Science Fiction Romance

Vladimir adjusted his heavy winter jacket as he trudged up the icy metal staircase outside the observation tower. He’d always aimed the Agency’s electro-telescope outwards, beyond the known solar system. Tonight is different. The observatory’s entire structure creaks as its viewing dome rotates one hundred and eighty degrees. Vladimir refocuses on a glimmering blue orb thirty-four million miles away, his home planet’s closest neighbour.


It had been almost two thousand years since the exodus from the third planet. Earth’s ten thousand survivors escaped the final conflict in whatever rockets were available. The bold migrants travelled for six months in cryogenic sleep-pods before awakening and establishing colonies on the fourth planet. Their new living conditions were challenging, however, the Agency had plans to sustain life. They melted the Martian ice caps with thermonuclear explosions, releasing water into the extensive canal network and oxygen to enrich the thin atmosphere.

A new elite established itself on the fourth planet by exploiting the bountiful supplies of precious minerals and a willing workforce. New industries grew because of the opportunities and they constructed sprawling mining communities across the planet. The powerful new entrepreneurs kept the workers content with talk about profit shares and promises to develop the infrastructure, with future generations in mind. 

As time passed by, the investment wasn’t forthcoming and the new world exhibited signs of neglect. There had been talk of an uprising, but without forceful union leaders, it was impossible to make demands. The emboldened elites increased the taxes on both water and air and vowed to improve conditions, but nothing changed over the following centuries. The fourth planet’s society languished in despair and the people whispered about migrating again to other worlds.


Vladimir had spent the latter years of his career gazing into deep space for fresh worlds to plunder. It had been decades since he and his agency colleagues had considered life on the third planet. They’d judged it to be worthless and uninhabitable; its cities destroyed, the seas toxic and entire countries buried under radioactive fallout. 

Today’s inter-departmental report suggested there were signs of regeneration on the third planet. This is perplexing news for a government struggling to maintain its grip on the general populace. The president assembled his ministers to discuss the rumours; fearful they could destabilise his power base and cause mayhem or worse; encourage a return to the third planet. The Agency’s executives require their Distant Exploration team to investigate. They commission Vladimir to make a report and order him to maintain secrecy at all costs.


Vladimir takes his seat under the telescope’s enormous barrel and extends his magnification range to plus 5.0 degrees. Using this powerful setting, he’s mapped the outer regions of the universe and made detailed analysis of star clusters beyond the nearest gaseous nebula. 

Gazing past Mars’ two moons, he recalculates a new reference and refines coordinates for the third planet. The servo-motors whir and whine as they readjust the lens’ focus. Vladimir squints his left eye and peers at the shining world that greets him. It’s distant even now, but he can detect signs of a dense and healthy atmosphere. The white regions he identifies suggest that cycles of condensation and precipitation have resumed natural patterns. The servo-motors whir again and tighten the angle of reflection. Below the billowing clouds, he notes patches of green amongst the expansive blue regions. It’s quite possible that organic growth has recovered and carbon based life-forms have re-emerged anew. Vladimir concludes his evening’s work in the observatory at maximum magnification, summarises his findings, writes an opinion and prepares an illustrated document for his manager. 


It’s past midnight when Vladimir leaves the observation tower and one o’clock, when he enjoys the benefits of his home’s cosy heating system. Anya is asleep on their sofa when he rubs her shoulders and kisses her cheek. 

“Hey, Vlad,” she says, frowning. “You didn’t call---”

“I got orders from above,” he says, shrugging. “Anything left to eat?”

“Of course, love,” she says, rolling her neck as he adjusts his finger pressure. “So what’s the emergency? Third moon found? Supernova exploded somewhere?”

“Not quite,” he says, removing his jacket. “Rumours of life---”

“We’d be so lucky.” Anya smiles. “Not round this part of town---”

“Life on the third planet.”

“You’re joking, right?”

“Do you want proof?”


A wise person once defined a secret as, ‘a thing you tell everybody to tell nobody’. However, ‘there are no secrets that time does not reveal.’

The next day, Anya spoke to her sister in strictest confidence, of course. 

She mentioned it to her husband, who also promised discretion, and so it goes around. 

Two days later, Vladimir’s manager, Sergei, convened a meeting at his office.


“Please enter, comrade.” A sweep of Sergei’s hand invites Vladimir to take a seat. “Can I offer you refreshment, some tea perhaps?”

“No thank you, sir.” Vladimir sits down and jabs the tip of his tongue against a stubborn shred of food caught between his lower incisors. “I’m fine, thank you.”

“How’s it going, Vlad?” Sergei says, nudging a box of toothpicks across his desk.

“I’m making progress, sir.” Vladimir takes a stick and teases the offending morsel.

“I’ve read your draft report.” Sergei raps his fingers tips on a file of papers.

“It’s possible that the rumours are correct, sir, and---”

“Rumours abound, alas.” Sergei dilates his nostrils. “They are unwelcome.”

“I don’t know how they---”

“I’m reassigning you to disprove this ridiculous gossip.”

“But there’s evidence that indicates---”

“Your images are inaccurate.” Sergei squints his mouth to one side. “Please resubmit the correct documentation, and we’ll say no more about the matter.” 


Anya is lounging on the sofa, watching the official evening news when Vladimir arrives home. He hauls off his heavy coat and slumps down next to his wife. The presenter is discussing the rumours about life on the third planet. Behind him are still images of the third planet that he recognises from his report. Crowds are protesting outside the president’s headquarters, which is guarded by a line of armed police.

Vladimir casts a glance over at Anya and swallows.

“So what’s occurring, Vladi?”

“I’ve had a long day, love.”

“You know what?” she says, “That third planet story’s got great legs---” 

“I can see all the excitement.”

“It’s running wild.”

“They’ve told me to kill it dead.”

“But it’s true,” she says, frowning. “Right?”

“Not any more, it’s not.”


As he enters the Agency’s observation tower, Vladimir removes his heavy winter jacket. He drapes it over his office chair and reboots his computer terminal. In the main observatory chamber, he pauses and frowns. The electro-telescope is in its original position. It’s pointing outwards again, beyond the known solar system. Vladimir assumes his seat below the giant reflector’s casing and punches in the coordinates he’d employed to observe the third planet. The servo-motor registers his request, engages the gearing system, and the building creaks as the gantry rotates. 

Vladimir busies himself with calculations and fails to notice a uniformed man approaching the telescope’s control panel. There’s a heavy metallic clunk and the servo-motor complains as its mechanism slows down, and all movement ceases. Vladimir lifts his head and frowns when he discovers the stranger staring at him. In silence, the officer raises a gloved forefinger to calm Vladimir, and then rocks it like an inverted pendulum in a gesture that speaks with unmistakable authority. 

There is no doubt in Vladimir’s mind. He knows what he needs to do. The officer taps out a code and the servo-motor registers the request. The gearing system engages and groans as it returns the heavy equipment to its first position once more.


Vladimir stares up at the rocket’s gleaming glass and steel interior as he lies next to Anya. There’s more than enough room for them both to stretch out and relax in their double sleep-pod. She nudges him and he passes her a cryogenic tablet. She smiles and places it on her tongue as though she’s travelled to Earth a thousand times before. He leans over and kisses her on her soft pink cheek, closes his eyes, and swallows. 


Six months later, Vladimir comes to his senses and initiates the landing sequence. Within hours, the couple will enter the third planet’s atmosphere and land on Earth. 


Vladimir opens the rocket’s escape hatch and peers around at their new homeland.

There is a welcoming party of earthlings surrounding the spaceship’s sizzling heat-shield. They are naked, dishevelled and brandish sharpened bamboo canes.

The End

Posted Feb 25, 2022

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27 likes 15 comments

Darrell Grant
16:52 Mar 03, 2022

Nice story of a man doing what he has to do but now if there is a part two I hope they will turn out be the ones that hopefully lead the new earth or the earth thats somewhat undeveloped into a future that wont meet the past


Howard Halsall
18:59 Mar 03, 2022

Hello Darrell,
Thank you for reading my story and responding with such a positive response and interesting thoughts. I’m working on a second part, although I like the open-ended and thought provoking conclusion as it appears now.
HH :)


Craig Westmore
13:39 Mar 02, 2022

Great premise and surprise ending, Howard! And spot on with the symbolism (or allegory, I'm terrible with fictional terms). People leaving a suppressive regime only to discover a new world with people already there. That's how it must have felt when people escaped the Iron curtain and discovered the western world.

Your descriptive details make the story seem real. A book on fiction I'm reading says details make lies believable or in our case, fiction. The only section where it didn't feel real was the scene where Vladimir and his wife get in the rocket. A few details describing how they managed to get the rocket and escape from the govt would aid the scene. I suspect you ran out of time or word count. I know that happens to me. But if you do a future edit, expand that section.

Great story!


Howard Halsall
13:55 Mar 02, 2022

Hey Craig,
Thank you for reading my story and leaving such a positive response. I like your idea about expanding the departure sequence; spot on observation. I’ve been working on that scene and so your prompt has given me a necessary push to get it finished.
HH :)


Barbara Burgess
08:04 Mar 02, 2022

I really loved your story. I enjoyed the bit about the toothpick. Cleverly done. Good job.


Howard Halsall
09:40 Mar 02, 2022

Hello Barbara,
Thank you for reading my story. I’m glad you enjoyed it and I’m relieved it all made sense.
HH :)


Barbara Burgess
14:36 Mar 02, 2022

Yes, it did. I haven't got a scientific mind but I found the descriptions very good and interesting. And the story line as well.


Francis Daisy
02:40 Feb 28, 2022

There is a welcome party...and then the story ends?! There must be a part 2 coming out soon? Super story! Thanks for sharing!


Howard Halsall
14:00 Feb 28, 2022

Hello Francis,
Thanks for reading my latest submission and leaving a positive response. I like the open ending as it stands but it would be fun to explore the third planet and discover how it has recovered from the conflict...
HH :)


Francis Daisy
00:56 Mar 01, 2022



Chris Campbell
00:31 Feb 28, 2022

You must do a part two at some point. Very topical ideology with shades of a certain Mr. Putin and his one-party political environment that controls the narrative. No, the old world does not exist - even though it's there, so no need to stir up questions we refuse to answer. Well done.


Howard Halsall
01:54 Feb 28, 2022

Hey Chris,
Thanks for reading my story and leaving such positive feedback. I’ll work on your idea of a follow up, although I like the open ending and the notion of unanswered questions pertaining to how the old world may have changed with 2000 years of solitude...
HH :)


Graham Kinross
22:25 Mar 01, 2022

We definitely need a part two to pick up where this left off.


Howard Halsall
07:30 Mar 02, 2022

Hey Graham,
Thanks for reading my story, I’ll work on your suggestion...
HH :)


Graham Kinross
07:44 Mar 02, 2022



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