
Kelly Alaniz

Contest 226

Snow Day


The Pond.

The snow had finally let up after almost three solid days and it was deeper than usual. The windows were fogged up and I had to wipe a circle so that I could see outside. Ice sickles hung from the edge of the roof and the trees looked like someone had sprinkled their branches heavily with too much powdered sugar. Some of the branches were bent downward under the weight of the snow on them. Some looked as though they might snap off under their heavy load.

I loved sitting in the window seat on days like this with a thick soft blanket draped over me.

      A cup of hot tea sitting on the little table beside me sent up fragrant swirls of spice and orange peel while my cat "Sugar" lounged alongside me. Our body warmth made us both slightly drowsy.

     Through the trees in the distance I could just make out the pond that was now frozen over from the cold. The ice glistened like diamonds sparkling as the sunlight hit it. 

     I had always been fascinated by our pond watching it change from season to season. 

     As children, we were not allowed to go down by the pond without an adult present. Our parents said it was too dangerous because the water was deep and cold.

     It was a natural pond being fed from some mysterious unseen spring that came up somewhere deep within the earth. Us kids were half frightened yet fascinated with what might be lurking in its depths.

     On this frozen day, the pond was extremely fascinating as I watched the local wildlife come out of their warm beds and nests looking for a drink of fresh water or a nibble of new shoots of grass popping up through the wet edges of ice.

     In all the years I had studied this scene. I decided to dress warm and go down to the pond today thinking I may get some pretty good shots of nature with the new camera I had recently purchased.

     As I walked towards my destination, the only sounds were the tree branches making little snapping sounds as they shifted their heavy loads of snow and the crunch under my boots as I walked through the frozen landscape. I slowed for a moment so I wouldn't startle a family of otters playing on the ice. I was able to get some great photos of these playful creatures as they slid across the frozen pond. So mesmerized by the scene before me I found myself standing at the edge of the frozen ice.  It was clear for several feet down then turned to a dark green and nothing further. Nothing moved below the ice and I thought the pond must be frozen solid.

     As I stared down into that frozen world, I stepped tentatively out onto the ice for a closer look. Then I heard a snap and everything was dark and cold. It took me a few seconds to realize I had fallen through the ice. The weight of my heavy jacket became saturated and I felt myself being pulled down deeper. I couldn't breath and knew I was going to drown unless I could shed my jacket and get back to the surface. The zipper on my jacket was stuck and I struggled to get it to work with numb fingers. My lungs burned as though they were on fire and I started to panic. Suddenly everything went black and I felt my body being pulled downward. How odd that I no longer felt my lungs on fire, nor were my fingers numb. Rather, I felt a calm, peaceful feeling descend over me, then nothing. I thought, how strange that I am still aware of anything.

     Suddenly, I was no longer in the pond, rather, I was standing in a beautiful landscape that was full of flowers of every kind, color and shape. The scent was not overpowering instead, it was very pleasant, a soft mixture of something I could not quite identify. I felt comfortable and safe.         Something was drawing me forward and a narrow path appeared before me. 

Oddly, I was moving forward on the path but somehow my legs were not moving. It was as if I was outside my body watching myself.

     On the horizon I noticed what appeared to be a large building of some sort. As I moved towards it the field of flowers fell away and a vast carpet of green grass appeared. I stopped for a moment to take the scene in because the colors were so vivid it almost hurt my eyes to look at.

     Then, I was standing in front of a huge carved wooden door with gleaming gold hinges and handles to open it with. I paused for a moment and the doors opened seemingly of their own accord. 

     Everything inside appeared to be white as if it were ice. Tentatively I stepped inside. Everything was made of ice! Strangely it was not unpleasantly cold. 

 I thought what a strange place to be in if I were dead. I wasn't frightened, just curious. 

     Suddenly a figure appeared. I couldn't see a face because a hood was blocking its head from view. 

     To my surprise there appeared to be some type of animal on either side of the figure in white. They were black with glowing deep red eyes. It was then I felt a feeling of unease come upon me.

     Abruptly the scene changed from feeling safe to overwhelming panic. I turned back towards the door but it was not there.

I started to run down a seemingly long corridor when the creatures descended upon me. I felt my legs burning from their claws and bites. I remember screaming!

Suddenly I awoke in the window seat and hot tea had spilled down the front of me splashing on my legs and all over my cat. She had dug her claws into my legs to escape the hot tea! For a moment I was stunned then realized it had all been a bad dream.

Then as I stood up to clean myself off I glanced out the window towards the pond and gasped. There appeared to be a large hole in the ice as though something had fallen through. Had it been a dream after all?

January 19, 2021 20:09

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Daryl Oliver
21:24 Jan 27, 2021

I typically frown upon dream stories. This was pretty good. If the dream thing is used well, then it is a little more forgivable. I liked it.


Kelly Alaniz
06:21 Jan 28, 2021



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