. You're totally right, thanks, and I'm glad you're a fan. :)


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Angel {Readsy}
00:49 Apr 23, 2021

Fantastic story I read your all stories they are superb would you be please kind enough to read my new story I need to talk to a fairy


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Keerththan 😀
07:45 Aug 30, 2020

The ending was amazing. Wonderful story, Mj. Great job for a first. Would you mind reading my new story "The adventurous tragedy?"


16:29 Aug 30, 2020

Thank you! Sure I'll check out your story.


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Vinci Lam
20:02 Aug 25, 2020

Great story! Short, but everything we need to know is there for the ending to be impactful. I've been reading a lot of stories lately with positive grandpa figures so this is a great contrast, and done so very well too. The intro was super intense for me. They barely did anything but the detailed description of the heat and the moment really "created" the relationship in my mind. Which made everything that came after that much more important. Great job! Following for more!


20:13 Aug 25, 2020

Thank you that means so much. Do you think you could give me some feedback on my second story, "True Love."


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